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"Dear Cameron,"

11/10/10 Dear Cameron,

Dear Cameron,
So a little kid came up to me and asked “Who are you?” with big wondering eyes. I smiled and was about to respond “Amanda,” but then that’s when the realization dawned on me: “Who am I?” sure I know my identity: Amanda, Female, etc (I’m not giving out any personal information.) But what makes me-me? How am I the Amanda I am today? I could of said A LOT of things that moment to that boy but all I said was: “I am who I am,”. SURE, I got a weird look from that little boy and a weird look from my friends. But it was worth it knowing who I am and where I stand in this world.
I'm Amanda, I’m a daughter, I’m a sister, I’m a role model, I’m a leader, I’m a dreamer, I’m a songwriter, I’m a writer, I’m a student, I’m a fan, I’m a teenage girl, I’m a friend, I’m a best friend, I’m a guitarist, I’m a advisor, I’m a nerd, I’m a team mate, I’m a volunteer, I’m a reader, I’m a poet, I’m an American, I’m a liar, I’m a learner, I’m a teacher, I’m an athlete, I’m a human, and I’m C.S. Woods.
Question Of the Day- Who are YOU?