Status: In the works

You've got it all


Congratulations and I’m sorry; two completely different terms that I’ve heard a lot in the past few days. Congratulations because I’m pregnant, and I’m sorry because TJ is currently in the operating room having surgery on his broken ankle.

Sitting here has given me time to think. I’ve thought about how I met TJ, how Jonathan assaulted me, and how TJ and I are still together, 5 years later. I also thought about my recent Olympic success with Team Canada, and now had to think about how I am going to tell Teej that we’re having a baby. I’ve only told four people; my mom, TJ’s dad, his mom, and Phoebe. No one else knows and was sworn to secrecy. The last thing we needed right now is for TJ to find out from someone other than me.

“Tasha, we’re done. Surgery went better than expected,” The surgeon called, walking into the room and breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Really? Can I see him?”

“Sure, come on back,” He smiled, helping me up out of my chair.

“Can I take him home tonight?” I asked, making casual conversation as we walked down the hall towards the recovery room.

“I think so. I mean, as long as he doesn’t have any bad reactions to his medications or anything I have no problem releasing him tonight,” Dr. Thoms smiled, opening a door that would lead me to Teej. “Alright, he’s in room 5. I’ll be in to check on him in about an hour.”

I silently thanked him and made my way over to room five, I slid back the curtain and stepped inside. TJ lay in bed with tubes and wires surrounding his well toned body. His left leg stuck out from under the blankets and was heavily bandaged from foot to knee. He slept with a feverish yet content smile on his face.

“Teej? Are you awake?” I whispered, making my way to the head of the bed and gently grabbed his hand.

“If I said no I’d be lying,” He rasped, turning his head towards me.

“How are you feeling, Baby?”

“Tired; slightly nauseous. Everything ok?”

“Everything’s fine. Your surgery went better than expected. I might even be able to take you home tonight,” I smiled, leaning up and placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.

“That would be awesome. I don’t wanna stay here longer than I have to,” He whined, leaning into my touch.

“I know, boo. I know you don’t; but sometimes you have to.”

We sat in a somewhat comfortable silence; the only sound coming from his heart monitor. TJ lapsed in and out of consciousness, while I tried to figure out how to tell him that we were going to have a baby.

“What’s wrong? You’re thinking about something. What’s up?” He asked, shifting so he was facing me.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just got some news that we need to talk about. But we can talk about it later,” I smiled.

“Tell me, I wanna know”

“I’m pregnant.”

“Really? I’m going to be a dad?” He beamed, a smile reaching his ears.

I nodded. “Yep, I found out a few days ago.”

Before Teej could open his mouth the door opened and the doctor strode in. After a quick exam, he signed TJ out and allowed me to take him home. We made a few quick stops for me to get his pain medication and then we got him settled at home in bed, with Lilly and Bella sleeping at the end and on the floor respectively.

I called every immediate family member we had to let them know that TJ would be fine and that he’d call them tomorrow before I made something light for dinner and hopping into bed.

“I had a dream while I was in the hospital. It was weird,” He whispered, trying to get comfortable in bed.

“Oh yeah? What did you dream?”

“You told me that you were pregnant. And I didn’t think I would be as happy as I was, but I was really excited.”

I smiled, leaning closer to TJ. “Sweetie, that wasn’t a dream. I am pregnant.”

“Really? When did you find out?”

“A few days ago. I didn’t want to tell you when you were on the road, and I had to figure out a way to tell you when you got home; but then you got hurt.” I smiled, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

“So we’re actually having a baby. I’m going to be a dad?”

“You’re going to be a dad. And this baby is going to be lucky to have you,” I smiled, nuzzling into his chest and getting comfortable.

“No, he’s going to be lucky to have the both of us. I love you, Tash,” He smiled, kissing me lightly on the head and gently palming my stomach.

“I love you too, Teej”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter one of maybe 3.
Comment please?