Status: Inactive. May be edited in the future.

My Life as a Teen Sensation

Got The Part!

I stared nervously at the phone. I paced across my room, sat down on my bed then started pacing again. I couldn't stay still at all. Suddenly The Ready Set's "Love Like Woe" blasted. I grabbed my phone, "Hello?"

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

"MaKenzie! What's wrong?" She rushed into my room.

"Nothing. But I just got the part!" She screamed, then I screamed and then we both screamed.

After we had calmed down I explained what the schedule would be like and all the important stuff she wanted to know. "Who are your costars?" I thought about that for a second.

"I don't know. I wonder who they will be."

"So what is this movie about again?" It was the next morning and my mom and I were in the car on the way to Dreamworks Studios.

"It's based on a manhwa* by Mi Young Lee. She's a 16 year old Korean-American who just so happens to have one of the most popular comic books ever!" My mom laughed at me. "But seriously, it's a really popular series and they decided to turn it into an animated movie. And I got one of the lead female voices!"

"I'm very proud of you sweetie," she smiled at me.

"Thanks Mom." I returned her smile and then stared out the window. My first movie! And it's for a movie version of one of my favorite comic book series ever! This can't get better.
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Manhwa: Korean comic book