For What You Are

Jayne Perrin - Professional Slayer, with a secret.

Kara James - High-school student, also with a secret

Evil Vampires - They don't have any; they're just out to kill everybody.

Jayne and Kara have both arrived in Mystic Falls. But Kara doesn't even know Jayne, and Jayne has no idea that her and Kara are on the same continent.

Kara doesn't like school and would give anything to leave, but unfortunately, trouble is the only way to get out. Yet trouble seems to follow her and there's no escaping it.

Jayne is fighting evil - specifically vampires. Her mind starts drifting though, as she delves into the past of Mystic Falls. The death she regularly deals out starts bugging her, along with a certain mysterious vampire who doesn't understand that she hates him with everything in her. Well, at least that's what she tells herself.