Status: Ideas help and if you wish to add anything, just message/comment!!

A Little Angel

New Things

I sighed as Alice clapped her hands. "Well, are you ready Bella?" Alice asked. Bella giggled and nodded. "Let's go!" Bella said happily. I went to pick Bella up but she shook her head slightly, and no one else noticed. "Rosalie, please," she said quietly. Rosalie smiled happily and picked her up. Rose picked up Bella and held her up on her hip. Bella placed her head on Rose's shoulder, and smiled slightly. I smiled and nodded slightly to her. She wanted to spend time with everyone too! So that way, everyone'll be used to her. She's so smart. We all went upstairs, when Jasper thought something at me. "Look what the hell Emmett got us into!" I smiled and nodded my head. "But, if it makes Bella happy, I'll do anything," I said happily. Jasper smiled. "You'd do anything for her, wouldn't you?" he thought. I nodded my head, "Any and everything," I replied. We were now upstairs, in Rosalie and Emmett's room. "Dress up time!" Bella said happily. Then, Rosalie ruined the happy mood with her careless question. "Did you use to play dress up with your mom?" Rosalie asked. It broke heart to see the smile fall right off of Bella's face. Her pretty brown eyes began to build up with tears. I heard Jasper take a shuddering breath, and I looked over at him. He looked like he was about to have a break down. Then it dawned on me. That's how Bella feels right now. Alice looked from Jasper to Bella and she understood too. Then, Bella's first sob started. And it all broke from there. She began to cry a lot. "Rose!" I hissed at her. "I forgot," was her smart reply. I swear she really is a blond sometimes! Bella's cries began to get louder and I instantly began to try to make her smile. I made funny faces, but nothing worked. Emmett tried too. Hell, we all tried but it wasn’t working. Then, I heard Esme running up the stairs. She was in the room in seconds and she instantly went to Bella, looking heartbroken. Bella went into Esme's arms. Esme made soothing sounds and bounced Bella around a bit, saying things like "It's ok sweetie, mommy's here," or "Don't worry, I've got you now, it's alright." Slowly but surely, Bella's cries went down from heart shattering sobs, to heart cracking hiccups. When she was done crying, I pulled out my handkerchief and handed it to Esme. She thought, "Thank you," at me then wiped Bella's eyes. Bella slowly began to calm her breathing and I relaxed when Bella's heartbeat went back to normal. Jasper was looking alright, and a little shy. Bella's emotions must be really powerful. "Now, Bella tell mommy what happened," Esme said softly. Bella looked like she was going to cry again, but she took a deep breath. "She's calming herself," Jasper whispered. After he said this, Bella's calm spread across the room. "Her emotions are so powerful!" Jazz thought. Bella laid her head against Esme's chest and began telling what happened. "Well, we were all going upstairs to play dress up and Rose asked me did I play dress up with my old mommy and," she stopped and took a breath. "I remembered that my other mommy didn't want me anymore. And it makes my chest hurt and clench up like this," she clenched her little fist up as tight as she could. Esme was about to speak again but, Bella continued. "But now, I have all of you." "And we all love you sweetie!" Esme said. Rose walked forward and I resisted the urge to hiss at her. It's her fault all of this happened anyway! "Bella, I am so sorry I upset you!" Rose said. Bella smiled sadly, and replied "its fine Rosie. It just hurts." Rose smiled a little and Bella did too. "Forgive me?" Rosalie asked. Bella nodded, her stomach growled. She blushed pink and looked down at it, going "Shhh!" We all laughed and Bella smiled. "Well, looks like the princess is hungry!" Emmett said. "You guys can play up here and I'll make Bella some food. I'll be back sweetie!" Esme said, handing Bella to me. We all nodded and continued. "So Bella, what do you want do now?" Alice asked. "Can we draw?" she asked. Alice's eyes suddenly glazed over and her vision was so fast that I couldn't catch it. "What was that?" I asked. She didn't reply, she just stared at Bella with wonder. "Let's go kiddo!" Emmett said. Bella smiled and looked at me saying, "Emmett, please." I smiled at her and gave her to Emmett. He kissed her forehead and tossed her into the air. She giggled and laughed. Then, they sped upstairs, to the art room. Yes, we have an art room. We were taking lessons from Carlisle, since he likes to paint and draw a lot. But, Emmett started complaining and he stopped teaching us. The rest of us walked upstairs at a normal pace. When we got there, Emmett started tickling Bella and her laughter floated through the air. She had escaped him for a few seconds and began running around the room. "You get back here!" Emmett said. He ran slowly behind her, wanting her to feel like she's winning. Then Bella picked up speed and Emmett had to run a little faster. Bella suddenly turned around and went through Emmett's legs. He laughed and looked at Bella through his legs. Then Emmett ran and really tried to get her. She giggled and ran towards the doorway, where I was standing. She ran to me and clung to my leg, laughing her little heart out. I laughed and put my hand on her head. She looked at me and smiled. "You were fast!" I said to her. She smiled and shook her head. "You’re faster!" she said happily. "Why would you think that?" I asked her. I began walking and Bella held on, which made everyone chuckle. I walked over to the couch we have for when we have to focus. Bella looked up at me with a matter of face expression on her face. “I saw you,” she said. I felt my eyes widen slightly. “When,” I said. “That day you found me. You and daddy were running. You ran in the woods across from me. Then you came and found me,” she said, her little voice ringing as clear as a bell. I can’t believe she saw me. “You run really fast.” Bella said. Emmett and Jasper took over for me, so I could recover. “Remember when we told you we were vampires?” Jasper asked. Bella nodded, listening. “Well that’s why Edward could run so fast!” Emmett finished. But, Bella shook her head. “He was running faster than daddy was. It seems like running is extra easy for Edward.” She said. We all looked at each other. Bella is so young but, she’s so advanced for her age. I can tell now that she had to grow up fast. “Well, it’s his gift.” Rosalie said. “Oh! Can I guess everyone’s gifts?” Bella asked. We all looked at each other, wondering how off mark she’d be. “Alright, guess!” Alice said, smirking. Bella did a little smirk of her own, and it was quite cute. She looked at Alice. “Well, your eyes get all shiny, and then you stop or start things, like when we were in the hallway. You see the future.” Bella said. Alice’s eyes were as wide as quarters. She looked to Jasper. “When I got sad about my old mommy, you looked like you were about to cry too. And, when I felt better, you looked better too. And, when I was calm, so were you. You feel what everyone else feels.” Jasper looked like he was about to faint. I chuckled and Bella smiled. She looked to Emmett, and turned her head to the side, like she was thinking. “You don’t really have anything like the others. You’re really strong.” Emmett smiled. “That’s right squirt!” he said. Bella nodded to herself. She looked to Rosalie. “When I first saw you, you were so pretty I wanted to cry. You’re just extra pretty!” She said. Rosalie smiled and Emmett looked proud. Weather of Rose or Bella, I’m not sure. She then put her finger to her chin. “Mommy is special. She loves you just like a normal mommy should but, she loves you a whole lot extra. And daddy, well, I’m not sure yet.” Then, she looked up at me. I raised an eyebrow at her. “You, you answer unanswered questions. Other people can’t hear them but, you can. The questions are in their head. You read people brains.” I felt my mouth open slightly. She smiled at me and laid her head on my chest. “Minds,” I said quietly. Bella smiled. “Would you still like to draw?” Jasper asked. Bella smiled and nodded her head. I got up and set Bella gently onto the couch. She looked up at me and frowned. I bent down and stroked her cheek. She smiled and blushed. “I’ll go get your paper, okay?” I asked her. She nodded her head and closed her eyes. I smiled and shook my head at her. I went and got her a drawing pad instead of paper. I also got her some color pencils, in case she wanted to color in her work. I sat down beside Bella when she shook her head at me. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “I want to draw you!” she said happily. I started to say something when she made the puppy dog eyes at me. “Please, Edward?” she pleaded. I took a deep breath, and went to sit on the chair opposite the couch. Bella crossed her legs and put the drawing pad on her lap. She looked at me for a long while before sighing. “Look normal,” she said. I didn’t really understand what she meant until Alice said, “She means look natural, Edward.” Bella nodded her head happily, her hair going into her face. She pulled it back and behind her ears. I sighed and loosened up my body. Bella looked at me again and began to draw. I noticed her little hands doing long strokes across the paper and little marks every now and then. A little crease formed between her eyebrows and I instantly wanted to smooth it away. Alice got up and danced her way over to Bella. She sat next to her on the couch and looked at her paper. Her eyes widened as she looked at it, then at me. “How does it look?” Bella asked, mot looking up from her paper. “It’s stunning Bella!” Alice said. Bella blushed but continued to draw. “D-do you think Edward will like it?” she whispered. I was gonna speak but Emmett answered for me. “Bella, Edward will love anything you draw for him!” I nodded to him in thanks. “He’d better,” Jasper added with a grin. Bella giggled and began smudging the paper, looking back and forth between the paper and me. Finally, after what seemed like hours, when it was only a half an hour, Bella yelled, “I’m done! The others flew over to her, wanting to see her art. When they saw it, they were shocked into silence, it seemed like. Bella took that as a bad sign. “Is it bad?” she asked quietly. Rosalie was the first to recover. “No sweetie, its perfect!” she assured Bella. She smiled. “Really?” she asked shyly. Everyone looked at each other and replied in unison, “Really.” She laughed and clapped. I rose from the chair. “Can I see?” I asked her. Her cheeks turned bubble gum pink and nodded her head. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She turned it toward me and said, “I hope you like it.” When she turned it towards me, I gasped at the picture before me. It looked just like me! I really mean it. The hair was perfect, the eyes, nose, lips, mouth, everything. It looks as if Carlisle drew it and that’s really saying something! I felt like I would cry at the fact that she took the time to draw this for me. “It’s amazing Bella! I love it!” She looked at me, happiness in her eyes. “Really?” she asked. I smiled at her saying, “Really! Thank you!” She smiled and put her arms around my neck, from the side. I wrapped an arm around her and gave her a hug. I looked down at her and she looked up at me. That’s when Esme decided to snap a picture. Bella jumped and then looked towards Esme. “Mommy,” she sang. Esme smiled. “Hello darling, I was just coming to tell you that your dinner was ready.” Bella smiled and held up the picture she drew for me. “Look what I drew mommy!” Bella said excitedly. Esme walked over to and sat beside me, since Bella was now sitting on my lap. She looked at the picture and gasped. “Oh my!” she exclaimed. Did any of you draw this? She thought at me. I shook my head at her. Her eyes widened. Is she human? She suddenly thought. I felt myself stiffen, I hadn’t thought of that, at all. Esme looked into my eyes and I into hers. Everyone looked between us. I felt Bella stand up in my lap and put her tiny, warm hands on the sides of my face. “Edward?” I heard her say. She said it a few more times before she gave up and began stroking my hair, as if I was a kitten, instead of a vampire. “Honey, are you tired?” Jasper asked. Bella’s eyes looked heavy and she yawned. “Just a little bit,” she said sleepily. “How about we go take a nap?” Emmett said. Bella frowned. “But, I don’t wanna take a nap!” she said. “Aw please, Bells? I’ll let you use my favorite teddy bear!” Emmett reasoned. Bella raised her eyebrow, but I could tell she was giving in. “Is it really big, like you Emmy?” she said. She sounded so adorable! Emmett smiled; glad to have a nickname like Rosalie did. “Of course squirt! Let’s go!” he told her. He came over and tried to take Bella from me. I kept my grip on her and looked at him. He let go and took a step away from us. Bella looked at me, worry in her eyes. “Are you okay?” she asked, putting her hand on the side of my face. I smiled, but I could tell it didn’t reach my eyes. “I’m fine Bella.” I said. She frowned at me. “You’re lying.” She said. I was about to say something back when she turned away from me. She reached her arms out to Esme. She took her from me and pulled her to her chest. “I’ll put your dinner away for later, okay sweetheart? You can eat it later, when daddy comes home.” She said. Bella nodded and said, “I love you mommy.” Esme looked like she was about to cry. She kissed Bella’s forehead and said, “I love you too.” She gave Bella to Emmett and he laid her head gently on his shoulder. When she looked at me, I waved to her. She only closed her eyes. The fact that Bella was upset with me nearly crushed my heart. Emmett took Bella and went down one floor, to my bedroom. “What’s wrong, Emmy?” I heard her ask sleepily. Emmett sighed. “I wish I knew Bella. If I did, I’d tell you. Sorry.” Bella sighed. “So, where’s the teddy bear?” Bella asked. Emmett laughed and it made Bella’s heart jump. “I’ll go get it from my room,” he said. He was out for a second and back in a flash. Bella laughed, probably seeing Emmett run into the room with a bear as big as he was. “You wanna name him?” Emmett asked excitedly. “Yes! His name is….Emmy! He’s a bear like you! Oh, well you’re not a bear but you remind me of one.” Emmett was shocked for a few seconds before he laughed. "Right kiddo!" Emmett exclaimed. I looked into Emmett's mind so I could see Bella. She was pulling the blankets up around the bear. When she was happy with what she did, she climed onto the bears belly and laid her head on its chest. Emmett looked puzzled. "Whatcha doin' Bella?" he asked. Bella looked up at him. "I'm laying with my Emmy," she said sleepily. She drifted to sleep and sighed.Emmett smiled at her sleeping form and said, "Love you Bella." As he walked out, he, aloung with the rest of us, heard her say, "I love you too Emmy." Emmett actually jumped as he walked away. He used his vampire speed and was in the room with us in a second. Esme sighed just as her phone rang. It was Carlisle, coming home early, feeling something was wrong. His car swerved into the drive way and he was in the house in seconds. He ran up the stairs and looked around. "What's wrong? Where's my princess?" he asked, sounding worried. "Well, Bella did some things today." Alice said. We told him about Bella's exact guessing and her picture. His eyes widened as he took this in. "It's time for a family talk. About Bella."
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Sorry, my computer is BROKEN!! WHY MUST THE GOOD DIE YOUNG?!?! I'll try to update more!!