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Starting Over


I had to stay in the hospital for two more days. In those two days, I was off of the swim team, dance team, and my volunteer group at the animal shelter. I was supposed to go home earlier, but the doctor decided to hold me in because I’m “under-aged”. I am 17, and I am perfectly capable of walking, driving, eating, sleeping, and all that other normal stuff. Just not swimming.
Darrien wanted to go home with me, but he couldn’t, because my mom ordered a family meeting, which obviously doesn’t include him. Only my father, Delany (my younger sister), and I were invited. It was probably just to tell her the “big news” I guess.
When we got home, my mom sat us down in the living room. “This is sort of a long story…” she started. My dad, Delany, and I groaned. The last time my mother finished a long story was…well I actually don’t remember. She never finishes them.
My mom rolled her eyes. “Like I was saying…remember when we went to Vegas and I was pregnant, honey?” she paused, waiting for my dad to answer. He nodded his head. “You remember when you had this HUGE hangover and I decided to go to the casino by myself?” she paused again.
“I remember the hangover part.” he chuckled.
“Well, when I was down there…I kind of got carried away.” she stopped and looked at us.
“And?” I prompted her.
“I might have…maybe…put you in an arranged marriage.” she blurted.
“You won right?” I asked, shocked. I knew it was a stupid question, but I still had to ask. She shook her head, no. “Details.” I almost yelled at her.
“Dark hair, hazel eyes, 6’2”, muscular, Caucasian.” she pretty much mumbled the last part.
“What?!?” my dad yelled at her. “What the hell were you thinking? You can’t just throw a cracker in a box of Thin Mints!”
I hated when my dad got racist. It’s so annoying and immature. “dad?” I asked, trying to get his attention.
“When are we going to meet this man? Huh?” my dad was screaming at her. My mom started to cry. “You…I…How can you do this? You’re destroying our family!”
“Dad!” is screamed.
He turned around. “What Cassidy?” he asked coldly.
“My baby’s a “cracker” too then? Huh? She’s ruining the family? No, Charlie, you’re ruining the damn family! I blame you! It’s you’re fucking fault! So don’t yell at mom like she’s a dog! Leave me, mom, and Delany alone!” I yelled at him. He ran upstairs , and went over to comfort my mom and Delany.
“I’m going to be an auntie?” Delany asked me softly.
“Yeah. You should go to your room for a second. I need to talk to mom.” When I heard Delany’s door close, I asked my mom a question. “When am I going to meet him?”
“Tonight” she answered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it such short notice, but I didn’t want you two to meet before it was too late.” she said sincerely.
“It’s kind of already too late.” I thought to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
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