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Starting Over


The next day I drove to Darrien’s apartment with tears coming down my face. His car was in the driveway so I knew he was home. I took out the key to his apartment and slowly walked to the door. I had no idea what I was going to say to him.
“Darrien. I’m getting married. Bye.” Wrong.
“I’m leaving you. Sorry about the baby but you might not be seeing her a lot.” Wrong.
“Darrien. I’m doing what’s best for me and the baby. Getting you the hell out of our life.” Wrong.
There is on right way to break up with someone you still love, even if someone else is slowly stealing your heart. I realized I didn’t have to put it in any way when I opened the door to his apartment. There was a bra, boxers, a thong, and everything else scattered on the floor.
I heard water running. Darrien must still be in the shower. Hopefully the little trap is gone too.
“Who the hell are you?” said tramp.
“NO. Who the fuck are you?” I snapped back.
“Lisa. Me and Joe have been dating for two years now.” she said.
“His name is Darrien you ass wipe and tell him I said bye when he gets out of the shower.” I said turning on my heel to leave. Apparently, he was already out of the shower, because I heard him call my name.
“Cass?” he said. I didn’t turn around. “It’s not what you think.” He said. I turned around then.\
“Really Darrien? It’s not what I think? So you’re telling me all these clothes aren’t on the floor. And that this air-headed slut isn’t standing here half-naked. Darrien, you’re smarter than that.” I said turning around.
“Cassidy. Please don’t leave me.” Darrien pleaded.
“It’s too late.” I turned around when I felt someone slap me. It was Lisa.
“Did you fuckin’ slap me?”
“Yeah? And?” she asked. Apparently she hasn’t dealt with a black girl before now.
“And I’m bout to beat your smutty ass.” I said walking towards her. She started to move back slowly, but I still punched her in the face. She revved back her hand getting ready to strike again. But before anything could happen, Darrien grabbed Lisa by the waist and took her to the back door. He sat her outside with nothing but a robe on. ’
Unexpectedly, he closed the door and locked it in her face. He slowly came up to me and put a hand on my stomach. He knelt down and put his head close to my stomach. “Sorry baby.” he started. “Daddy’s a big screw up. But I’ll see you soon.” he stopped and looked up at me. “Promise?” he asked me more than said to the baby.
“Okay.” I said. I walked out of the front door and got into my car. I realized I still had on the bracelet Darrien gave me for Valentine’s Day. I stuffed it in my glove box and drove away. A tear in my eye.
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comment!! i really enjoy reading my comments (good and bad). Plus i feel like i should write another story. should i?