Status: In the proccess of writting.

Him, the one I loved.

Him, the one I loved (Chapter 2)

I stood inside my house. Breathe, breathe. I shook everything off and went to my room; well it was more like my floor. My parent’s finished the basement and I got to live there. I changed into my swimming suit, the feel of it felt comforting. Normal. I grabbed my goggles and then headed outside. I dove into the pool. The rush of the water was like a hug, it made me comfortable, content, happy. I just kept swimming until I couldn’t go any longer. I pulled myself out of the water and took off my goggles. When I looked up he was standing there, watching me. “What the hell!” I said startled. I went for a towel.

“Wow. Your Mrs. Athletic aren’t you.” said the stranger. Who is he, trespassing on my property and watching me? Breathe. Breathe. I maintained my composure and looked at him, straight in those gorgeous eyes.

“Who do you think you are?” I spat. “You come into my backyard and watch me for God knows how long and you aren’t even slightly ashamed of it?” I don’t understand this kid’s logic.

“You’re interesting.” he said with a smirk on his face. What in the world?

“Well you are creepy, who are you?” I asked.

"Darren Wagner.” He said. My breath caught. Wagner, as in Jason Wagner, the one I loved. No wonder he looks so alike, same voice, same eyes.

“I didn’t know Jason had a brother.” I said.

“Please, don’t mention him.” Darren said with a hurt in his voice.

“I’m sorry.” I say I want to break out in tears. The water comes to my eyes, I look up. Don’t cry, not here. Not with him. The tears come anyways. I turn around. I hate when people see me cry. Seconds later an arm is around me, a strong, sturdy, comforting arm. Stop it, just breathe. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, it calms me down.

“I’m not his brother, I’m actually his cousin.” Darren says. “You guys were close?”

“We dated for 3 years, then it happened.” I said sniffling like an idiot.

“Well, let me take you for coffee.” Darren said trying to reach out. I couldn’t help but smile. He was sweet, and exactly what I needed to get my mind off everything.

“Well, I have coffee inside you can come in. I just have to get dressed.” I said the sniffling still there but steadily going away. I walked inside and Darren followed me. Darren sat on the couch and I went in my room and changed. I came out my hair still reeked of chlorine and now amount of perfume could cover it up. I went to my own kitchen and brewed a cup of coffee and sat on the couch with Darren. “Even though, you are very creepy, I’m glad you came into my back yard.”

He smiled and it was the same smile, that same smile I used to kiss and smile right back at. “I’m glad you ran into me today, literally.” Darren said laughing. I started laughing too. It was the first time I have genuinely laughed in a while. This was the beginning to the most my destiny.
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wellllll i don't know I stopped writting this so I forgot where I was going with itt, but what do you think?