

It was a bright and humid morning, when a black Town Car pulled up outside the large, three-story mansion in New Orleans.

A man and his wife stood on the porch, ready to welcome the visitor.

When the car stopped, the driver quickly made his way to the back door and opened the door for the passenger.

Swinging her feet out of the car, a young lady with dark brown hair, which was scrunched up in a sophisticated bun, stepped out of the car.

Her eyes were covered with large, black designer sunglasses, and on her arm was a multi colored COACH purse.

As she sneaker clad feet hit the sidewalk, the lady on the porch ran down to meet her.

They lovingly embraced and laughed, while smiling.

Laughing as well, the man descended the stairs and wrapped his arm round her shoulder.

“It’s so good to have you home, Sophia. We missed you!” The woman stated, as they made their way back up the porch.

Sophie smiled, “Thanks Mom. It’s good to be home.”

The man smiled and nodded in agreement, “So how was Europe?”

Sophie smiled, “If you let me put my things in my room, I will grab my camera. Then I can show you how much fun we all had.”

Her parents smiled and nodded, walking into kitchen.

She lugged her suitcases up the stairs and down the hall to her room.

She sighed, letting her purse and backpack hit the floor with a thud.

Plopping down on her bed, she saw a large stack of mail slide towards her.

She picked through the letters and sorted them into separate piles; magazines, letters and junk mail.

Her eyes came across a bright blue envelope addressed to her from her friends Aiden and Kayla.

She quickly tore open the envelope and pulled out the card.

“So, you’re probably gallivanting all over Europe now, but we do want to wish you a belated birthday! We love and miss you!”

Sophie chuckled and picked up the nearest magazine and started flipping through it when her phone started to ring.

“Hello,” She managed, digging it out of her purse.

“Hey, I see you made it home already.”

Sophie giggled, “Yes, yes I did. How about yourself?”

“We just pulled into the driveway. Do you have any plans tonight?”

She grimaced, “Yeah, I’ll be home all night with the folks. I suggest you do the same. You’re their little boy and you’ve been gone for almost three months.”

The person on the other end sighed, “Sophie, I hate when you do this.”

Sophie giggled, “Eli, you should me by now.”

“Yeah, yeah. Alright, I guess I’ll stay in tonight.”

“I better get going. I need to unpack and get downstairs.” Sophie said, standing from her bed.

“Alright, I’ll catch you later.”

Sophie tossed her phone onto the bed and jogged down the stairs.

“So hunny, have any photos we can look at? I’m sure Paris is brilliant this time of year.”

Sophie nodded, “Of course. Let me go grab my camera, I left it in my duffle bag.”

She walked into the hallway and dug into her bag, pulling out her camera.

Handing the camera over to her Mom, Sophie went to the fridge and grabbed a pitcher of her Mom’s homemade Sweet Tea.

“Oh, I didn’t know Eli went on the trip also,” Sophia’s father called through the kitchen.

“Yeah, he managed to get money together, and talk Mr. Sampson into letting him go last minute.”

They both nodded, and Deborah handed the camera back to her daughter, “Well it looks like you had a blast.”

Sophie smiled, and placed her camera back into her pocket.

“So pumpkin, what was the best thing you experienced while you were over there?” Her father asked, not looking up from the paper.

Sophie sighed, “It’s hard to pick just one thing.”

Mark nodded, “Mmhmm.”

She rolled her eyes, “Thanks dad.”

Her mom chuckled, “Anyways hun, you must have severe jetlag, so how about you go take a nap, and I’ll wake you up around dinner.”

Sophie’s eyes lit up, “Ooooh, what’s for dinner?”

“Whatever you would like.”

Sophie shrugged, “How about Pork chops, mashed potatoes and… corn?”

“Sounds good!,” Mark stating rubbing his stomach.

Deborah waved a stirring spoon at him, “You’re lucky Sophie came home, or you’d still be on your diet mister.”

Sophie bowed her head, “Alright, I’m going to sleep.”

Both Deborah and Mark nodded as she made her way upstairs.

She quickly cleared off her bed, and snuggled in under the covers.

A few minutes later, Sophie heard her window slide open and heard a floorboard creak.

Her bed slowly sunk in and arms were slowly wrap around her waist, and breath spread over her neck.

“Mmm, hello.”

“Hello.” The voice whispered raspley into her ear.

Sophie turned over, facing the voice.

He quickly gave her a cheeky smile, and kissed her on the cheek.

“We just got home from Paris, you couldn’t have missed me that much, Eli.” Sophie giggled into his chest.

“Oh, but I did.” He chuckled.

Sophie buried herself deeper into his chest, “I should be sleeping.”

“Well, let’s get some sleep.”

Her eyes short open, “Eli, you can’t stay here. My parents don’t know about us, or whatever happened in Paris.”

“Oh come on Sophie. Think of me as a friend who hasn’t seen you in quite a while.”

“Eli.. I’m still not sure about this.”

He put a hand over her mouth, “Sophie, please. You need to sleep, because we don’t want your parents knowing I sneak in through your window.”

“Whatever, Eli. I’m going to sleep.”

He buried his face into her hair and closed his eyes.
“Sophie, dinner’s ready!” Her mom called, knocking on the door.

Eli quickly sat up, “Shit… I need to go home. I will talk to you later.”

He quickly kissed her on the cheek and moved to her window.

Grabbing the nearest branch, Eli swung onto the tree and climbed into his room.

When he made it back to his house, Sophie turned off her light and made her way downstairs.

As they sat around the table, Deborah and Mark filled Sophie in on things that had happened in the neighborhood.

“We were surprised to hear that news.”

“Dad, Reynolds was always a drunk. It was only a matter of time before he was arrested.”

Mark shrugged, “I guess so.”

“Oh, Sophie did you hear? According to Archie, Peyton will be home from school for summer soon.”

“Really, how has he been doing? I haven’t spoken to him in ages.”

“Well, you can ask him yourself, when we go over to the Manning’s for dinner.”

Sophie nodded, and placed her fork down on the table.

“Do you want more?”

She shook her head, “No thanks, I’m full.”

Deborah stood, “Here, I’ll take your plate then.”

Sophie smiled, “Thanks Mom.”

Mark stretched, and grabbed his plate, “I think I want some more.”

Sophie smiled, “Nice dad. If it’s alright, I think I’m going to read a little.”

“Honey, you don’t have to ask to anything… remember, you live here,” Deborah stated, putting more potatoes on Mark’s plate.

Sophie nodded and walked out of the kitchen and climbed the stairs, entering her room.

She turned on her lamp, grabbed a book from her backpack and made her way over to the window seat, in the other corner of her room.

Before she managed to open her book, a light in the Manning’s house turned on, catching her attention.

Sophie watched as the young man walked into the room, a towel wrapped round his waist.

As he was about to drop his towel, he turned towards the window, and noticed Sophie sitting there.

He opened his window and smiled at her, “Fee, is that you?”

She smiled and put down her book and opened her window, “Hey!”

He leaned against his window sill, “You look so grown up, it must have been the trip to Paris.”

Sophie smiled, “Look at you! You’re all muscularly and buff… what happened?”

“Funny, Fee, really funny. God, how have you been?”

“I’ve been good. How’s Tennessee treating you?”

He nodded, “Really good, I’m playing football as the starting QB.”

“Nice! You must love it there.”

“Hey, let me throw on some shorts and I’ll climb on over.”

She nodded, “Alright.”

He motioned for her to turn around and he quickly dropped his towel and grabbed his boxers and a pair of basketball shorts.

“Alright, I’m coming over.”

He stepped out his window, and swung about the tree like a monkey.

Coming to a complete stop next to her window, he easily climbed into her room.

She stood in front of him and had to tilt her head to get a better look at him.

“Holy crap Peyton, not only did you get muscular, and turn into a monkey, you shot up!”

He chuckled and held out his arms.

Sophie took a step forward and put her arms around his waist.

“I missed seeing you.”

Peyton smiled into her hair, “I missed you too Fee.”

He reluctantly let go of her and sat on the bench.

“So tell me about Paris. Eli isn’t saying much, I’m not surprised though.”

Sophie smiled, “Oh, we had an absolute blast! There is so much to talk about.”

He grinned at her, “Tell me about the sites.”

She nodded, ticking off her fingers, “The Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa, the Arch. It’s hard to list them all.”

Peyton leaned forward and looked at her, clasping his hands together.

Sophie raised an eyebrow, “What?”

“Nothing, you just... look good. You really do look all grown up.”

Sophie could feel her cheeks turning red, “Thanks Peyton.”

He gave her small smile, “So, you and Eli hook up yet?


He chuckled, “Oh, come on… are you two dating or what?”

She quickly looked away from him, “No, we’re not dating, although… we acted like we were when we were in Paris.”

He nodded, “Now, that’s understandable.”

“Don’t say anything please?!”

Peyton winked, “Your secret is safe with me. I promise.”


They quickly turned around toward the Manning’s house, to see Archie standing in Peyton’s room.

“Yeah Dad?”

“What on earth are you doing over there?”

Peyton sighed, “I came to say ‘hi’ to Sophie.”

Archie nodded, “Well, hello Sophie.”

Sophie waved back to him.

“I better get back home. I’ll see you tomorrow night?”

She nodded, and he stood up.

He threw his arms around her and gave her another hug.

“Peyton, are you coming?”

He turned towards the window and placed his feet on the nearest branch.

Peyton quickly made it to his room, turned and waved before turning off his light and exiting the room.

Sophie closed her blinds, and stripped down to her gym shorts and a grey tank top.

As she finished changing, a knock sounded on her door.

“Come in!”

The door opened and Mark poked his head in the room, “Hey Sophie. I’m heading to bed, I wanted to say goodnight and I’m glad that you’re home.”

Sophie smiled, “I’m glad to be home too. Goodnight dad.”

He kissed her on the forehead and closed the door behind him.

As Sophie turned away from the door, her mother stepped into her room and gave her a warm smile, “Goodnight honey. It is good to see you home and safe. I love you.”

She quickly hugged Sophie and walked out of her room.

Sophie turned off her light and shuffled over to her bed.

She pulled back the thick covers and crawled under them, sighing as her soft bed embraced her return home.