Status: Finished


The Kiss and The Deceiving

"I.." He started, but then he fell silent. "I eh, I'm sorry." He said staring at a cabinet across of him.
"Sorry for what?" I said while I raised my eyebrows.
"For what happened earlier." He said colder than he meant to be. "I don't know what happened."
"I'm used to you being a total fuck up towards me, but I simply refuse to get kissed by a slug head like you again!" I hissed.
He stared at me. But what I saw changed my emotional state at once. I suddenly had the urge to inch closer to him. I forced myself to keep in place, I was absolutely sure that he hexed me unnoticeable. He was inching closer to me which freaked me out a little. He closed his eyes while his face inched closer and closer. I felt his hair brushing my forehead and when he was just about to contact his lips with mine I suddenly snapped back to reality. I pushed him roughly away from me, and his eyes leaped open at once.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I spat.
Malfoy stared awestruck and surprised at me, but he quickly turned his face towards a showcase as his expression turned emotionless.
"I don't know what the fuck is happening." He said.
He is really going nuts! What the fuck is he thinking?!
"Maybe you'll need to sort out your priorities!" I said angrily as I stood up and tried to pick up my rag to start polishing. But as soon as I was standing Malfoy pulled me back on to the floor and crashed his lips on mine.
I was so surprised by this sudden attack that I didn't knew what to do.. I kissed him back without even knowing what I was doing. It felt like heaven and hell at the same time as he moved his lips in a slowly rhythm against mine. Then the burning feeling deep inside of me started to boil and whirl like a pile of snakes. It turned in to nausea really fast and I was awestruck to notice that this was also one of the things causing my repulsive feelings towards him.

I suddenly pushed him away like he had a disease. And I stared at him with likewise emotion..
Malfoy studied me sceptically, while I got back to my feet and continued cleaning a trophy I was working on. I didn't know what I could say. I wanted to smack him in the face and punish him for it like this afternoon, but how can I punish someone for something if it felt really nice?! How can he even influence my feelings like this right now! He must have really hexed me unnoticeable!
"Malfoy, I hate you." I said after a while, not facing him. I polished the trophy as shiny as a mirror and I could see his reflection standing behind me. He stared at my back and I heard him letting a sigh escape.
"I've hated you for all of my life. You can't expect me to not hate you. Not even when you.. violate my mouth."
"Fine." He said arrogant. "But remember you're going to live with me and you will be my wife. You can't keep reacting towards me like this any longer."
"Oh yes I can." I scoffed. I spun on my heel and looked him in the eyes. The arrogance was dripping from his face which had a huge boost to my annoyance factor.
"I can be really convincing to play the role of your beloved shitty wife. I can act Malfoy, really good.."
He gave me one of his famous arrogant glares and turned around while he started to polish a trophy.
I ignored him entirely.. Really.. When he reincarnates he will be a Snoad.. Definitely..
Even though this burning feeling inside of me freaks me out, I still hate him. I'm absolutely sure he has a death wish..

Snape entered the room after several minutes. Never in my life was I happier when a teacher entered. Even though Snape has the face of a thundercloud, I was glad that I could leave the room. I was afraid I would attack the platinum blond frog if someone didn't come to save me fast. I just couldn't stand it being any longer with him.
I quickly walked away through a few passageways to avoid Malfoy. I walked really fast, but the bastard still got the chance and he hexed me.. Apparently he wasn't bluffing about hexing me from a few feet away.
"Impedimenta!" He yelled.
I immediately blasted away from my feet and smashed on to my stomach on the cold stone floor a hell of a distance away. It hurt like hell and I couldn't move any of my muscles. I moaned in pain as I tried to crawl away from him. But he was rapidly walking over to me and I knew I couldn't hide anyway. He picked me up in bridal style which felt like he split my body in two, and carried me in to an empty classroom. He placed me in a sitting position on the desk and stared at me.
"Ugh Malfoy.. What do you want!" I groaned in pain as I wrapped my arms around my chest in agony.
"Talk." He said simply but convincing.
"You had your chance the entire time! So why now?!" I yelled. Ooh.. I shouldn't have done that.. Oh God..That hurt.. That really hurt.. I really shouldn't have done that..
Malfoy apparently noticed the grimace on my face and he quickly walked over to me.
He pronounced a healing spell which worked fast and relieving, but I still hated him for causing it in the first place. I glared daggers at him but it seemed he was very serene. He didn't say anything, he just continued to stare at me.

"What?!" I said at the most unfriendly tone I was capable of for the moment.
"I've been thinking. You said you could act right?" Asked Malfoy.
"So?!" I spat.
"Well since you're my girlfriend-" He started.
"Which I HATE!" I yelled. ..Hey.. no pain!! Awesome!
"-And you don't have a choice," He continued. "We can't do whatever we want because our parents control us."
"So what are you saying?! They're making me share my bed with you now too?!" I said disgusted.
"No." Said Malfoy irritated. "First I believed we could work it out between us but-"
"There's no US Malfoy!" I was so angry that I loved to crash a chair against his head.
"-You and me." He said clearly not listening, as if he didn't even noticed I interrupted him. And that made me only angrier than I already was..
"But since that doesn't work out I'm hooking back up with Pansy, and I will tell everyone that I broke up with you."

He stared at me expectantly. I just jumped off the desk and eyed him really not impressed for what the hell he just made up now.
"Oh sure." I said suddenly very calm as if it happened by magic.
"Just as long as your parents don't know what your doing, and my parents won't discover it, it's fine."
It seemed I hit Malfoy, because that was the last thing he expected me to say to him.
"I won't tell them, and if you're smart you won't either." He said unsteady.
"I won't. Have fun with the banshee." I said and Malfoy's expression turned ice cold.
In this peanut-excuse for a brain he called his mind, I was almost engaged to him and he would deceive me. He would sleep around, have an affair with his ex-girlfriend (and perhaps other girls). Maybe he even thought he could make me jealous, and then he would expect that I would make up my mind for him.
But I'm not that stupid Malfoy..
Who wants to sex a blast ended skrewt like him anyway?! I mean.. Ew!

"Fine." He said without emotion. "Deal." He motioned his hand towards me and I shook it. He widened his eyes a little because of my ice-cold expression that I fired back at him. A range of emotions ran through his eyes. Then he walked out of the classroom and I followed him in silence to the Slytherin common room.
When I laid in my bed I started thinking.. I was perfectly alright with the deal, now I only needed to face him when we were off to Hogsmeade. Still there was something weird about it which I couldn't really explain.. So I turned on my other side and fell asleep..

A few days passed and it was obvious that Malfoy was hooking up with Pansy.. Just like he said he would. I didn't care though, I've had nightmares about him again, from when we were little. These usually freaked me out but this time I woke up with an angry face and I wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of him.
Tomorrow is our 'date' to Hogsmeade. And most of the people (except Marie) believe that Malfoy and I broke up. So that would at least grant me lesser weird glances.
Still it didn't change much.. I could easily ignore Malfoy..
But I just couldn't stand Pansy.

"Hey Ella! Wait up!" Yelled a voice behind me. I turned around and faced my best friend in the whole wide world.
"Hey Marie what's up?" I asked curious.
"Well.." She started out of breath. "I heard this incredibly juicy rumor.." She said eying me expectantly while she was chewing uncontrollable on her gum.. She blushed fervently and her eyes shimmered like diamonds.
I, suddenly started to understand where she got that disgusted chewing habit from..
"Oh?" I said pretending to be interested.. I always hated the fact that she was gossiping about everyone..
"Well," She said again while she placed a black strand of hair behind her ear. "I heard Pansy is using Malfoy and that she's technically going with Blaise behind his back.."
Woah wait.. Rewind..
"She's going with.. with.. Blaise?!" I said stunned. "Heheh.. That's a big shock for the Slytherin Sex God.."
Marie smirked and threw her neon green bubblegum in to a trash can nearby..
"So.. Don't you feel pity for him?" She asked carefully.
"Who Blaise?" I said. My mind worked in overtime.. This is his just perfect.. Both Blaise and Malfoy earned it!
"Malfoy.." She said bloody hell serious.
"Eh, why should I?" I answered her confused.
"Because of what Pansy's doing.. Duh.." She said rolling her eyes.
"No not at all.." I said. "Not at all.."
"Are you sure?" She asked raising her eyebrows. She glanced in to the trash can where she just dumped her bubblegum, and then she stared back at me.
"Definitely." I said indifferently. "Why?"
"Because then I've got a plan.. A first class A-degree master plan.." She said eyeing me mischievous.. "Hmm, do you've happen to have any gum?" She said while she stared in to the trash can again.

Marie took me to a quiet corner of the castle grounds and stared conspiratorially at me.
"You hate Pansy, right?" She said.
"Right." I answered.
"And you want revenge on Malfoy, right?"
"Yeah so?"
"And you would do practically everything to get that revenge, right?"
"Yes, but what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that you should hook up with a guy Malfoy despises. Someone awful and someone he loathes.."
"And that would be..?"
"Potter." She decided.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"
"Yeah I know!! That's how Malfoy thinks about it too!"
"I'm not hooking up with Harry fucking Potter!" I yelled furiously! "Then I would rather hook up with that twit of a Weasley! Even though he's a filthy blood traitor!"
"Hey.. That could be an alternative.." She said. "He hates him just as much!" Her grin grew wider and her eyes sparkled intensely.
"Weasley?!" I asked her disgusted..
"Well? Are you in for it?" She asked.
"Well I could try.."
"Is that a yes?" She said sincere.
"Yes.." I said to her likewise.
"That's wonderful!" She squealed. "Oh here he comes now with Potty and the mudblood.."
My eyes guided themselves past Marie's finger and there walked my red-haired victim nonchalantly and being stupid as always..

"Weasley!" I yelled. "Hey! Weasley!"
He looked behind him, next him and everywhere he could until he saw me staring very sarcastically at him. Suddenly he seemed to discover that the sound came out of my mouth.
"Are you yelling at me?!" He asked.
"No.. the grass.. can you see another Weasly around here?"
"Is that a trick question?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Oh shut up." I said.
He raised his eyebrows and stared puzzled at scar-face.
"What do you want?!"
"A date." I spat.
"A..A-A date?!" He almost yelled. His eyes widened and his face suddenly looked like a giant tomato. "Uh I-I don't know.. I mean Hermion-"
"What about her?" I interrupted him while I cocked up an eyebrow.
"Well.. we are sort of uh.. going out.." He said.
"Well I'm not asking you to marry me.." I said with enormous sarcasm. "I just want one simple date with you. No big deal, I really would appreciate it. You would do me a huge favour."
"A favour for what?!" He asked suspicious.
"To get the bloody hell revenge on Malfoy.." I said with an evil glint in my eye.
"Malfoy?" He said disgusted. "Forget it."

He was about to turn on his heel with Potter and Granger when I suddenly noticed that I had to come up with something fast that would prevent him from walking away.
"I thought you hated Malfoy too?" I said out of nowhere.
He turned around and faced me. Then his eyes made a trip to Granger's face who seemed furious.
"Well eh.. I do.." He said glancing at her again. Her eyebrows frowned.
"Well come on.. I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend or something." I said disgusted. "I just want to piss Malfoy off.. Don't you want that too?" I said in the most slimy way I could possibly do.
"Well yes but-"
"What's holding your horses?!"
"Hermione!!!!!!" He yelled. He glanced nervously at her again and she rolled her eyes.
"I only need him for one afternoon and it wont take long I promise." I pleaded towards her.

If I have to do that one more time, I swear I'll throw up!

"Alright." She said suspicious. "But I will hunt you down if it's any more than that!"
"Whatever, sure." I said.
"W-When and w-what time?" Asked Weasly as he started to hyperventilate.
"Tomorrow 10 AM at the lake." I said with a huge grin plastered on my face.

This was going to be awesome, I would love to see the look on Malfoy's face tomorrow!
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Yay for evil cliffhangers!