Status: Up and running :)

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

Bulletproof Heart

Only one Draculoid left, chasing after the Killjoys. That one Draculoid is hopeless and helpless. The three Killjoys looked at each other, where the looking has turned in to glaring. It's only because of one thing...

"Who's gonna kill this motherfucker?" Jet Star, pulling out his ray gun, at the same time, driving their only mode of transport. He made a face that says, "It should be me." Kobra Kid tapped his ray gun to his chest and said,

"I volunteer."

Fun Ghoul rolled his eyes and quickly stood up. He used his sharp eye to target the moving Draculoid. Kobra Kid stood up as well, bumping Fun Ghoul which ruined his concentration. Jet Star sighed and waved his hand (as he already put his ray gun away), showing that he gave up on shooting the remaining Draculoid. Because he was obviously the driver and he could not stand up from his seat like his two other teammates. Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid glared at each other, showing in each one's eyes burning fire. Then they both point their ray guns to that one Draculoid, and once again, looked at each other, smirking this time and said,

"The more the merrier."

And in unison, they pulled the trigger and shot the motorcycle of the Draculoid, making it explode. The Draculoid even flew because of the impact. Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid high-fived while Jet Star smirked at the two. Fun Ghoul quickly sat down and leaned his elbows on Jet Star's shoulder. He then said,

"You missed the fun."

Jet Star rolled his eyes and said,

"If I wasn't driving this piece of metal shit, I wouldn't be missing the fun."

Fun Ghoul just laughed of what Jet Star said. The only ones who can drive the car are Party Poison and Jet Star, while Kobra Kid is still learning. Fun Ghoul on the other hand has no hopes of driving the car. Last time he drove (and it was only a test drive), they almost fell off of a cliff, just inches from death. So they agreed (and even Fun Ghoul himself, because he almost had a trauma on cars because of that experience) on that Fun Ghoul should never ride the car again.

Kobra Kid then sat down and leaned his right elbow the edge of the window. Fun Ghoul leaned his back on his seat and crossed his arms. He also tapped his foot in impatience, because one thing came in to his mind,

"Where are we now?"

"Speaking of that," Jet Star said. They just passed through a sign post that says: Zone 6. Kobra Kid quickly opened the small trunk in front of him and there, he got a large piece of paper, which happened to be a map of their area. Kobra Kid instantly scanned the map, searching for Zone 6.

"We're near!" Kobra Kid exclaimed. He was pertaining to Party Poison's location, which is in Battery City. But immediately he added something before either Jet Star or Fun Ghoul could say something,

"But how did we get so far from Battery City?"

Fun Ghoul and Jet Star's eyes widened in surprise. They both thought on what Kobra Kid said, but the first to talk is Jet Star.

"Well, though we escaped from their HQ, there were Draculoids chasing after us. And they were the reasons why were here. They led us here. That means--"

"They are making us go far away from Party Poison!" Fun Ghoul shouted in shock.

Kobra Kid clenched his fists in anger and so did Fun Ghoul. Jet Star tightened his grip on the wheel. They all feel stupid at the moment, because whether they like or not, they fell on to the trap, the invisible trap of the Draculoids.

"Party Poison's surely gonna kick our asses if he knew about this," Jet Star said in a serious tone. Though his statement was funny, it was no laughing matter. Fun Ghoul nodded and closed his eyes as he said,

"Yeah, no doubt."

"Especially yours truly," Kobra Kid said, pointing his index finger to himself. Fun Ghoul and Jet Star raised their eyebrows and Fun Ghoul asked the reason why. Kobra Kid sighed as he said,

"I'm the smartest for Pete's sake."

Fun Ghoul and Jet Star got silent for a moment while Kobra Kid glared at the two. After a moment of silence, they burst out in laughter, which made Kobra Kid confused.

"Why are you guys laughing?"

Fun Ghoul had already teary eyes from the laughter. Jet Star luckily can maintain the good and fast driving while laughing out loud. Kobra Kid pouted and crossed his arms like a kid. After minutes of non-stop laughing, they stopped. Because they were almost out of air.

"You know what we need?" Fun Ghoul said, smirking.

"What?" Kobra Kid asked.

"Some words from Dr. D," Fun Ghoul replied, looking at Jet Star. Jet Star nodded as he turned on the radio.

"Dr. Death Defying's in your house, baby! And in our houses, we hide. Hide in fright and fear. I know we all don't want that. So what do we need? Bulletproof Hearts. And speaking of Bulletproof Hearts, this next song is coincidentally titled, 'Bulletproof Heart'. Don't just enjoy the song tumbleweeds, get inspired by it."

And as the song played, the three Killjoys nodded in agreement to what Dr. Death Defying said, every single word he said is just true. They all needed a heart of steel, better than that, they need Bulletproof Hearts. But there's one thing in Fun Ghoul's mind that got him confused and amazed at the same time:

"Why does Dr. D give the right advice when we need it?"

Jet Star and Kobra Kid just smirked. Fun Ghoul expected an answer (a correct answer, that is) from Kobra Kid, but Kobra Kid unfortunately shrugged, which is truly once in a blue moon.
♠ ♠ ♠
5th chapter up! :D
Phew, it was hard thinking new chapters in this story, it's so complicated!
And after a few drafts, here it is! (Yes, I do this story in drafts, also my other story: You're More Than My Hero)
And yeah, this chapter is... well... I dunno. I can't comment anything.
I just can't wait until they get to Battery City.
I wonder how Party Poison's doing? XD