Status: Hiatus


I know that we'll have a ball, If we get down

"Thanks for dropping me off, Cameron." Alie stood on the threshold of her motel room staring at Cameron.

"No problem" He grinned.

"Do you want to come in; I can make you something to eat before you have to go."

"Nah, it's okay. Stay warm." Cameron waved goodbye, as did Alie and she watched Cameron's retreating figure walk into the blizzard outside.

Alie sighed, closing the door. She was still in Alex's shorts, but she had on her leg warmers and knee high socks to keep in some of the warmth. With all this effort trying to get Alie warm, they could have just given her sweatpants, or jeans. However, Alie was not complaining. To her that little generosity was more than enough.

She walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of Jasmine tea. As the tea brewed in the pot, Alie turned on the television.

A local news channel was on, and the stocky weatherman flailed his arms about telling everyone watching about the blizzard outside.

"I suggest no one go outside, the blizzard has just reached its peak at about 60 miles per hour wind. Bundling up and staying close to warmth should be the right thing to do at a time like this."

The scene changed and two newscasters flashed instead. "Thank you Phil." The blonde one referred to the weatherman, and resumed talking. "My, what a storm. In addition, to one mother's despair, this storm is the least of her worries. A Florida woman is looking for her daughter, who she says, has been kidnapped. Sebastian Enriquez is on the case."

Alie's eyes widened. She sat straighter on her bed and stared at the television more intently.

"Thanks Mike. I am here in Oceanport, Florida with the groundbreaking news about one scared mother worrying about her 17-year-old daughter." Rain was pouring where he stood and her house her old home appeared in all its high and glory.

"Natalie Montgomery disappeared from this house to the unknown a few weeks ago, when her mother Liana was out getting some groceries."

Alie choked. Her name. They had said her name.

Her mother appeared on the screen not long after looking as perfect as ever.

"She just disappeared, just like that. I come home with bags filled with her favorite, Caesar salad, and there is no one home." Liana wiped imaginary tears and looked at the anchor in fake desperation.

"I don't even like Caesar salad." Alie yelled at the TV. Her hand found the remote, shut it off, and stomped into the kitchen.

How could my mother lie like that? Doesn't she care?

She poured the scalding hot tea into a cup and leaned against the counter, quietly sipping the tea, letting the liquid extinguish the anger.


The snow stopped by the morning. Alex woke up on the carpeted floor of his room and walked downstairs where the voiced were getting louder.

He saw his girlfriend Sara sitting on the couch mindlessly watching TV, and Emma sitting on the ground playing with blocks.

"Hi baby." Sara cuddled against his side as he sat down. She drew circles on his bare chest.

"Hey Sara." He suppressed a yawn and lazily wrapped his arm around Sara's shoulders.

Emma looked at the Alex and Sara together on the couch, got up and played in the kitchen where her brother and Felix were making breakfast.

"Have you guys seen Cam? I haven't seen him since he said he was going to drop off Alie." Felix called from the kitchen.

Alex locked his lips together stealing a glance at Sara. Hoping she would not mind, Alex replied, "He came home late after dropping Alie; he's up in his room sleeping."

"Is that Alie girl, the same girl from yesterday?" Sara murmured.


"What did you guys do yesterday?"

"We watched football, and had some beer with Taco bell." Cameron replied as he walked down the stairs yawning, only in his boxers.

Shit thought Alex.

"You guys drank with her?" Sara was not against Alex anymore she was standing now facing Alex and Cameron with a pissed of look.

"Yeah, but she didn't drink, only us." Alex said slowly.

Sara huffed and sat on the couch farther away from Alex.

"We didn't do anything, and she left before morning. It's not a big deal Sara."

"Not to you it isn't. What if she took advantage of your drunken state? Maybe she fucked –"

"No cursing around my sister, Sara." Blake walked in to the den and stopped her from saying anymore.

"Fine." Sara sat down again farther away from Alex and stared at him menacingly.

"I'm going to the diner, Alex do you want to come?" Cameron slowly said trying to get his friend out of hell.

Thank you Cam. Thought Alex, and he replied, "Yeah, let me go change."

"I'll be back later." Alex leaned down to kiss Sara, but she turned her head so he only got the cheek. Alex sighed, and walked upstairs.


Patty's Diner was full today, with more coming in by the second. Sammy and Alie didn't go on their breaks like usual, because the rushing customers. There was simply no time to slack off.

Sammy carried three plates skillfully on her arms with Alie following with notepads and drinks.

"Damn, why are there so many people today?" Sammy asked more to the wind than to Alie.

"Rush hour, I guess."

"More like Rush day." They both shared a laugh, before they split to make to other customers.

Sammy reached to one table that occupied two teenage boys, much to her age, "Can I help you?"

She had seen them two days ago talking to Alie. It was obvious that one of the two was looking for her. The other one seemed tired and out of it.

"Yeah, have you seen Alie?"

Alex head shot up and focused on Cameron sitting opposite from him, "That's why you came here?"

"We are really busy right now, and I don't think she'll have the time to talk. How about in an hour or two, I can set you two up with some coffee while you wait?" Sammy said.

"Sure." Cameron's discouraged face made Alex laugh. The waitress walked away jotting down two coffees.

"You like her."

"A little bit. However, it is more like a friend. She just seems so different from all the other girls. "

"I see." Alex stifled a laugh. Alex knew Cameron would never lie he was just like that. Moreover, if he did, Alex knew, being his friend since birth let him know more about Cameron than anyone else did. However, it was still fun to make fun of him.

"Oh come on, you're laughing at my relationship problems."

"What do you mean?" Alex said in amusement.

"Sara fights all the time with you, even when we in high school." Alex's face dropped. Cameron realizing what he said to his best friend, added "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay, dude." With a pause, he added, "I love her." The statement was unexpected, but had to be said.

Cameron nodded, not sure what else to add. Cameron knew Alex since he was a kid. He knew how much trust Sara had to give to Alex in order for her to be Alex's girlfriend. Cameron knew how much Alex had commitment problems, and how he cannot stand cheating or lying.

The waitress, Sammy, came back with their hot beverages.

Alex saw Alie in the far corner of the diner, smiling and taking orders. He saw her walk closer to their table, to the one right behind Cameron.

Alie saw Alex. Their eyes locked for a second. That second drew long. Alex felt weird. The odd feeling of being the only one in the room when those minty green eyes looked at him. Alie felt warm. The sensation of warmth that made her cheeks flush red and her knees wobble.

The odd feeling made Alie turn away, and face the elderly couple she was serving. Alex eyes drooped and set on the coffee.

What was that? They both thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
I dont' like this one that much. Im im getting some writer's block, so chapters might come out slower. :/


With love,
Tree <3