Status: Done

Are You Different?


Are you different? Do you shine, do you sparkle in a way that other people do not? Do you say things that nobody had thought of before, capture the feelings of a thousand hearts with one stroke of your pen, or perform the acts everyone else can or will not?

Are you special?

Are people afraid of you?

Are the bullies hastening ever quicker to you, climbing on the bodies of your brethren to drag you down into the gray crowd of normal and kill your difference?

You are who you are for a reason.
Your existence serves a purpose. Nobody knows what that purpose is, what the reasons that fuel you on are. But you sparkle, you shine, for a reason.

So keep holding on and hanging on and running on, away from those who fear what they cannot understand.

They don't understand you, because a long time ago, someone didn't understand them. And they let go, they fell down into the colorless crowd.
They resent that you posses what they are now denied.

You can't let them get to you, you can't. Because you are different.

You sparkle, and you shine.

You have a reason to be and a purpose to fill.

You are you.

And that's something that nobody deserves to have taken from them.

Individuals are precious; individuals can change the world. Conformists are just one more unit of the mob that tries to stop them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Reviews would be lovely :)