Status: Hiatus


Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.

"Here you go." Blake handed the cup of steaming hot chocolate to Emma lightly stirring it. Emma giggled and started to play with the marshmallows floating on top of the brown liquid.

"Your home is beautiful." Alie said looking around at the view around her. The walls were a musty white and adorned various pictures and decorations. The furniture was wood, all except for the stainless steel appliances. The floors were carpeted with a fluffy green carpet that felt soft to her feet. The kitchen was tiled with big brown tiles. The whole home was exquisite.

Blake laughed to himself, "Yeah my mom loved this house to death. She designed the whole house top to bottom." Blake smiled thinking about his mother and their families activities. He remembered the day when his mother announced to his father that she wanted to remodel the whole house. He remembered his father's bewildered face. Blake dropped in three marshmallows in to the steamy chocolate and handed it over to Alie. He got his own cup filled to the brim of his favorite beverage and sat down on the chair joining the two girls.

"That's amazing." Alie looked around again, finally setting her eyes on Blake. He was smiling, not at her, but at something else. He's probably thinking of something

The group sipped the hot chocolate watching the flurries outside the large window in the kitchen.

Ella played with one of the marshmallows and loudly slurped the hot chocolate. "Guess what I can do big brother!" She boasted lifting the spoon from the hot chocolate with one marshmallow and flipping it in the air, attempting to catch it with her mouth. Unfortunately, for Emma and Alie, the marshmallow did not land in Emma's mouth rather on her head, and when Emma had flung the marshmallow in the air her cup half filled with hot chocolate had tipped over sending hot chocolate towards Alie. This had happened all before their very eyes.

"Damn." Alie muttered under her breath hoping Emma would not hear the curse. She looked at her wet sweater and jeans.

"I'm sorry Lie Lie! I'm sorry!" Tears started forming in Ella's eyes, and it hurt Alie to see her like that.

"It's okay Ely. I'm good." She stole a glance at Blake you started to soak up the chocolate from the couch. She wiped the tears from Ella's eyes and hugged her, careful not to get her wet from the chocolate liquid.

"I'll go get you some of Alex's clothes. You seem his size." Blake left the room with a kiss to Ella's head.

From where Alie was sitting, she saw the flurries from this morning turn into a blizzard. Gusts of white clung to the window frame and blew in no same direction.

"How am I going to get home?" Home. In the short two weeks she had been in Pottsville, the motel was her home. The word came naturally to her mouth without hesitation or scorn. Alie's mouth tinged with the free loving word. It felt nice to say something and not think about consequences. However, her home was a far walk from where Blake's house was. Moreover, she has not seen a driving car since she got here. In fact, she did not even think that the roads were paved for cars.

"Here you go. There is a bathroom upstairs; you can change in, down the hall and to the right. It should be easy to find though. It has a big sign that says bathroom." Blake began, when he saw Alie's confused face to why they had a big sign in front of their bathroom, he gave the simplest explanation. "It makes it easier to find when we're drunk."

Alie laughed to herself and gave Blake a smile, "Okay."

She walked up the stairs and down the hall, and found that Blake was right. His mother had done an amazing job on this house. The upper floor was more modern than downstairs, but it felt cozy and inviting. Alie found the bathroom and the sign straight off and went inside. The white marble floor felt cool to the soles of her feet.

She set her clothes on the counter on the sink and began to strip her sweater and jeans. The cool air hit her almost naked body and soothed her. She brought the silver men's gym shorts up to her hips. The shorts were baggy, a little too much. She rolled them up once so that they were sitting a bit loose on her.

Instead of wearing the Zacky Vengeance t-shirt that was twice her size, she stuck to the tank top she was already wearing under her sweater. Alie tugged the hair band out of her died red hair and wrapped it around her arm with her bracelet.

A loud moan came from outside of the bathroom. Alie guessed it was female from the high-pitched yell coming right after.

Alie's eyebrow raised as the pair form outside slammed into the bathroom, kissing fiercely. The girl was half-naked and latched onto the boy by the hip and the mouth. The dark brown hair reminded her of Alex.

Alie, never seeing this type of scene before looked in shock and astonishment as the two kept making out, unaware that she was in the bathroom.

"Who the fuck are you?" The girl noticed her staring at the intruding couple and when the boy locked eyes with her, she noticed it was Alex, and the girl might be Sara.

"Alie." Alie replied as it if was obvious.

"Who the fuck is she?" She said to Alex now. She was angered more than she should be. Her blue eyes were enraged. Her plump red lips were pursed.

She got off Alex and stood in front of the door leaving no room for Alie to leave.

"Sara, she's nobody, just one of our friends."

"If she's friends with you, why is she wearing your clothes and half naked? Are you cheating on me Alexander?" Each word laced with anger, she spit them out with such distaste.

Sara was not usually an angry person. She had commitment problems and was clingy. An odd combination for a strange girl, but it worked, for her.

Alex stared at Alie for a second before he noticed Sara marching out of the bathroom gathering the clothes from the floor.

"I fucking hate you Alex! Do not ever speak to me again!" She yelled when she was down the stairs. The slam from the door echoed from downstairs to the bathroom where Alex and Alie were still standing.

"You're a fucking cock-blocker, you know that?" Alex stared at the girl whose face turned from blank to anger as he finished his sentence.

"Excuse me? I didn't ask you to come into the bathroom when I was using it." Alie's eyebrows scrunched together as she straightened her back trying to seem larger. However, to her dismay, Alex was still a head taller than her five foot three height.

"Too fucking bad, it's my bathroom."

"No it's mine. Lay off her Alex." Cameron stepped into the heated bathroom, rays of hate radiating of both Alex and Alie.

"Go away Cam." Alex said bitterly.

Alie and Alex fought more, until the two began to wonder what made them think that they were friends.

"Alie come on." Cameron's hand gripped Alie's and pulled her out of the room.

"Hey I'm not done!" Cameron's voice could be heard as they exited.

"You are now." Cameron yelled back, "Sorry about him. He gets mad at everything, especially cock blocks." He told now facing Alie.

"I didn't ask him to slam into the bathroom kissing that girl, he can suck it."

Cameron threw back his head and laughed. This girl...

"Where are you taking me?" Alie asked

"Nowhere particular."

"It has to be somewhere."

"Okay, somewhere particular."

"Come on Cameron, doesn't that somewhere have a place?"

"It does."



"Tell me the name!"

"I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"Payback, for yesterday."

Alie shook her head laughing. The scene with Alex diminished in her mind, and she helplessly tried to guess where in the house Cameron was taking her. He finally did stop when they reached a dark red door.

"Is the somewhere, here?

"How'd you guess?" He gave Alie a cheeky smile and led Alie through the door.

The only words that Alie could muster at the sight of the beautiful room, was, "Oh wow."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lookatthat! Tree's first cliff hanger of the story! Technically it's not really considered a cliffhanger, but it keeps you wondering what's in that mysterious room, am I right?
Alex is such a bitch isn't he? And what do you think about Sara? Cameron? Blake?

Alie's Outfit

Anyways, on a much bigger note, I have 13 readers, 4 subscribers (to whom I all love)
but no comments!
Not to seem a little off here but I have all these amazing readers and subcribers but no commenters? One comment please. Alteast? It could even be "I hate this story" Just something to tell me you are not robots or some freaky space alien. Thank youu :)

Thanks to all my lovely reader and subscribers. Love you all <3

With Love,
Tree <3