Status: In work

Two Worlds

Descent into the Rebellion

Sharron truly wished she had headed the words that Leon had told her all that time ago. The giant was correct. This Dera person, who she had learned was to be her training, scared her almost as much as the giant she was staying with. He seemed to have a ‘learn or die method’, and according to the way that he acted; she would have died many times over. Sharron had just dodged an attacked from the scarred man, who had just sliced a Katana through the air not even two feet from where she had just been. She looked up at him, glaring softly.” Sir, I believe he said TRAIN me, not KILL me” She said watching as a dangerous gleam worked itself into her trainers eyes.

“What’s the difference?” He asks and Sharron watches as he charges towards her again, cursing the fact that Leon had paired her up with this insane guy. She gave a silent sigh as she dodged another one of his slices, admitting that in the few short weeks he had already helped her get stronger then before. Before they had started training she was hardly able to lift, none the less wield; the weapon that she was holding up effortlessly now. She decided to attempt to start an attack on him as she darted towards him, sending a flurry of attacks that were all easily blocked by Dera, as she sighed softly ”dammit, let me kill you; you fucking sadistic asshole.”

She watched the young man chuckle “Aw, how will that help me train you? If I let you kill me then you won’t have a trainer and you’ll die” Her eyes widen as he says this in a near sing song voice. She was honestly wondering if anyone could be this insane. She looked up just in time to notice him dashing towards her, aiming a strike towards her left side. Noticing this, she hastily raises up her sword, just in time in order to block the sword being swung by the mad-man. She watched as his insane look goes away almost immediately after his attack got blocked. “That is enough miss, you can go for today”

She shook her head as she silently moved away from the training grounds, resting her sword on the scabbard which was attached to her back, finally being able to easily move her way around this mass of trees with various shelters basically made to go along with the tree grove. She had to admit that it was much easier for it to be hidden then, since the structures moved along with the trees it was much harder to see that something was there. She looked up and noticed the sun slowly starting it decent down from the top of the sky. At this same time she felt a rumbling in her stomach, telling her that it was time to head down to the mess hall and find something to eat.

She looked up at the wooden ceilings as she walked into the mess hall again. Although she had gotten used to the set up, what she hadn’t gotten used to yet was the fact that all of the buildings that were around were all made up of wood. Even in impoverished areas of her town she did not get that. Here everything was made of wood. She was told that the fact was that if they needed to run it would be much easier to burn stuff if the whole place would light up in flames if they desired to. She saw the flaw in this plan as did many others. The problem was the fact worked both ways. If they were attacked by a group that had even one fire arrow, the chance of them finishing that day alive were very slim if none.

She had just sat down and started to eat when she heard a loud booming voice enter into the mess hall; she tilted her head over towards it and let out a soft laugh when she noticed that it was Leon. He seemed to have a need for everyone in the area to know where he was at all the time. She giggled as she watched him get his food; the sheer amount of food that he ate scared the crap out of her. However she couldn’t say that she was surprised, someone who was that big had to have a lot of food in order to stay alive. She noticed him looking over towards her before moving over there, sitting down at the other end of the table giving a soft wave. “Hello Sharron, how is Dera?” She heard him ask in a teasing voice. She raised her eyebrows and glared at him.

“How do you fucking think it’s going you sadistic asshole? He is worse then I ever thought anyone could ever be in my bloody life.” She says giving a soft sigh before her voice softened a bit “I must admit, what that asshole lacks in personal skills he makes up in progress. I thought I would never get strong enough to even hold up this fucking monster of a sword that you two gave me, however now I can even hold it up enough to use it in combat. Yes. Not well yet, but I’m able to.” She says looking over towards the oaf nodding. ”That’s why you made me train with him right? You knew he was a fucking psycho, but you also knew he was the one who would be able to get me the strongest the fastest correct?”

She watched as he laughed” Nope, He can teach you the BASICS the fastest. However the one who is getting you the strongest the fastest and once you learn the basics as I said, will be me” She looked over at him a look of surprise on her face” You mean, you, the biggest oaf in the world, will be the one training me?” She asks surprised looking over at him. He nodded softly” Yes I will be the one training you, I am considered the best here and I will work on making you the best ever” He states laughing softly as he gets up after finishing his food, walking away, and leaving her there to mull over what the giant had said in her mind.

She stood there for a few minutes after he had left before she got up heading back to where she was stationed in, waiting to see how Shawn was doing today and hoping that everything was okay. Every seemed to be at least able to deal with the fact of Shawn’s autism. She smiled over at Shawn as she walked back into the house, sitting on the bed next to him, smiling as he leaned his small frame into her and hugged her tightly. She smiled softly letting it last for a moment before she got up” Sissy needs to go take a shower now hun, I’ll be back in a bit. You stay right there” She says as she got up and moved over towards the dresser, getting some clothes for her to wear after her shower before moving towards it to get the sweat and grime of the day of training off of her.

After taking a quick, soothing shower, she got out letting out a small smile as she finished drying herself off. She had put on a tight fitting black shirt that was loose enough to not be used to make herself look better, but enough to make it not get in the way of her daily life. Along with the shirt was a basic pair of black skinny jeans, before she suddenly showed up here it was something that she would have never worn. However she came to accept and approve the tightness they allowed. It gave one less thing for the sadistic trainer to use against her. She remembered the first time they were training and the asshole actually stepped on her pant leg to make her trip, after that faithful day she had never worn normal jeans to train again. She was maybe slow but she wasn’t stupid.

However when she worked her way outside she noticed Leon sitting there on the couch along side with Shawn, who she noticed that the two had gotten close during the time that she was here. However she didn’t have a problem at all with this. Not only had the young man saved her from something that she had only heard about and never wanted to experience herself, he had also made a promise to help her get home. This was something that she was willing to let happen just to get herself home. She let out a soft yawn sitting on the bed looking over towards the man. “What exactly do you want now Leon?” She asked as she watched him stand up from the bed, moving over towards her ” Sharron, Mason would like to see you two tomorrow” She looked up at him with a look of shock on her face. From what she heard by rumors that spread along the place, not only was mason a quiet man, wanting to stay out of conversation usually; he was also the leader of this place. She looked over towards him as he laughed” Well Sharron, you two are certainly news around this place, it honestly does not surprise me that the little bugger wants to see you two.”

She nodded softly understanding what the giant had said” Alright, so is this a ‘we wait for him to get us’ or we go ourselves?” She asks looking over at him as she moved, pushing her weight against the wooden wall to brace herself. She watched as Leon laughed loudly before nodding” It’s a ‘you go yourself deal’” He says laughing as he walks out of the building himself. Sharron sighed softly as she looked out of one of the many windows in the home. She honestly could say that she was expecting this to happen sometime soon. However she wished that she had gotten more of a warning then just one day to prepare herself for the coming conversation. But as fate would have it, she was given less then a day to get ready for the event that she was dreading.

She sighed softly, thinking that staying up late would do herself no good for the coming days. So after putting Shawn to sleep up in his room she moved herself into her own room, moving into her bed, too tired after the long day to even change what she was wearing to bed. She tilted her head to look out the window, watching all the stars shine softly in the sky. She had to admit that she liked the stars. It was something that she did not see a lot of in the world she was before here. There it was all smoggy and you couldn’t see everything, here the stars shined as if you were less then 100 ft from it.

Sharron let out a soft groan as she was slowly awakened from her peaceful slumber by the shining blades of light that went through the window, seeming to have been made to focus the evil beams of sunlight right into her eyes and ensured that she would never be able to sleep in. She glared at the windows for a moment before deciding that sadly she didn’t have the power to make things blow up just by glaring at them as she worked herself up from the peaceful warm that was her bed. She stretched for a moment, still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes as she slowly worked herself down the stairs into the kitchen, going to start getting to work on breakfast.

She was well into working on her food when all of a sudden she heard a slightly pounding sound coming from up the stairs; this meant one of two things to Sharron. That Shawn had finally awoken from his own slumber or that someone else was in the house, she decided that the first option was probably a better chance due to the fact that there was nobody who hated her enough in the area to attempt to kill her. Still, just to be on the safe side, she grabbed her claymore from the wall, placing it square on her back as she worked her way up the stairs.

She was greeted by the almost always smiling face of her younger brother as she let out a soft giggle” Morning Shawn” She says smiling as she leans down poking his nose softly ”Hungry?” She asks and laughs as he starts laughing running down the stairs clapping the whole way down. She smiled as she went back down, setting her sword back on the rest when she got to it and made her way back into the kitchen. She moved, working on quickly finishing the food before handing a plate to Shawn and a plate to herself as she sat down on the table, eating away getting ready for the long day she had in mind today. Not only was she supposed to go and see Mason when she was finished with her food, she also head to deal with the sadist again today. She sighed watching as Shawn and herself finished their food as she moved over towards the, grabbing the giant sword that she was seen easily carrying outside of the house. She moved over towards the small building that she knew was where mason residing, grabbing Shawn’s hand as she made her way down the path.

Her strides were slow and unsure as she got closer and closer to the house. She noticed the people staring at her with confusion, then changing as they remembered that she was sent to talk to mason today. The one thing that she hated about the place was that rumors spread insanely fast now. No matter how small the rumor was, it spread like wildfire. She shrugged the idea mentally from her head as she prepared herself, knocking on the door hearing a soft come in and she took a deep breath, said a soft “please let this end well” before letting herself into the house and pulled Shawn in along with her.

She looked at the place in surprise for a few moments. When she had first walked into the building she expected it to be grand. However that belief was smashed into the rocks the moment she opened her eyes. It was just as, if not plainer, then her house had been. Mason seemed to be one that did not desire worldly possessions, having only a bed, a desk and a dresser for furniture. She was also surprised by how he looked as well, the rumors that he was a small man were true. She would mentally think that he was at most a solid five feet. Much shorter then her 5’11 frame herself. She looked at him as she heard him start to talk.

“Now it is not rare for us to get new recruits here miss,” She heard him say in his small voice looking over at her” However, what IS rare, is to get recruits that seem to believe that they have no idea how they got here and that they don’t belong in this world.” She watched as he got up from his spot moving over towards her, continuing to talk” Now don’t take this as me saying that I don’t believe that you are telling the truth, or at least you think your telling the truth.” She watched him move over right in front of her, looking up at her” I am not sure if I believe what you have been saying, you got to admit, it’s kind of hard for me to believe it. However I am positive that you are not KNOWINGLY lying to us. Now you do understand that there is a war going on, that much I know that you know of. However I don’t believe that your brother here is normal, do you know anything about this power that was seen to happen?”

She looks down at him, her eyes wide. ‘THAT WAS MY BROTHER?’ She thought mentally as she looked down at him. She watched him frown as she shook her head and muttered this words” Honestly sir, I have no idea what had happened there and I could not tell you that I even KNEW that it was Shawn who had did it before the fact that you had told me today. I honestly thought that was Leon” She says shrugging looking over at him, hoping he doesn’t notice the lie. She had no idea what kind of man this Mason character was, not hearing much in the rumor side of things. However she knew for sure that she did not want him using her brother for whatever sick war ending idea that she had. Now yes she was willing to fight along with them, because she knew that the king was an evil man. However she was not willing to put her brother through pain and torture just for their sake. ‘Call me selfish’ she thought annoyed as she looked down at the young man” Is that all you require from us for the now being or is there another reason that you had called us here?” She asked her eyes trained on him, hoping to convey the message that if he continues on with his trail of thought it would be the last time they would ever see her again, getting home be damned.

She watched him wearily as he nodded softly, moving away from her again, running a hand through his jet black hair.” There is another thing that I have meant to call you here for. From what I’ve heard from Dera is that you are highly skilled and not totally fucking useless, which is something good coming from him,.” She glared muttering” fucking sadist” and Mason chuckled hearing that” That seems to be the common belief about him, don’t worry your not the first one to go through his ‘training’ or torture as we like to call it. However he is one of the best and we need you to be the best that you can possible be. After your training with Dera, which will conclude at the ending of the week, you and your brother will be sent out on your first mission. Now yes this will be done along with Leon, both so you can continue your training with him, and also the fact that he will be able to help you if shit goes bad and you fuck up. Which I would not be surprised. As I said, you are good for your skill level and time with a sword. However you are also inexperienced, which is the one thing that will hurt you the most in the end. And that is all, have a nice day with Dera miss” She glared over at him, watching him laugh at her expense as she got up and dragged Shawn along with her out of the house.

Sharron let out a soft sigh as she dropped Shawn off at home before heading down to the training area, letting out a soft sigh as she got back to training with Dera. This is how things went on for the remaining week, heading to Dera to learn how to fight then heading home to take a brief sleep before starting the process all over again. However at the end of the week, the big day came, time for her first mission.
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ShowdaxKitaye: Okay. So at first i was going to make the chapters longer but I'm not sure, would you rather have shorter chapters that get out quicker or longer ones?

IWillMakeYouScream: I personally love long chapters brother. And people, nice comments are like great orgasms. They're greatly appreciated. Just don't bother to flame, we'll use it to make s'mores. Instead, leave constructive criticism to be nicer please.