Part 1: Overture

“She’s… beautiful.” the dark-haired man leaned down to take a closer look at the baby that had just been born not minutes ago. His wife, tenderly holding the baby in her hands, cradling it to sleep as its cries died down from a high to low volume, slowly becoming light whimpers.

“And to think, the pain of it all brought this little angel into the world,” she spoke, stroking the baby’s head with gentle fingers. “It’s all worth it.”

October 8th, 2093. The month, day and year that this event happened. A happily married couple had just given birth to a healthy baby girl, with the faintest hints of brown hair forming on the top of her head. Her eyes were still closed, but the man and woman could even now start to see the lids start fluttering. The male, Robert Aiden, smiled at the sight.

“So, what are we going to name her?” he spoke, turning to look at the female, Samantha Aiden. She gave him a weak grin in return, pondering the question as she let out a chuckle.
“Honestly, I still have to think about that,” she spoke. “…but, I’m thinking we should give her a unique name. Something not usually given to a girl.” Robert nodded, sitting down in the chair next to the hospital bed.

“I like that idea.” He agreed, “So what should it be?”

Samantha again glanced at the child in her arms, watching as the small baby turned slightly in mid-sleep. “How about…” she paused to think, “…Lee?”

The man nodded his approval. Soon, the two adults, once more, stared at their daughter to find that her eyes were open.

Her bright blue eyes were open.

Samantha’s smile was broader than ever as she kissed the girl on top of her head. “Believe you me, Robert,” she whispered. “I think… no… I know that someday, this child, Lee Aiden, is going to change the world forever.”


And the meek shall inherit the earth.


-August 4th, 2112-
I lie awake, staring out at the bleakness of Megadon. City and sky become one, merging into a single plane, a vast sea of unbroken grey. The Twin Moons, just two pale orbs as they trace their way across the steely sky. I used to think people had a pretty good life here, just plugging into their machines for the day, then watching Templevision or reading a Temple Paper in the evening.
My friend John always said it was nicer here than under the atmospheric domes of the Outer Planets. From what I’ve been told, we’ve had peace since 2062, when the surviving planets were banded together under the Red Star of the Solar Federation. The less fortunate gave us a few new moons.
I believed what I was told. I thought it was a good life. I thought I was happy. But my mother keeps telling me I’m going to do something great in the world. And I have a feeling that maybe, just maybe, that one day, I’ll find something that’ll change it all...

Lee Aiden heaved a sigh, closing her diary and placing it back in her bag on the floor as she turned to stare out the window. Now, most didn’t believe what anyone else told them about her; this female’s appearance was the sheer image of perfection, if not the closest to it that anyone had ever seen. Her locks of hair were a beautiful, deep shade of auburn, flowing down gently to the middle of her back. The curious twinkle in her sparkling azure eyes contrasted the shade of blackish-white that accented the sky that presented itself from the distance. Pale skin that was smooth to the touch and colored like that of a porcelain doll, and her lips colored a splash of soft pink. A pair of light grey rimmed glasses sat perched atop the bridge of her nose, helping her intellectual look stand out a tad more.

She drummed her fingers on the marble desk out of sheer boredom, thoughts cloudy and her mind starting to wander. ‘But what exactly is out there to begin with?’ she thought to herself, exhaling silently. ‘Is there really something worth finding? Maybe something the Federation’s been hiding from us?’ Appalled by the sudden thought that had found its way into her mind, she shook her head almost violently. ‘No, that can’t be possible. The priests would tell us everything… wouldn’t they? Unless it was something ultimately confidential that could never be revealed to the public. But then again, what could be so horrible as for that to happen? Has anything even close to that caliber occurred at all?’

Shaking her head and setting the multiple questions still in her head aside, her gaze averted to two boys sitting four rows down from her, one with dark brown hair to his shoulders, green eyes, and tan skin, and another with black hair that reached his chest, brown eyes, and pale skin like hers. Alex Brown and Tyler Neil. Catching her gaze, the green-eyed boy gave her a small wave as the other smiled at her. Returning the gestures, she then look downward at the small pile of notebook paper in front of her on her desk, then to the pencil that rested next to them. A booming, yet monotone voice then spoke from the P.A. System at the front of the room.

“Now, students, your next assignment is to write down a paragraph of what you know and think about the Temples of the city. You are allowed to be as descriptive as you’d like, but remember- only one paragraph. These will be turned in at the table at the end of the day. It is wise to remember what the Temples stand for and what they have done throughout the years…”

Lee didn’t wait for the voice to finish speaking; since she understood the assignment enough already, she picked up the pencil with dainty hands and had begun writing her thoughts on the paper in neat, organized lettering.

The massive grey walls of the Temples rise from the heart of every Federation city. I have always been awed by them; to think that every single facet of every life is regulated and directed from within! Our books, our music, our work and play- they are all looked after by the benevolent wisdom of the priests…
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and sweet, just like the beginning of the song. More will come soon.
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