Status: Hiatus


Walking like strangers among these states

Why the fuck did I go along with this.

An open bag of cookies sat on her lap as one of her hands gripped the steering wheel and another pressed down the center honking the slow moving car in front of her.

Alie thought at first that running away could solve everything. No boundaries, no restrictions. However, it seemed so stupid now when you are stuck in traffic with the only songs playing on any radio station were hillbilly music. The incredibly annoying banjo music ringed in her ears, making her hold the steering wheel more tightly, fighting the urge to shut the radio off completely. For then it would mean silence.

"It's now four AM! What do you think Joe, should we play the latest hit, Dallas Darling by the Stan Anderson and the Blue Rhythm Boys?

"Well why don't you Claire! I bet our listeners will love to hear an all time classic!"

"No, no we don't." Alie mutters, honking the horn louder and longer than the last time.

It was four AM. That means she has been on the road for seven hours, munching on nothing but cookies she had in the backseat and drinking a cappuccino she bought hours before. She had travelled across two states. Alie groaned when she saw the 'Delay' sign. As if life could get any worse.


After an hour of inching, Alie could not take any more of the hillbilly music playing on the radio, and her stomach grumbled begging for real food. She turned the first random exit and swerved aimless roads until she spotted a grubby motel near a small highway. The parking lot was nearly empty except for a few cars. It seemed almost perfect, except for the fact that this could be a potential dangerous neighborhood.

She matted the flyaway's down and tied her hair in a loose bun before walking up to the management office to request a room to stay.

Alie knocked the door twice and opened the door slightly, praying there was someone in. She was not the one for religion, but at this moment, to Alie, a little faith did not seem to hurt.

A short balding man appeared holding a stack of papers. His left eye twitched when he noticed the girl standing near his office, head peaking through the small slit.

"Hey what are you doing here?" The man commanded. The tiny wisps of hair flew left and right on his shiny head as he sputtered the words, his face getting redder and redder. You could say he wanted people to respect his personal space.

The girl was making it harder to respect his other principles as well. Her head jerked toward the sound of the voice and her eyes widened at the site of the stubby man holding too many papers. She straightened her back as the floral tank top she wore lowered, revealing her swelled breasts. Her skinny thighs and hips masked by tight skinny jeans and her petite feet barely covered by white flip-flops. The strands of brown hair falling over her face enunciated her sharp cheekbones. To the man, he had not seen something this beautiful since the day he met his wife, all those years ago. The man sputtered trying to form words, but his mouth did not seem to cooperate with his brain who kept trying to say, "Get lost lady!"

Alie felt uncomfortable seeing the man stare at her, a weird feeling that made her squirm on the spot. It felt like all the eyes were on her.

"Can I have a room?" she stammered, shifting her eyes side to side, holding her head down.

The stubby man walked past her slamming the door open. The papers inside rustled. He sat on his chair behind his desk. The nameplate engraved in a cheap metal read, Samuel Barns.

She walked in slowly, in short little steps. She looked at the man in confusion. He looked as if he never met the girl.

However, it was quite the opposite. He had seen her and he was hoping it was just a figment of imagination. Why is such a beautiful girl spending her money in this crummy little motel? She looks like she had more money than anyone did. He would not like to admit it, for this motel has been part of his family for many years, but this place was not the best place to stay in.

"Forty-five dollars per day." He said simply with his head still down. "Start paying tomorrow. Today is free." He hands her a key with a keychain printed with the room number.

"Oh-Okay then." She exited the door stopping at the threshold before turning back to face the short balding man. "Thank you."

"What?" Samuel's head shot up and stared at the girl standing.

Alie's head tilted in confusion and a small smile appeared on her face. "I said thank you."

He nodded his head, still looking at the girl with surprise.

She turns and exits the door to get her bag from the car.

Her purple duffel bag was unpacked at the foot of her bed. The room is a dingy yellow. The bathroom was decent. The kitchen looked spotless, and she knew this room was not occupied for some time.

Alie closed the blinds and laid on her bed the sheets over her body. She rested her head on the soft pillow and slept a dreamless slumber.


The alarm next to her blared another country song, this time Taylor Swift's Change. Alie groaned slamming her palm down on the off button. She was beginning to hate that music genre.

Her legs swinged over the bed landing on the carpet. Alie walked over to the windows and pulled the string to lift the blinds up. She glanced at the moving cars and the swaying trees. The sun was high in the sky. She went into the bathroom and took out her hair kit. , and looked back at the long brown hair she adored. If she was to start a new life and not be caught by whomever her mother hired to find her, she needed to look different. She took out hair dye and started the long process of dying her hair.

Her results came out better than she anticipated. The two years she took that beautician class really paid off. She thought staring at her scarlet red hair. She dried her hair, careful on the parts she died excessively. Then the sharpened, silver scissors came out. She layered her hair and chopped of two inches. Trimming her bangs and looking in the mirror, she smiled with a pleased look.

Her hair was still up to the middle of her stomach, but she felt completely different. She did not feel like Natalie Sierra Montgomery anymore. Right now, looking at her reflection, she looked like Alie, the girl she has always wanted to be.

Alie gathered the hair she reluctantly chopped off and threw them in the trash bin. She walked out with a new outfit. She stepped outside into the warm outside, surprised that a day like this could exist in autumn. She walked down the streets gazing into small stores and tiny restaurants. A tiny park by a river came into view and she knew then that this place would wonder her in so many ways.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh how I love stereotypical hillbilly music.


- Okay i made it a bit shorter. but im the part i left out is going to be in the next chapter. -
Alie's Outfits:
Outfit #1
Outfit #2

With Love,
Tree <3