Status: very busy lately. i'll try to update soon.

It Started With A Boy

Coming Together

The phone rang. "Hello?" a groggy voice answered. "Kate? It's Jane. I need to talk to you. Can I come over?" Jane said quickly and urgently. "Um, sure. My parents aren't home though so we can't go anywhere," Kate said puzzled. Jane sputtered out a short, "Kay, be right there."

Locking her door, Jane realized she wasn't sure what to say to her friend. It was a touchy subject and she didn't want to offend her. She wanted to be there for Kate,not push her away. Walking down the road, Jane started counted the houses as she walked. Kate's house was four houses down for Jane, opposite direction of Stan's house. One. A silver car passed. Two. Three. The neighbor's dogs are barking. Four. The familiar red door seemed a mile away, although it was only a few feet. Holding tears back, she knocked on the door.

On the second knock, Kate answered the door with a her normal cheerful attitude, a smile on her face,and a pep in her step. It was a wonder the girls were friends, seeing as they were complete opposites. "Hey girlie! You got down here fast! So what's up?" she said as she stepped aside to let Jane walk into the house. Jane didn't crack a smile, what she had to tak about was serious and it a miracle she hadn't started to cry already. Jane choked, the only word that came out of her mouth was, "Stan." Kate went from her normal perky disposition to a mean, hateful tone. "HOW DO YOU KNOW? HOW DO YOU FUCKING KNOW? WHO TOLD YOU?" she began to scream. Jane felt like she had made a huge mistake. She thought she had ruined everything. "He told me," Jane said with he head down. Still fuming, Kate kept screamning, "WELL THAT'S JUST GREAT. IT'S MY BUSINESS. YOU NEED TO STAY OUT OF IT. WHAT? ARE YOU FUCKING JEALOUS?"

Jane stepped back as if she had just been slapped. "Why the hell would I be jealous?" was all she could say. Beginning to control herself, Kate was able to stop screaming. Calmy, she asked, "Then why are you here to talk about him?" The girls sat in silence, staring at each other. Kate becoming impatient, started to shuffle her feet. Seeing this, Jane gained enough courage to answer her. "I needed to tell someone. And I feel responsible," Jane mumbled with her head hanging down. Kate just sat there looking at Jane, confused. Finally, Jane raised her head and began to speak in a low voice, "Stan raped me two years ago. If I had enough courage to tell someone, he wouldn't have been able to rape you too."

Lifting her head, Kate's baby blue eyes glistened though streaks of her blonde hair. At that moment, Jane and Kate's eyes made contact, and at that moment, they knew Stan would be their secret.


"Young lady?" the officer said trying to get the young girl to speak,"Is there anything you need to tell me?" Jane was in a daze. She still couldn't believe she was here. "I should have never let it get this far",she said to herself.


Kate stood up. "I need some fresh air. Want to walk down to the corner market?"she asked Jane. "You said you couldn't go any where....." Jane said slowly and uncertain. Rolling her eyes, Kate responded,"Me leaving the house to walk to the end of the street is the least of my parents worries, plus we'll be back in time before they get home." Jane shrugged her shoulders and stood up. The girls began to walk down the street. Getting closer to Jane's house, she suddenly said, "CRAP! I left my money in the house. Mind if we stop and run in and get it? I'll get you a snickers bar if we do." "Well, you drive a hard bargain, but if i get a snickers out of it I guess so", Kate replied. The girls laughed as they walked up the driveway to the house. "I'm just going to wait out here", Kate said when Jane began to walk into the house. Jane turned around to say,"Ok, I'll just be a sec."

Humming to herself, Kate wondered what was taking so long. "I bet she lost her money", she thought. Then she heard him. The dark low voice sent shivers up her spine. "Didn't think I'd see you so soon", Stan breathed in her direction. Turning around, she noticed Stan leaning on an old oak on the border of his yard and Jane's. Disgusted, Kate groaned,"Don't flatter youself you pig. I'm waiting on my friend." His expression and attitude unchanged, Stan dropped his jaw as if to be offended. Obvious of his fake attempt, Kate rolled her eyes.

He walked towards her. Frozen, Kate just watched her nghtmare walk closer and closer. An evil sneer came across his face when he got near. Kate's composure was gone. Tears streamed from her face. Her knees began to buckle. A door slammed behind her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OFF MY PROPERTY!" her savior yelled. Stan was gone. He never stayed somewhere that would cause a scene. Jane quickly ran to Kate. "Are you ok? I should have never left you out here alone", Jane apoligized.


"Y-y-yes sir. I'm just having a difficult time talking about it"' Jane reassured the officer. Grahm wasn't in a rush. He put his feet on his desk and propped back in his office chair. "Well, I got an hour until lunch, take your time and talk when you're ready", his stern voice bellowed.


Sitting in the Wal-mart bathroom, Kate stared at the little pink plus sign. Jane walked in with two more tests. Setting the new boxes down, she asked,"What does that one say?" "It's another positive," Kate said just above a whisper. Jane looked at the sink. She counted five positive tests. They had only used five so far. "Maybe its a freak malfunction thing.These things are pieces of shit anyways. We need to get you to a doctor", she said trying to make the situation better. Kate's face turned red as she began to scream,"FIVE FUCKING TESTS? THEY CAN'T ALL BE WRONG JANE. I'M PREGNANT. I'M FUCKING PREGNANT."

The room went silent. Kate slammed her back against the wall and slid to the floor. Her quiet sobs make her shake, the only sign she was still breathing. Jane stood there feeling helpless. Breaking the silence, she asked,"What should we do?" Kate looked as if she had been insulted. "We? We? This is not a 'we' thing anymore. This is a me thing. It's my body.", Kate's voice cracked. Jane looked down at her feet. Then, quietly, she said,"I'm still going to help."


"Officer? I think I'm ready to talk.", Jane said sheepishly. The officer looked up and gave her a look that read, you have my attention now. Making eye contact, she began," I know something about the murders last month."