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Starting Over

Big News Part 2

When I opened the door, Darrien wasn’t there. I was slightly disappointed, because I wanted so badly to sit in his arms and tell him I love him back.
There was a knock on the door and Darrien came in. But someone came in behind Darrien. “Cassidy!” Kristen screeched. She ran up to me and I could have sworn that when she hugged me a vein popped.
“Kristen!” I screeched back. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard what happened and came ASAP. I am so glad that you are okay.” If this was any other person I would have slapped them and told them to shut up. But this was Kristen, my best friend since we were two, and I could never do that to her. “I have a surprise for you.” she said giggling.
“What?” I asked excitedly.
“I brought your favorite movies! Love and Basketball, The Lion King, Tuck Everlasting… Here you look at them.” Kristen said, handing me the stack of movies. Just then Sheryl came in.
“I have some good news, and some not-so-good news, and then some good news attached to the not-so- good news. Which do you want first?” Sheryl asked.
“We want the bad news first.” my mom said.
“No no no. We want the good news first, and then the not-so-good news.” I said.
“Okay. Good news is….Cassidy…you are just sick. And …you are sick because you’re…pregnant.”
“WHAT?!?!?!?” I half screamed at her.
“You’re um-”
“Oh I heard what you said! I just can’t believe it.” I ran to the bathroom and slammed and locked the door. Then I broke down in tears.
“Cassidy?” It was Kristen. I got up and unlocked the door. She peeked in, then stepped in and locked the door back. “Are you okay?” she asked. I just looked up at her. Since she was acting a little bit on the slow side, I answered her.
She just sat on the floor and stared at me. After about a minute of me staring at her, I joined her on the floor. We stayed there for another 15 minutes before there was another knock on the door. Kristen got up and unlocked the door. It was Darrien, and he had a worried look on his face. He stepped in and locked the door behind him.
“I’m sorry, Cass.” he said. He only called me Cass on special occasions. I guess this counts, even though this is the worst thing that happened since this summer.
“It’s okay Darrien.” I said giving him a hug. “I love you.” I said finally.
♠ ♠ ♠
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