‹ Prequel: Heels Over Head

Still Mine

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen
Andrea’s POV
I have no idea what time it was, but I’d been laying in bed for what felt like hours and hours, and still hadn’t fallen asleep. It seemed Amber and Lizzy had gone out for drinks after the cinema, ‘cause I got about eleven more texts from them both that made almost no sense at all and also a few phone calls that consisted of nothing but slurred mumbling. I eventually got fed up and switched my mobile off, turning over in bed and trying to get comfortable. It was then that I noticed there was an annoyingly piercing light bursting through my curtains where I hadn’t been bothered to close them. I was confronted with two options: get up and shut them, or try to ignore it. I opted for the first one, rolling out of bed and practically crawling to the window. Taking a quick peek outside, I noticed the light was actually coming from Harry’s penthouse; he’d left the light on in his kitchen and for some reason it was abnormally bright. I figured he’d just fitted a new light or something. That is, until it suddenly started flickering really badly, on and off as if it were having a fit. Not that lights can have fits. But yeah. I waited for a few minutes, expecting Harry to somehow notice it (even though I assumed he was sleeping) and deal with it. But after five full minutes, it was still going crazy. Seeing as I couldn’t sleep anyway, I chucked my dressing gown on and slipped out of my flat, padding down the stairs and out into the street. The light was still flickering madly, even worse than it had been from what I’d seen upstairs. I walked across the road to Harry’s house and knocked gingerly on the door, just hoping that he wouldn’t mind me waking him up for something like this.

Harry’s POV
I hardly noticed the knocking sound coming from the living room. It was really dull for ages, and for a while I thought I had a real bad headache. But then it got loud all of a sudden and I got paranoid, rushing round the penthouse to find out what the noise was. It was only as the light in the kitchen practically exploded that I was drawn closer to the front door, and I discovered that the sound was actually someone or something knocking at it.
Now, I was high. Not just a little bit high either; I was absolutely out of it. Everything seemed totally blown out of proportion; I felt like every little emotion was overwhelming me. All I knew was whoever was trying to contact me was going to get no response; I was neither in the mood nor state of mind to be communicating with anyone. So I floated past the door into the kitchen and leant forward onto the counter, trying to get a sneaky peek of who it was at the door. It was hard to see outside; my whole flat was misty with the fumes of my ‘secret indulgence’, and it was pitch black outside. They hadn’t moved though. Their silhouette still stood there, still and patient. I started to freak out. There were a few drug dealers that were hating on me from past occurrences; I didn’t owe anyone money but I’d made some enemies. Looking at the time, it wasn’t unusual for the high and lonely to go wondering about looking for revenge. Normally I wouldn’t have cared, but knowing I was in no state to defend myself, I simply collapsed to the floor and tried to keep still.

The front door opened. I’d forgotten to lock it, absolute idiot. I sat there quietly, hyperventilating as the dark figure fell through the front door… a lot smaller than I’d expected the person to be.
“Harry? Harry, are you okay?”
It was Andrea. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or even more worried; I didn’t fancy her seeing me in that state. But before I knew it, she’d switched the living room light on and caught me sitting in the corner of the kitchen, still not saying a word.
“…Harry? What are you doi… oh.” Her sentence drained off as she caught a whiff of what I’d been smoking. She looked up and around the apartment; it was totally full with smoke from the countless things I’d smoked before she’d turned up. Her gaze soon fell upon me again, and although my natural instinct was telling me to get rid of her, I just couldn’t.

Third Person’s POV
A long pause followed, Harry getting to his feet slowly and making his way towards Andrea. She stood there, speechless and unsure of what to do.
“I’ll go. Sorry.” She said all of a sudden, slipping through Harry’s hands and making a beeline for the door. All she could think of was that this was too big, too much of a task to handle.
“Stay…” Harry mumbled under his breath, staring at the space Andrea had been standing before quickly turning to her and repeating himself, this time with more urgency in his husky voice. “Stay.”
Andrea stopped. Was it because he was high, that he was asking her to stay? She turned around a little at took a quick look at him; he was stumbling around even though he should have been standing still. He looked ill. It then dawned on her that it wasn’t because he was high that he was asking her to stay… it was because he genuinely needed her.

It took time for Andrea to make up her mind. In those few moments that she stood unmoved, Harry assumed she’d turned him down, and sighed, looking to the floor. It didn’t surprise him one little bit. In fact, he fully expected that response, he’d been there many times before. Girls come and go, some more promising than others but all ending the same way… they leave. They can’t deal with his issues and figure they can find something easier to work with, and they leave. But then Andrea did something he didn’t expect her to.
Andrea dropped her hands from the door handle and twisted around, walking to the sofa and sitting down. She looked up at Harry, big orange-brown eyes immediately gripping his attention and patting the area next to her.
“I’ll stay with you, as long as you don’t smoke another thingymajiggy. They smell nice… but I don’t fancy inhaling all that.” She said, a huge smile spreading across her face.
Harry did an inward double-take; why was she staying? Why hadn’t she got freaked out and left already? He wasn’t as out of it as he had been earlier, but it still took him a while to register that she was in fact staying, definitely. He stumbled round the sofa and fell down next to her, opening his mouth to speak but not quite sure what to say.
“Err… thanks. I didn’t… Um, I guess I didn’t expect you to stay? But stay anyway. I definitely want you to stay.” He stuttered, running his hand over his face and trying to get a hold of himself. Harry stared at Andrea’s smiling but obviously tired face, her hair falling messily in waves around her face and eyes ever so slightly reddened. All of a sudden, another face came to his mind. His heart started to race like crazy, memories of the past invading his mind and quickly driving him insane.
“Damn it…” Harry whispered, his head in his hands. His entire body was heating up, too quickly. “I have to... I’ll be back in a second.”
The smile on Andrea’s face melted off as she watched Harry walk off into the bathroom. It was a while before he emerged again. And when he did emerge, Andrea immediately knew she was dealing with something a lot bigger than she initially thought.