Status: At college, so I don't know how often I can update, but I'll try for every couple of days. :)

Vive La Resistance

Chapter Thirteen

(Adi POV)

I walked slowly down the road, feeling my skin prickle with the encroaching darkness. Shannon had cleared me with a distasteful wrinkle of his nose, stating that I “reeked of sex”. The memory of his expression made a smile creep across my face despite my rising fear over what I was doing. We had decided to wait a few days so that I didn’t’ walk into a vampire while oozing blood. Shannon assured me that they’d leave Jessie alone for at least a few days to acclimate to their rule. Despite this, I still felt anxious about leaving her under their ‘care’. Somewhere in the darkness, I knew Jared was keeping an eye on me, making sure I wasn’t just outright killed for my boldness.

Nothing preceded the appearance of the vampire. Between one second and the next, the lanky creature just arose in front of me, making my heart leap into my throat. Hiding my alarm quickly, I straightened my back and glared at the thing before me. Leering at me with red eyes and fangs the size of a cat’s, the vampire crept towards me with a hiss.

“Well well well…Looks like the freak’s pet got out again. What should we do about this?” Anger bubbled under my skin at his name for Jared. How dare they call him things like that!

“You can’t do a damned thing about it. I’m claimed by him, you little snot!” Challenging the bloodsucker would easily get me killed, but I had to make sure it was prodded and goaded enough to haul me off. The vampire hid his shock better than he did his anger. Letting out a hiss, he stepped towards me with a menacing glare.

“How dare you?! The council can take whomever they please, claimed or not. It’s about time we taught the bastard a lesson. He’s not so high and mighty just because he gets to walk around in the day!” I felt the sickening churn of a portal before I had any time to think of something to say. As the sensation ended, I was cuffed roughly in the side of the head and tossed to the hard-packed earth. Over me, the emaciated vampire grinned with yellowing teeth, looking like a cat with the cream. “Let’s see what your master does now, hmm?”

“You won’t get away with this, you shit! I’m claimed. He’ll see to it you get your just desserts!” A tight hand wrapped around my neck before I even blinked, cutting off my air. The stink of blood filled my nose as the vampire breathed in my face.

“Oh, I will, believe me. You’re high on my list for dessert, you little bitch. Don’t think that your master will save you. He’s as weak as they come.” As my vision began darkening, the leech cackled darkly to himself. My last thought before everything faded out was ‘I hope Jared gets here quickly’.


My eyes opened to a familiar face surrounded by a cascade of blonde curls. I sat up slowly, feeling my head pound with the missed oxygen. Jessie squeaked quietly as she saw me moving and backed off a bit. Smiling carefully at her, I waited for the bear hug I knew was coming. Surely enough, not even thirty seconds passed before the girl leaped on me and squeezed me tightly.

“I knew you’d come for me! How did you know I was here?” Winking slightly, I held my finger to my lips.

“Shhh…That’s my little secret. Now, are you alright? They haven’t hurt you have they?” Jessie shook her head, smile falling as I looked her over for any injuries.

“No…not yet. I managed to lay low. Adi?” I looked up at her face, grateful that Shannon was right.

“Hm?” Fear filled the girl’s eyes with tears, making my chest tighten.

“How are we going to get out of here? They have day guards too…” I smiled softly and patted her on the hand.

“They’re just men. I’ll take care of them. Besides, I didn’t come here without a plan or some backup. Just wait til dawn, ok?”

“Ok…I trust you.” Glancing up at the still dark sky, I wondered how long our wait would be. “Hey, Adi…”

“Yes?” I was engulfed in another oxygen-robbing hug.

“I promise I’ll stay put next time you go away, ok? I just got worried when you didn’t come back…” Hushing the girl, I ruffled her hair, knowing she hated it when I did.

“It was brave of you to try. I’m proud of you, kiddo. Just next time, wait til I get back, ok?” She nodded against me before sitting back across from me. I leaned back against the wall behind me, studying the surroundings.

Cages like prison cells held numerous people. Each was about the size of a large room, and all of them were pressed together in countless rows. Inside, the people just stayed still in whatever position they were in, like they were frozen. I assume it was the effects of being the cattle of a whole council of vampires and shivered. Thank God they hadn’t gotten to Jessie…yet. Something told me that this would be a very long night.


Morning arose at last with the changing of the guards. Large brutes of men took the place of lanky vampires, seemingly more adept as guards than their starved counterparts, but I knew the truth. These men would be the easier ones to handle in a fight. The guard assigned to watching over our cage was joined by two others, all three leering through the bars at all of us inside. Their eyes landed on Jessie and I in the far corner, lecherous grins splitting their faces. The leader of the trio pointed us out, commenting to his comrades on something.

“Alright, Master Councilman Daniel says we gets to treat ourselves after a job well done. I want everyone to back away to the far left except you two.” He pointed at me and Jessie, making my skin crawl. I knew where this was going, and my mind scrambled for a way to preserve Jessie from the coming brutality. The leech that brought me here must have told the council who I was, and this was their punishment on what they saw as a crime. As the three disgusting pigs entered the cell, I shoved Jessie behind me and looked for any aid in the crowd of women and men we were boarded with. All eyes were on the floor, obviously not willing to meddle in something commanded by the vampire overlords. Swallowing harshly, I prepared myself to give everything just to spare the little girl I had practically raised.

“Please…leave the girl alone?” The man in front eyeballed me with eyes like a vulture, dead and greedy. I could smell days of sweat and dirt on him along with the tang of alcohol, the smell bringing me close to gagging. “Take me, but leave her be. Please?”

“Adi, no!” I shoved the girl back with my arm, sending her a glare to shut her up.

“Let me handle it. I’ll be fine. Just back away, please?” My whisper was rough, praying she’d take heed. As she stepped back against the bars, I sent up a silent thank you and turned to face the dogs before me. The three finished a small discussion among their selves and turned to me with evil smiles.

“Very well, whore. You can satisfy all our needs, and then if we’re not happy with your work, we’ll move on to her.” I grimaced internally, knowing that this was probably going to be the worst thing I’ve ever done. The man roughly tugged me out of the cell, arms behind my back in a crushing grip. I was shoved roughly onto a nearby table, face pressing into the cold surface. Hands ripped at my skirt, pushing it up around my waist. I slid my eyes shut, knowing that I’d probably never feel clean again after this. I hope Jessie just turned away and shut her ears to my coming cries.

“This outta be good…” The man’s dick pressed against my thigh, making my skin crawl. When I got out of here, I was going to pay special attention to killing these three fuckers. As I awaited the pain sure to come, there was a loud bang, like the sound of a door smacking a wall. Several people cried out, including one of the males behind me. The weight pressing into my backside lifted suddenly, allowing me to roll to the side and hit the floor.

Blood pooled on the floor from one dead male, his neck torn open and at a strange angle that he would not rise from. One of the other males cowered against the bars, eyes clamped shut and mouth moving rapidly in pleads to whatever god he prayed to. Looking further up, I felt my body freeze in fear. Jared’s eyes were white with rage, teeth long enough to put a wolf’s to shame. He had the man that had held me down on the table by his throat, fingers digging into the fatty flesh. Every muscle looked ready to snap with tension, skin white under the rising light of the sun. Jared had the pig pinned against the bars of a cell, a deep rumble pouring out of him like the growl of a tiger. I shivered and slid back a few inches, putting distance between me and the rage-fueled vampire. Never had Jared looked so absolutely terrifying.

“If you ever touch what is mine again, I will do more than just kill your minions!” The yell echoed around the prison, and I knew he was addressing the council, not the man he held in his hand. With no effort at all, he flicked his wrist, and the man’s neck snapped like a pencil. Slowly, he turned and stepped towards the last man, who scuttled away until he hit the wall.

“Please, I didn’t touch her!” As if he didn’t hear the man, Jared reached out in a blur of movement and tore the man’s head from his shoulders, spraying blood everywhere. Terror rose in me as he turned to face me. Would he stop in his rage, or would I die right here? Each step he took felt like an eternity as he approached. As he stretched out a blood-soaked hand to me, a scream tore through the room.

“Don’t hurt her!” Jared froze, icy blue eyes whipping to the girl crouching against the bars. Tears slid down her face, making me long to hug her. Jared rose to his feet smoothly, hand around my wrist pulling me to my feet. I hadn’t even noticed when he had grabbed me. As he stalked his way to the girl, I began to worry for her safety and tugged against Jared’s hold. He paused just before the iron bars and pulled me around to his side. Glancing up at him, relief flooded me at the sight of the cool blue eyes that I knew to be calm.

“Jessie, it’s ok. This is the backup I mentioned.” The sickened look on her face all but broke my heart.

“How could you…he’s one of them! A monster!” Sighing to myself, I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“It’s hard to explain, especially after you only saw the darker side, but he isn’t exactly like them. He wants to help us.” Jessie slid wary eyes over him, eyes following his careful grip on my wrist up to my own relaxed posture and expression.

“How long…have you known him?” Here was the hard part…telling her I hid something from her.

“Long enough to know he’s on our side. Please, just trust me?” I held out my free hand through the bars, hoping she’d accept. Utter relief seeped through my veins as she placed her hand in mine and stood up.

“Since he saved you and didn’t hurt you, I suppose I’ll go with it for now…but he better not lay a hand on you!” Smiling at her courage, Jared nodded gravely and held up his hand.

“I swear I will do everything in my power to keep her safe.” He glanced at the door to the prison and walked up to it, releasing me in the process. “Let’s get you out of here.” Tugging on the lock, there was a horrific screech of metal before the whole thing crumbled in Jared’s hand. Before running out the now open door, Jessie paused and turned to the other people. No one met her gaze.

“What about the others?” Jared sighed softly, turning away.

“They wouldn’t know freedom if their masters themselves walked up to them and slapped them with it. Come on. The other guards will surely be rushing towards the commotion, and personally, I’ve had enough bloodshed for the day.” I smiled softly, grateful for the mistake I made that allowed me to meet this odd man.
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Hope you like it!