‹ Prequel: Heels Over Head

Still Mine

Chapter Eight

Chapter 8
Andrea’s POV
I argued and argued, I swear I did. But Harry simply wouldn’t hear of it; he ‘put his foot down’. He was going to take me to see my parents in his car, and that was that.
“Why!? I’m not a little child; I can make the train journey on my own you know…” I reasoned, following Harry into his bedroom as he rustled around for a clean shirt to put on. He was already wearing a pair of straight-leg jeans, and as he slung on a black shirt and military-style coat he just got more and more gorgeous. I hated it when he looked gorgeous. It wasn’t fair on my brain.
“You might not be a little child, but you are a small innocent looking girl who guys will happily trick into sex or… stuff.”
“Harry, you’re more likely to do that than anyone else.”
He gave me a look. It was a look that said ‘you might be right, but you don’t have to tell me.’
“Look, you really don’t have to take me, and I highly doubt my parents will be too happy to see you.” I said, Harry still determined to take me and who was now pulling on a pair of expensive looking boots.
“Your parents will bloody love me. Now shut up and let’s go.” He said, snatching his keys off the kitchen worktop and pulling me out of the apartment. I stumbled out into the freezing cold air; it was still quite early and being a Sunday, there weren’t many people up and about. My mind quickly fell upon the fact that my parents were really quite weird and I wasn’t so keen on them meeting Harry… or Harry meeting them. I have the weirdest relationship with my dad, and my mum has a strong Korean accent meaning that most people she talks to don’t fully understand what the hell she’s on about.
“Harry seriously, I don’t think this is a good idea—”
“My ideas are always good. Put the address into the SAT NAV. Need anything before we go?”
“No, I just need to warn you that my parents are not normal.”
“Andy, you’re not normal.”
And with that, I gave up and got in the car.

Harry’s POV
I really didn’t know why I’d offered to do this. I even had a small pool party planned at Rob’s house that day, which I’d definitely have to boycott if I’d be going all the way to Surrey and back.
We’d been in the car for about five minutes, neither of us speaking at all and the radio blaring away in the background, some dude mumbling on about the M25. It eventually drove me a little bit insane, I had to break the silence. I don’t do silences.
“So you said your parents aren’t normal?” I piped up, as we pulled up at a red light.
“Mmm. My father is… an odd one. And my mum’s accent is far from perfect.” She said quietly, smiling a little as she pulled her purse out of her bag. Fumbling in the purse she picked out a small tattered photograph and stuck it in my face. “See my dad? He is obsessed with the idea of me getting laid. Both of my older half sisters got huge jobs by screwing the top guys, so my dad is fixated with the notion that in order for me to get anywhere in life, I need to get good at sex. It’s quite hilarious, because I’m the good one out of all his kids. And no matter how easy it’d be to just tell my dad I’ve had sex… I really can’t lie to the guy.” She explained, laughing at the situation. The light went green and we set off again, me actually itching to know the rest about her admittedly weird family.
“So, just have sex already.” I said, offering a perfectly brilliant solution to the ‘problem’.
“Nah. Anyway, my two older sisters are insanely hot. Life is basically handed to them on a platter; my dad doesn’t really recognize this and expects my life to be exactly the same. So I guess he’s majorly disappointed that I’m working part-time at a pub.” She was looking down at this point, not realizing that I was actually looking at her. Truth be told I should have been looking at the road ahead of me. But she looked quite bummed.
“Yeah well… you got the scholarship didn’t you? Ain’t that proof enough that you’re not a failure?” I asked, trying desperately to provide some sort of uplifting outlook. But she just shrugged it off and put a different radio station on, turning it up when she finally found one that was playing music. For the rest of the journey, she just sang along to songs, bopping away beside me like a cute little… bopping thing. I can’t think of a good enough simile for that one.

Third Persons POV
They arrived at Andrea’s parents house, both sitting in the car for at least a minute before even thinking about getting out. Harry had silently realized that if her parents asked how long they’d known each other, they’d probably be a bit bummed that she’d been in the car with some guy she’d known only four days. Her dad didn’t sound like the type to quietly hate in a corner either; if he knew anything, he’d be all up in his face, wanting to have some man-on-man chat with him.
“So. We should probably get out of the car then…” Harry finally said, turning to look at Andrea. She was staring out the car window, with a weird look on her face.
“I don’t think this is such a great idea. I mean, as soon as my dad sees you, he’s going to assume… well, you know.” She replied, running her hand through her hair. But Harry had already decided he was getting out of the car; barely taking notice of what she said. If anything, it would be a plus that her dad thought he was banging her.
“Harry! Wait…” Andrea mumbled, falling out of the car and totting off after him.
“This is the one, right?” Harry indicated towards the red door in front of him, cheeky grin creeping onto his face when she nodded. He started walking up the garden path, Andrea following him closely. She overtook him as they approached the door and knocked at it three times, eagerly waiting to see her parents whom she hadn’t seen for quite a while now. A small middle-aged woman with short black hair cut into a cute little bob opened the door and a wide smile donned her face.
“Andrea! Oh, Andrea! My baby is home, my little beautiful baby! Come in, come in, come in!” She exclaimed, happy as a clam. Andrea’s face was beaming; her love for her mother was obviously strong. Harry was unsure what to do; his foot was wavering over the doorframe, that is, until Andrea’s dad came bounding in.
“Andy, baby! Oh and what’s this… could this be? You’ve finally brought a man home with ya! Good on you!”
Five minutes later and they were all sat in the living room, mugs of tea in hand and plate of chocolate digestives sitting temptingly on the coffee table. Andrea and her mum, Shin-Yi, were sat deep in conversation on the sofa, both subconsciously talking in Korean. Her dad sat on the chair next to Harry, using the opportunity to get stuck in.
“So. Have you two slept together yet?” He started.
This was indeed going to be an awkward yet highly interesting visit… at least for Harry.
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Sorry for the wait... I'm writing as fast as I can guys!