Status: Complete

Hospital Care

Wild Animal

"I'm fine really I don't need to be put in a hospital room. Really I am fine." Insisted as a couple of nurses were pushing the bed I laid on into a room with someone who was comfortably sleeping. How can anyone sleep in a hell hole like a hospital where people are waiting for you to get hurt ?! They are lurking around every corner! They love people getting hurt. That's why they do this job. It's just that they cant tell anyone. Freaks people out.

How do I know? Well my mom was the one who told me. She happens to be a surgeon. Now I know why I had five operations in my life, all done by her. She has nasty fetish over blood.
I threw my body around on the bed. One person was locking the legs in place as the other held me down. Psh and they think I'm to injured to leave!

"Please let me go. I can walk just fine, hey let go. AGH!" Being stuck with a needle to calm down, everything was slowly getting fuzzy.

"You fell down the stairs fracturing three ribs, getting head trauma, and sprang your wrist and ankle. You aren't fine." Pointing up at one of them. Not sure their image's are moving around to much. Dude this is like instant-be-smashed when you drink to much. But no headache when you wake up.

"Ah but you didn't say I couldn't walk." I swear one of them rolled their eyes. The both of them left with a good bye and closing the door behind them. Having my hand go on my forehead to slow the world down.

"Hey asshole keep it down." Heard before the medicine totally conked me out for the whole day probably. When my sense's started to return to me I saw a figure above me. It was fuzzy, blinking rapidly trying to get the blur to go away. When it did I saw a guy standing above me, studying my face I guess.

"Wow and I thought I was fucked up. Ha ha ha you just look like shit. Kinda like how my mother looks when she wakes up in the morning. You aren't afraid of trolls are you?" No words formed in my brain or on my lips. Totally speechless. Aside from me being very gay. I was very, very open. And this guy was very fucking hot.


"Good then you can look in the mirror if you want. Hey you want something to drink I was about to stroll down to the shitty cafeteria they have here for the co-workers and visitors. It's better than the crap they call food that's made in the kitchen. And that's what I call sad. What are you gaping at ? You look like a troll with a fish mouth." I was trying to form words but nothing, zilch, nada, not a damn thing sprung to mine. But the giddy feeling of my lips moving had me smiling.

"Damn your hot." He just stared at me for the longest time. I cant believe I said that five minutes or less after waking up to a total stranger. At least I knew the other guys name when I told it to him...

A long stretch came on the guys lips. He inched closer to the bed once more now looming over me once again. His dark brown almost black eyes were re-examining me. Cocking up a thin brown eye brow.

"Okay I know I look like shit but you don't have to say it again or stare at me like I do look like shit. If ya say it again I'll take your hotness level down a notch." His smile only widened. He's seriously creeping me out with that smile of his. Not wavering under the almost intimidating gaze that licked up my body silently.

"Can I tell you something? Oh well doesn't matter I'ma tell you anyway. Your fucking piano grin is creeping me out. Although adorable, still creepy. How on earth is your mouth stretching that far?" Sitting up some more cocking my head side ways just to see if his lips could possibly stretch wider.

"Ha ha ha ha I like you! Your not like my last stuck up roommate. She was no fun. That and she died like an hour ago because of being 90-something. But you I think I can have fun with." Confusion hit me like a bat out of hell. Ha ha just like those stairs I fell down. Stairs out of hell! Mwahaha ack okay no more evil laugh it just makes my throat itch continuously.

"Eh? What do you mean by fun?" He leaned forward more grabbing my neck with his hand. Shit! What the -ooh. Hot fiery lips pressed against mine aggressively. Automatically welcoming the slight pain that came from the slam. He bit down on my lip causing me to moan, his tongue darted in taking all chances for me to gain dominance away. Our teeth grinded together as I raised my hands to his white t-shirt and yanked him closer. A groan rippled into my mouth from his. Getting lost in hot bliss our tongues dancing together, and our breaths getting shorter. I pulled away trying to get oxygen back into my brain so it wouldn't be completely dead.

His raspy breath tickled my lips, pulling open my eye lids staring into his close brown eyes that shimmered in lust. That smiled returned to his lips.

"Damn, looks like I wont be the only one having fun. So did you want anything to drink?" The guy pulled back and looked at me innocently like we did not just have a total make out session minutes prior of meeting each other.

"Water..." He nodded and headed out but stopped at the door.

"I'm Dorman by the way. No making fun of it. It means wild animal. And I'm going to pounce on you like a wild lion when I get back." Dorman completely left leaving me once again speechless.

"The fuck..." Laying back down staring at the ceiling. This hospital visit may not be so bad after all. A chuckle erupted from me. Not so bad at all.
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W O R D S : 1 0 4 1

I'm having fun with this. Letting loose and relaxing.

For a contest by the way! For this one

Hope you liked the first chapter SnowxBree