"Tonight, The stars are shining for you..."

Shhhh, Don't wake the roses.

Lauren started giggling the moment she felt the cold, wet, grass against her hoody and the back of her head.

"Shhh..." He said pressing a light warm kiss against her lips.

He broke away from the kiss as he laid down beside her and started gazing up at the stars with a small grin on his lips.
He couldn't believe it, He was actually with her, The love of his life, The girl of his dreams. It was amazing... It felt like heaven being around her. His grin turned into a frown when he thought about leaving her in twelve hours and not returning for three to five years.

"Oh look! There's a shooting star!!" She said, pointing her finger up at the beautiful diamonds glistening in the sky.

"What did you wish?" he asked while leaning up and looking at her. He used one of his hands to brush back some of her hair that was in her eyes.

"... That your flight was canceled and that you could stay with me for a while longer...." She said, smiling up at him.

"Really? I wished that too." He said right before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers once more.

"I love you." He said in between the heated kisses.

"How much?" She said, breaking away from the kiss.
"Look up at the sky..." He said pointing up.
"Don't change the subject." She said with a shiver as the cold, crisp, wind hit her from the side.
"I'm not, so just look" He said.

"Oh fine..." She said looking up at the dark blue sky.

"Count how many stars are in the sky right now..."

"That's impossible..." She said shaking her head slightly.

"Show is explaining how much I love you." He said with a stupid, cute grin.

"Awhhh" She said hugging his neck "I love your corny pick up lines, You're so amazing." She added while trying to hide the fact that her face was glowing red.

"I try..." He said lying back down beside her.

They sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Lauren let out a deep sigh as her warm breath turned into ice right in front of her.

He pulled her closer to him for her to lay her head on his chest. She closed her eyes and smiled, He wrapped his arms around her and didn't let go until she woke up...

"Tonight, The stars are shining for you..." He whispered in her ear before falling asleep himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a short story. It was kinda sketchy and uh... an epic fail before I had to go to sleep in 15 minutes xD (Which was... 30 minutes ago.)
Anyways, What inspired me to do this story was My best friend Lauren and her boyfriend Karl. Plus, It was such a beautiful night tonight.... I think I might just go out and lay down for a quick look....