Status: Coming Soon

A New Beginning for an Old Ending


What if Edward Cullen never came back? What if Bella Swan decided to spend the rest of her life with Jacob Black? What if Bella was living a sort-of normal life…as happy as she could be? This is the story about what happened once Bella had made her choice to live out the rest of her life as a human in a moderately happy life. Jacob was clearly no Edward…but Bella was able to live with her choice.


Edward Cullen knew that the hardest thing he would ever have to do was let Bella Swan go...but by the time he got back to Forks...she was happy...with Jacob Black. How could Edward selfishly want to take that happiness away from her?

More then twenty-two years later...Edward is living again. He knows nothing of Bella and how she's been living. When she chose Jacob...her future disappeared right along with it...Edward was happy with that. He knew that he could live without her...after all he'd been surviving so far!


Bella Swan ie Black is happy...not overly happy...but content with her life. She knew that it wasn't fair to Jacob...because she didn't love least not the same way that he loved her. But what else could she do? Edward was never coming back for her...and Bella couldn't afford to be many nightmares. At least Jacob was okay with the way that they were currently living.


Jacob Black was tired. Tired of having to deal with his wife...tired of having to watch what he said around her...tired of just going through the motions. He had always thought that he could love them both for a while, but now he's just drained. The only thing that keeps him going...his children. Emilia and J.J. where his life. But now Emilia was off to college, and Jacob was alone with a six year-old and a wife who never knew if she was coming or going. He didn't know if he continue living this way.


Emilia was sixteen and smart. She graduated high school and is now on her way to Cornell. Emilia couldn't wait for the college life. Getting there Emilia meets a man she never thought she would. Through him, Emilia learns more...about her mother...about her father....about life...then she ever thought that she would.