Status: Inactive

King Of Anything

Hayden Shaw - A rebel by nature Hayden ishorrified seething mad to learn that
her parents are moving, taking her away from the only life she's known, one she
created. Now at eighteen she returns to reclaim her throne and ease into her last year
but with Lukas Royd this will be one heart stopping ride she'll never forget.

Luke Royd - A typical bad boy, who isn't all bad. Perfectly happy with being
the rebel king of high school, Luke is mortified when a new rebel comes to town
and she's no lightweight. During their power struggle Hayden Shaw inadvertently
turns Luke's world upside down and his heart inside out.

This wonderful original creation is mine and mine alone.
It has come from my thread of imagination.
  1. Moonlight and Snowflakes
    Finally Home
  2. This Is How We Roll
    By accident we melt into each other.