Status: Complete

Hospital Care


Do you remember what my mom told me about the whole 'Put you in intensive care' issue? Well guess what. Yep you guessed it. She kicked my ass and his and put us into intensive care. As torture we have to share the same room being right next to each other. You don't see the bad? Well for one the bounds on us are ones that people usually carry on a car. And his mother came by and beat the crap out of us as well.

On my mothers bright side it didn't cost as much as it normally does to have someone in this unit of the hospital. Bitch. She should pay. And pay good. Oh how I want to hurt her right now.

As for Dorman. Well he's just laying there enjoying life acting like his mother didn't just fracture his arm and leave him all bruised up from head to toe. He can make bruises look sexy. And that's hard to pull off.

"Gosh dammit!" He watched me with an amused look as I thrashed against the straps that held me down.

"Thought it was god dammit. " Stopping for only a moment huffing and puffing. Blowing some hair out of my eyes before glaring at him slightly which only made that small smile on his face grow a bit.

"Saying god before dammit makes me uncomfortable." His brow quirked up a bit as I now continued to pull at the straps ignoring the bruises I had and well I wasn't in good shape to begin with. Whip flash is a bitch that and concussions.

"So you feel uncomfortable taking gods name in vain?" Stopping again that was followed by a large stressful sigh.

"Yes. And I hate other people saying it to so don't say it. It's just uncomfortable to hear, read, and say." Muttered studying the straps. If these things can haul a car. I'm pretty sure I wont be able to break them or get out of them in the condition I'm in. Or even when I'm in the best condition. Groaning a bit, my head dropped back on to the pillow. Staring at the ceiling the sore spots were making themselves well known. And a quick bit of info. No she did not give us pain killers. Not even for my or his ass.

Whimpering to that thought as the events of what we did together was still fresh. Oh man I don't want to get hard right now! Cursed a bit he did the same thing. Watched me.

"Do I have entertainment flashing on my forehead or something?" Snapped at him, his smile just grew giving me the answer. Asshole...

"So how are our little men doing?" We both looked to the side. My mother and his walked in looking proud at what they done. Isn't this child abuse? They can go to jail for this right?

"Oh just fucking peachy. Once I get out of these straps I'll kick your ass so bad you wont be able to sit right for a month." The loud snap came and the top of my head was now started to feel numb while very painful.

"You will not speak to me in that manner child." Hissing slightly to her metal clip board that needed very much to be shoved up her ass. But to bad it wont fit since my foot will make it there before her fucking clip board. Die, die, die. Burning holes in the back of her head as she went over to Dorman whom was laying there innocently.

"And you?"

"Better than him." You to. Die, die, die, die. Dorman flashed a smile my way. Guessing he felt my daggers slowly poking at his head. I was smacked again by my mother and this time she didn't even look at me!

"Stop glaring child of mine."

"Go to hell and rot woman." I swear I saw a visible anger bar above her head and go it going snap! Oh shit.

"Huh what did you say?! I couldn't hear you. Say it again! I dare ya you little brat!" She hissed now smacking me once again repeatedly with that damn clip board. How many clip boards to they replace because of this woman?!

"Die, die, die, die!!" Yelled repeatedly. I just took a quick note that Dorman was allot like his mother whom just stood there watching us with the most amused look on her face. Like she's just watching a really great movie.

"I cant believe I raised a foul mouth child like you!!"

"Just rot in hell dammit! And take your child abusing bitch over there with you! AHH!!!!" Now having both of them smacking me. Or well mom was smacking me the other woman who is Dorman's mother was punching me in the gut.

"Gah!! Child abuse, child abuse! Help!!" Yelled on the top of my lungs as best as I could with my breath leaving and my stomach trying to revolt as his mothers fist landed on it again.

"Pine nuts." Dorman suddenly his mother stopped and went to him with a aura of flowers around her. Creepy. Aka = Aura of happiness.


"In the cafeteria." She blasted out of the room. Both my mom and I stared at where the woman left dumb struck. But she didn't stay that way for long . My head imprint was becoming visible on the thing.

"Mrs. your not allowed to do that to patients. And you have a cardiac surgery starting in five minutes." She finally stopped. Looking over the voice and praised the man that stood there. He looked at us strangely as she was sitting on me with the clip board above her head.

"Really?" Smack! Hissing a bit she stood up and jumped off of me to the floor. With a cough and rubbing her hands down her scrubs she left. It fell silent. Well as silent as it could get with me huffing.

"So your last name is Grace? Candide Grace. Ha ha ha ha."

"Oh shut the fuck up! "
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W O R D S : 1 0 1 6

Yeah I know it's late. But as long as I get this done before the contests ends then I'm all good.

Just a humor chapter on how agressive mothers can get when called names. Or anyone for that fact. I needed a little cheer me up so this was it.

That and I was listening to the song Sweet child O' mine by Guns N' Roses. =)

Thanks for your comments. Your the best!

Ritalin Shots
Ha ha I don't think I can finish if I kept it going till 15-20 chapters. If I did one a day I guess I could reach it ha ha.