Status: Active!

Jail Bird.

Escape #46 FAILED

I paced back and forth in my cell, Jack shaking his bald head at me every few minutes as I became more and more anxious. Nasty still hadn’t arrived and I was worries for my escape plan, its hard work thinking these kinds of things up.

“How hard is it to bake a cake and stuff a file between the layers!?” I screeched making Jack jump at the sudden screech. It was a rhetorical question but he still felt the need to answer it.

“It’s rather difficult work Ronnie, you got to make sure it look’s perfect from the outside and smooth out the icing...” He stopped when he realized what he was saying.

He cleared his throat and muttered soothing about ‘it’s just a cake don’t worry’ I whined a little in my throat.

I needed the perfect timing to perfect my plan and so far Nasty was messing with the previously stated plan.

“Radke, visitor.” One of the burly guards tapped the bars with the end of his rifle. I grinned like a mad man.

“Hands and feet pointed towards me, legs spread.” He said in a monotone, common procedure you know? I done as requested but I couldn’t help but twitch with excitement.

Cuffed and escorted, I walked eagerly towards the visitation rooms, my head craning up, to the side and around looking my friend. I became a little nervous when I couldn’t see him.

“Where are we going?” I asked nervously, before craning my neck to look behind me as we passed the sting rooms.

“Warden.” My mind fizzled furiously as I ran over the excuse’s I could give for the cake; my heart hammered in my ears.

“I need to pee!” I stuttered out as we neared his office, I didn’t really need to pee I just need more time to find an excuse.

“Hold it in” The guard growled and I bite my lip, FUCK.

He pulled me through the warden’s office door and I a string of apologies fell from my lips.

“I’msorryitwasn’thisfaultitwasmineiwassimplytryingtocelebrate-“ “HIS DOGS BIRTHDAY.” Nasty’s voice cut into my ranting.

My jaw dropped and I processed the scene before, the warden had raised eyebrow, Nasty sat opposite him with a pleading look and I noticed the pink frosted cake in the center of the table.

“It’s your dog’s birthday, and we are celebrating it, right Ronnie?” Nasty said through gritted teeth, I blinked for a few seconds realization dawning on me.

“OH YEAH, It’s his fifth birthday today!” I said quickly saving whatever dignity I had.

“But you said it was his fourth?” The warden said to Nasty suspicion clearly evident in his one.

“Oh right yes, it’s his fourth; I’m always mixing up the years.” I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

“Uh, take a seat.” He said carefully, I plopped my ass down; my chains rattling a little.

“Well let’s not let this cake go to waste.” He said picking up the butter knife and slicing it through the cake.

I swallowed my tongue and waited anxiously for him to discover the concealed file, he sliced another two piece for Nasty and myself. My heart leaped every slice, expecting him to find the file. He didn’t and my worry turned to disappointment at the lack of file.

The idiot probably forgot the damn file.

I shot him a dirty look and he looked at me like a twit, I sighed; picking up my cake. If I wasn’t getting my file I might as well enjoy the cake.

A pain filled yell echoed of the walls and my eye’s snapped to the warden who held his hand over mouth, a nail file and tooth in his hand.

Oh fuck.
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So here's another chapter, I've got the most brilliant idea for the next escape plan.