Status: Hiatus


I'm coming out of my cage, And I've been doing just fine.

The motel was growing on Alie. She could not bear to leave this small town in Pennsylvania. Even though she should, she was running low on money she could not stay at the motel in day's time.

As everyday Alie spent her day, she would be outside in the crisp December air by 10 in the morning after eating breakfast with Samuel. The pair had grown to like each other and it was not as awkward like the time they first met. Samuel grew to love Alie like the daughter he never had.

Alie sat on the swing in the park quietly rocking back and forth on the swing clearing her thoughts. The sun raised higher and higher in the sky as the dark outside became lighter in color until it was a pastel blue with specks of gold. Couples walked down the sidewalk holding hand and next to her, a little girl sat on the swing next to her and swinged along with her.

The park was not empty anymore. Kids bustled in and parents followed trying to keep up with the spirit. Alie smiled to herself and looked at the children sliding down the swirly slide, their parent's waited for them in the bottom their arms wide open to hold their kids tightly for they rode the 'big' slide.

Alie got up from the swing she was sitting down letting another girl have her turn. She walks towards a diner and sits down on one of the stools not wanting to order.

"Can I help you miss?" Alie looked up and saw a pale girl with black hair. Her bangs were choppy as if she used shears to cut them and the left side of her hair was longer than the other side.

"You have Jasmine tea?"

"Yeah, I'll be right back with it."

"Thank you." Alie smiled and turned away looking out the window.

She felt the waiter leave and sighed resting her head on her right palm.

"That will be one-ninety nine." Alie gave her the money and she walked away for the second time. The tea swirled in the hot water and milk. The aromatic smelled cleared her senses and brought the twisted knots in her brain untangled. Gingerly, trying not to burn herself with the heat of the porcelain cup, she brought it to her lips and sipped.

The Jasmine tea was perfection.

"You like that stuff don't you."

Shocked, Alie looked up and saw an elderly woman near her table holding a porcelain cup as well.

"This stuff is heaven in a cup. Of course, I love it."

The woman gave a light laugh and sat down opposite to Alie.

All day, Alie talked to the woman, and laughed at her jokes in return she laughed at hers. They both were so lost in the world of food and friendship; they both did not see the sun go down.

"Oh dear, I haven't been like this since the days when my husband was still around." Alie looked at the woman with sympathy and lightly rested her hand on hers. However, she laughed and said it was a long time ago and it did not seem as sad anymore.

"If you do not mind if I ask, who are you?" Alie looked at the woman with confusion. All this time she talked to her, she did not even ask for a name.

"I'm Patty Laverne."

Something sparked in her brain. "Patty, as in the Patty from which Patty's diner comes from?" Alie asked.

Laughing again the woman replies, "Yes, I am the manager and owner of this dear old diner."

Alie widened her eyes. She knew Patty was special and had a great taste in food, but so interested in food that she opened a diner. It seemed do heartwarming, having to own something that took you so long to build up.

"And you my dear are looking for a job, am I right? To pay off the room?" Patty said with a twinkle in her eyes. She grinned widely as if she knew what she was talking about.

"How did you know?" Alie stood up straighter. A fake smile plastered on her face, masking the fear that was supposed to show.

How much does she know? Does she know my mother? Have I been caught? Thoughts like these raced in Alie's mind. She was afraid that her mother would come and take her away from this wonderful town. She was afraid that she would make her wed that god-awful man, Jeremy.

"Oh a little birdie named Samuel told me." She grinned wider crinkling her nose. Alie felt an exasperated sigh escape her mouth.

"Oh really?" Alie laughed trying to hide her previous shock, "What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know, maybe this?" Patty threw her a blue apron with the words Patty's Diner stitched on the left breast.

Patty's Diner did not have many customers on Mondays or Tuesdays, but when weekend came about there was a huge rush to get one of their famous apple and cinnamon pancakes. Patty told her when she was locking the door to the diner.

Patty was a sweet old woman who had a kind heart, Alie already knew that. She was always nice to her customers and gave them a feeling of release when she spoke to them. She did not know anything about Alie's home life, but she could tell she had come from a hard background. Alie was no different from anyone else when she thought about Patty. She was like the mother she always wanted. She offered her free food when the days were slow and talked to her when she was thinking about home. It was obvious Alie wanted to stay, and she kept putting the thought away when it did come up. She just felt like at this moment, there was nothing else to live for than apple and cinnamon pancakes.


Alie began working at the diner from eleven in the morning to two in the afternoon. Have her thirty-minute break with Sammy, the waiter who delivered her Jasmine tea that day, come back and work until nine. However, I would not have it any other way.

The days were slow, but eventful. She gradually began to notice the regulars that would come in daily and have pleasant conversations if they were willing. Everyone who came into the diner those days always exited happy, feeling a bit more free from all the drama around him or her.

Days turned into weeks in the small town of Pottsville, Pennsylvania, and the thoughts of her old home were pushed out of the way into a deep crevice in her mind. All the loneliness, the ignorance and certainly the lack of love were disappearing. And all Alie thought was how much she owed the townspeople for their generosity.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Tofurky Day!
Alie Outfit
Haha :) Sorry ths came out so late. I wanted to post it up sooner but the Internet was killing me.
Literally -___-
This was kinda like a filler.
And only three weeks past since she ran away. So not a BIG time change.

To the one subsciber THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU!
Comment please and Subscibe!

I will love you forever if you do <3

With Love,
Tree <3