In His Embrace


As I sat down at the computer to once again resume my nightly ritual of staying up watching videos and webcamming with my friends I looked towards the bedroom where my ward was currently sleeping, her light snoring in her sleep alerting me to the fact that I could now turn on the light in the room, as to see better. Turning on the light which illuminated the large room and almost the whole kitchen, I immediately signed onto Yahoo Messenger and laughed at the amount of IM's I was getting, most of them chasticizing me for being later than my usual time.

"Hey guys! It's not my fault.." Pouting at them, though they couldn't see me yet. I was perturbed. "Entirely at least I guess."

The light 'ping' noise alerted me to a video call invitation, which I accepted. It was my juggalo, Dereck...who was also chiding me for being late. I gave him the same thing I said to the screen just a few seconds prior.

"I was watching Ghost Adventures with my little sis man, don't get all pissy. You know we do this every Friday night that we get the HD to ourselves." I growled slightly, agitated that everyone would get so mad. "And afterward I sat up talking to her because she was worried about something. So, if your still pissed read my lips" I mouthed the words 'kiss my ass' and gave him the lovely image of my middle finger.

Silently looking on the internet after that shut him up for a little bit at least, I found that there was a thing where you could meet the GA team and go on an actual ghost hunt with them. As quietly as I could, I made sure that she wouldn't know, but I bought two tickets to the event. If anything, her grandfather would drive us up there about 2 days before the event, because it was in Seattle. The only issue was to tell my ward, who I call my "lil sis" when around friends and meeting new people.


I bade my friends a goodbye, as it was almost time for MiMi to get up. I still don't know why she chooses to call herself that when around people she is close to, I guess to keep her identity hidden if someone else comes along. I just shrugged my shoulders and turned off the computer as soon as the door opened, revealing a fluffy haired, disheveled 21 year old girl who was just as small as she was at 17, but now looked more of her Asian decent.

It was hell on her to work day shifts, especially in the middle of the weekend, but it was all we could do right at the moment. It was her salary that was keeping us fed and our internet running. She worked 12 hours usually, as a maid basically. Thank god it was only on Saturday's.

"Who you working for this week?" I inquired, careful to not say it loud because she had ultra-sensitive hearing right when she woke up.

"Workin for the Johnston's today. Zachary always did prefer to have me around. I've always wondered...." She trailed off, itching at the back of her head where her hair was naturally spiked from her sleeping position. Everyone was envious of her because she never had to do it herself. She got it cut every two to three months, and re-dyed every time her black roots showed too bad.

I smiled at her, laughing on the inside when I saw her face screwed up in thought, her eyes going to a whole different place.

"Hey, do you want me to join you today? I haven't seen that bum in a while, and I'm pretty sure his wife wouldn't mind." Not that she ever does I didn't add.

She nodded her head, but gave me a look of warning because she knew I hadn't slept that night. Walking into the kitchen, I heard the sounds of her morning ritual. Fridge, silverware drawer, cabinet, riiippp, fridge, microwave beeping, clanking and banging noises, and then finally her sitting down to watch Jump Start on VH1. Sniffing a bit I caught that she had made some leftovers, what kind I wouldn’t know unless I asked. She always was making some of the most random concoctions, but somehow they mostly ended up delicious.

After about 20 minutes, I heard her get up and come into the kitchen, setting her plate and glass down. After a few seconds her quiet footsteps told me she was in the bedroom, whereas I was in my bedroom, which was and still is her grandfather's bill room and computer room. I was rifling through my closet looking for a decent pair of pants and t-shirt. Almost all of the Johnston's furniture was leather, and there was no way I was going to get stuck again. I winced at the memory before finally pulling out an outfit.

Slipping into it quickly, I pulled a Colgate Wisp out and brushed my teeth, not really feeling like brushing them the conventional way, and pulled a brush through my dyed black hair, it falling till about halfway down my back.

Soon after, I was ready to go. Following MiMi out to the old vehicle she drove, which was a red 95 GMC Safari; how it was still alive and working at its age I do not know. After climbing in and getting settled, we were soon on our way to the Johnston’s house.
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I love Zak and i just wanted to do this for a friend