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"Dear Cameron,"

11/29/10 Dear Cameron,

Dear Cameron,
I know I haven't written lately, and I'm sorry. I have an explanation. Promise. There's this girl named, Ciara. She puts herself down constantly. She seemed to not have any life in her at all. So I decided, I would put all my hobbies/activities on hold and do everything I could to make her smile. I wanted her to be able to see the beauty in all things. So I entered her life as Zach anon, Zach anonymous. She opened her heart to me, and she seems to be so much more happier. Cameron, it was a learning experience. I saw the world from Zach's eyes too. Ciara and many others said I brightened up their days over the past weeks. So as soon as I thought it was okay to return back to writing in my spare time: the website where I wrote all the stories/letters DELETED everything. Cameron, is that supposed to mean something?