Status: In the proccess of writting.

Him, the one I loved.

My heart was picking up pace as my music was playing. The beat of the song was defeating, causing me to not hear my breath. This was my routine, every morning a 30 minute run. I turned left on the usual street and made my way to the main road. Passing the field, that field, the one where all my good, happy memories were. I shook it off. He’s not here anymore.
  1. Him, the one I loved (Chapter 1)
    513 words
  2. Him, the one I loved (Chapter 2)
    538 words
  3. Him, the one I loved (Chapter 3)
    1,424 words.
  4. Him, the one I loved (Chapter 4)
    Darren and Elle bond, and she talks about Jason for the first time since it happened. Ian takes it the wrong way as he's drunk and reacts horribly.