For What You Are


“Wow,” Kara commented sinking into a lounge in Katherine’s living room after a short sprint to a hotel nearby. “So you’re back in town to get the moonstone back from your ex-boyfriend whilst attempting to get back together with Stefan. What’s my part?”

“You want a part?” Katherine asked.

“No, I do not WANT a part but I do not want to be indebted to you any longer either.”

“All right well, just act as my little spy for a while. I’ll call you whenever I feel like it, because I do that.”

“I’ll stick you on my speed dial,” Kara responded sarcastically, standing up and walking to the door. “And thanks...I guess.”

Katherine waved away Kara’s gratitude responding with, “It’s of great benefit to me.”

“And that’s pretty much the only reason why you do things isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she responded as Kara opened the door.

“Later,” Kara replied, walking out and down the corridor but within a split second something had knocked her into the wall and pinned her by her throat.

“Don’t you even think about double crossing me Kara,” Katherine threatened. “Or even your powers won’t save you from the death I’d give you.”

Effortlessly spinning out of Katherine’s choke hold, Kara pushed her against the wall seeing small cracks forming in the brickwork.

“Do not doubt my strength Katerina Petrova,” Kara warned. “You have been subject to it once before. I would’ve thought you’d remember it.”

Kara released Katherine who rubbed her neck profusely in an attempt to remove the red mark that had appeared on her pale skin.

“I await your call,” Kara replied with a mock bow before running faster than the speed of light towards her home. She didn’t know what she was going to do now. No need to study, no need to train.

The one thing she did know was that Jayne – wherever on earth she was – was going to pay dearly for what she’d done to her.
♠ ♠ ♠

Next part pretty much picks up at the Masquerade Party but i'm not taking a break or anything. Next update will come as soon as i write it. So please comment and subscribe.
