Halloween on Christmas

Chapter One

I stopped, looking up toward the sky as droplets of rain fall harshly to Earth, drenching me instantly. The trail of tears that were once overly noticeable on my pale cheeks are now mingling with the rain, making it unknown to people passing by that I am emotionally unstable at the moment. Sighing, I brought my arms around my torso, hoping to keep in the last of my body heat, and continued walking, searching for any place to take shelter for the night. My mind working overboard to try to block the memories and current discomfort from my consciousness.
Not long after returning from a slight daze, my eyes fell upon a nearby apartment complex with a pavilion in the front. I took a seat on the dry ground beneath the pavilion, and pulled my knees to my chest, resting my forehead against my knees and wrapping my arms around my legs. The sounds of cars splashing through puddles on the street close by, calming my nerves enough to allow my eyes to flutter shut. People passed by, not sparing a moment of their time to check on the young boy curled up on the streets alone in a not-so-safe neighborhood.
What felt like hours, but was only minutes, later a body sat itself down beside me, awaking me from the slight slumber my body had fallen into. I turned my head just enough to peak through my soaked hair and over my arm to see who in their right mind would sit next to a homeless boy in this neighborhood. Please, please, please just leave me be, I thought, biting my lip to keep my sobs hidden. An unknown head placed itself on my shoulder, seeming to cuddle into my sopping-wet person. My body began to shake more at the contact, fear striking my every pore with thoughts of what this stranger could want. The cold wind sending another wave of chills to run down my spine.
"You're cold," the voice came out as a whisper. Barely there before the wind whisked it away to be lost among the other forgotten words spoken over the years. "Come with me," the stranger spoke again, a kind, gentle voice softly flowing to my ears. The body cuddled closer to me, showing a silent fear of me running off without a word.
"I-…W-why?" My voice came out in a hoarse stutter. I took my lip between my teeth once more, gnawing away at the already tender flesh, as confusion and fear continually flashed through my mind.
The stranger stood up, grabbing hold of my arm and dragging me up, as well. "You're going to freeze," he whined, pulling me off in a random direction. My feet working over to keep up with the fast pace of the stranger, but somehow still keeping up. During the first few minutes, I struggled, trying to break free of the grip he held on my arm, but soon enough my strength dissolved, leaving me to allow him to just pull me off.

The stranger stopped in front of a fancy, two-story, white house with a wrap-around porch and four-car garage. There were blue shutters next to every window, and a solid oak door. The yard seemed to be up kept, and nothing seemed out of place -other than me. The house, itself, is larger than any one I've even been near before, and here I am, being drug to the door by some boy I'd never met, let alone seen, before. He pulled a key out of his pocket, and unlocked the door before pushing me inside before him.
The inside of the house held the air of perfection that the outside radiated. Hardwood floors looking brand new, clean beige walls, and spiral staircases. Just looking around made me feel like scum. Everything looked new; sparkled in the light and is ding-free. I, on the other hand, am soaked, filthy, and emotionally not well.
The boy kicked off his shoes by the door, asking me to do the same before he drug me off to another part of the house, the kitchen. The light was already on when we entered, showing off another boy around the age of the stranger who has yet to release my arm. A new face peaked up through his fringe at us, a look of pure curiosity coating his every feature. He rose his hands up, flicking his wrists and moving his fingers to sign something to us. I completely over-looked the new face's lack of talking because of the boy behind it all. He holds the face of an angel: dark blue eyes, fair skin, snakebites, black hair with a bleached fringe.. Really, what is there to not like?
A blush worked its way up my cheeks at the angel noticing my stare. He tilted his head in question, furrowing his brows slightly. The stranger beside me giggled causing me to look down in embarrassment. He nudged my side -making me emit a quiet squeak. "Wha'cha name?" he asked, drawing out the 'a.' Taking my lip between my teeth, I looked up allowing my eyes to switch between the two. With a quick chatter of teeth, I shook my head, not trusting these strangers enough for to give that bit of information. The angel signed something once again, gaining a reply from the other. I just stood there, shaking slighting from the cold, and trying my hardest to keep in the feeling of being left out.
"Com'on," the stranger said, gripping my arm, "We've got to warm you up!" I looked at the angel one last time -to see a welcoming smile upon his face- before being drug up the stairs and pushed into the bathroom. With quick instructions where everything is and were to find dry clothes, the stranger left me to warm myself up through the comforts of a, much needed, shower.