Status: Active :)

Lost In You

A Little Piece of Heaven

*Lexi’s POV*

“Alright why did I have to rush home?” I walked in Matty’s room without knocking.

“Because we have a concert.”

“No you don’t” I shook my head.

“Yeah we do. It’s a surprise show that you’re not supposed to know about.” Matty continued to watch tv.

“So why are you telling me if I wasn’t supposed to know?” I put my hands on my hips.

“Because I knew you were going to take forever at Adam’s. now go get ready we’re leaving in an hour.”

I walked out of his room down the hall to my room. I got my ipod out of my bag, put it on my dock in my bathroom and listened to the end of Bitter Taste. I turned the water on so it would heat up. The song switched to A Little Piece of Heaven. I kicked my shoes off in my room then walked back into my bathroom. I put my clothes in the hamper and stepped under the hot water. I adjusted it so I wasn’t burning up. I sang along to Matty’s voice as he sang about killing people and eating their hearts while I did my routine. I finished just as the song switched to Dance with the Devil by Breaking Benjamin. I smiled at the memory of meeting them for the first time.

*Flashback 5 Years Ago*

“Syn where are you taking us?” Aiden whined.

“Aiden of you don’t stop whining I swear I will hurt you.” Brian said to his little sister.

“No you won’t. I’ll jump behind Zacky.” she smirked.

“Don’t pull me in this.” Zacky shook his head.

“Zacky you wouldn’t protect me?” she gave him her best puppy dog look.

“Of course I would. Against everything except your brother.” he smiled.

“Why?” she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Because Brian can do some serious damage when he wants too.”

“Fine I see how it is. You don’t love me.” she turned away from him.

“Aiden I love you I just can’t protect you from your brother.” he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Alright Zacky release her.” Brian said in a warning tone.

Zacky let Aiden go but grabbed her hand lacing their fingers together. She smiled up at him.
Jimmy suddenly appeared from nowhere scaring Aiden. She went to scream but he put his hand over her mouth and leaned toward her ear.

“Don’t scream I’m gonna scare Lexi.” Aiden nodded and smiled.

He walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her neck, and bit her where her neck my her shoulder. She screamed then a little moan escaped her lips.

“James fucking Sullivan! I am going to murder you!” she tried to get out of his grasp but he just held her tighter.

“Aw come on you know you loved it.” he smiled.

“Jimmy let me go or I swear you won’t be able to have kids.” a sinister grin formed on her lips.

“Damn you’re sexy when you’re pissed off.” he kissed her cheek and broke his iron grip.

“I know I am.” she smiled.

“Alright is everybody ready for the surprise?” Brian stopped walking.

Aiden and Lexi nodded their head and all the guys had shit eating grins on their faces. Brian nodded to Zacky and Jimmy who covered Aiden and Lexi’s eyes.

“Why can’t we see where we’re going?” Aiden asked.

“Because it’s a surprise.” Brian said from in front of them.

“Yeah so stop your whining.” Johnny chimed in.

“Shut up Christ.” Aiden giggled.

“Why are you always so mean to me Aiden?” Johnny said now walking beside them.

“Because-” Aiden began but was cut off by Matty.

“Alright we’re here!” Matty yelled.

Lights turned on and the drums to Evil Angel started. Aiden and Lexi gasped.

“If that’s a recording I will make sure non of you will have kids.” Lexi growled.

Zacky and Jimmy removed their hands from the girls eyes to reveal non other than Breaking Benjamin.

Both of the girls let out blood curdling screams and started jumping. Then there were smiled all around. The girls turned their attention to the band playing their favorite song and started rocking out to it.

Hold it together, birds of a feather
Nothing but lies and crooked wings
I have the answer spreading the cancer
You are the faith inside me

No, don’t
Leave me to die here
Help me survive here
Alone, don’t remember, remember

Put me to sleep Evil Angel
Open your wings Evil Angel

I’m a believer
Nothing could be worse
All these imaginary friends
Hiding betrayal
Driving the nail
Hoping to find a savior

No don’t
Leave me to die here
Help me survive here
Alone, don’t
Surrender, surrender

Put me to sleep Evil Angel
Open your wings Evil Angel
Fly over me Evil Angel
Why can’t I breathe Evil Angel?

The guys on stage smiled as the song finished.

“I think you did good Shadows.” he guy in front of the mic said to Matty.

“Oh my God. You’re Breaking Benjamin.” Lexi gaped.

“Yep. I’m Benjamin, that’s Aaron, Mark, and Chad. And you must be Lexi,” he pointed to Aiden, “And you’re Aiden.” he pointed to Lexi.

They laughed and switched places. ”Now you’ve got it right. I’m Aiden.”

“And I’m Lexi.”

“Well isn’t that the story of my life. Nice to meet you two.” he gave them hugs.
Aiden turned to her brother.

“Syn did you do this?”

“Not by myself.” he chuckled.

“We all helped.” Jimmy stepped behind Lexi and wrapped his arms around her.

“Well thanks. This was a really nice thing to do.” Lexi smiled.

They spent the rest of the day with the band talking and getting to know them.
* * * * * * *

I dried off my body and slid into a pair of boy shorts and a strapless bra. I went to my closet searching for something to wear. I thought about what Aiden would probably wear and picked out my purple mini skirt, a black cami, and my black ankle boots. I got my black studded clutch from a shelf in my closet, and a fang necklace Adam gave me when he told me I could be his vampire anytime. I threw it all on the bed then walked back into the bathroom. I decided to let my hair form in its natural waves and moved to my makeup. I kept my hair in a pony tail while I applied foundation, bronzer, purple eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. I let my hair down, shook it a little till I was satisfied then walked back into my room.

“Five minutes Lex!” I heard Matty yell from the other side of my door.

I slid the skirt up over my hips, pulled the shirt over my head then sat on my bed to put my heels on. I put them on my feet and zipped the zipper. I grabbed my ipod from the dock in the bathroom plugged the headphones in and tossed it in my clutch. I grabbed my phone from where it was charging on my nightstand and also tossed in into my clutch. I threw the eyeliner and mascara in too and in case I needed to touchup. I took one last look in the mirror sprayed Victoria’s Secret Cupquake perfume on and walked down to Matty’s room.

“Ready Matty?” I leaned against the door frame of his room.
His eyes raked over my body, “Damn Lex, you certainly know how to make a guy’s heartbeat speed up. God I feel sorry for your boyfriends.” he chuckled walking past me down the stairs.

“Why?” I curiously asked.

“Because if you dress like that all the time they’ll have boners every time they see you.” he laughed.

“Oh shut up Matty.” I punched his arm. I went for my keys but he stopped me.

“You’re not driving tonight.” he pulled me toward the door.

“And why not?”

“That’s why.” he pointed to a stretch black Hummer limo.

“Oh my God! Matty what the hell?” I jumped on my toes.

“Alternative transportation for tonight.” he shrugged and smiled. He walked to the Hummer and held the door open for me to climb in.

It had everything you could imagine in a limo. We rode for about five minutes until we arrived at Syn’s house. Matty pulled out his phone dialed Brian’s number and told him we were here. They walked out and Aiden reacted the same way I had only she hit Brian after she jumped. We chuckled. Regardless Syn held the door open for her. Matty moved to the other side so they could get in.

“You look so cute!” we said in unison. Matty and Brian rolled their eyes.
She was dressed in a black and red skirt, a black strapless corset top, black pumps, a clucky deathbat necklace and a black clutch which most likely contained her Evo, iPod, eyeliner and mascara.
She leaned toward my ear and whispered, “You look amazing. Happy Birthday.”
“Secrets don’t make friends and if you’re gonna kiss warn us so we can take a picture.” Brian said which made us laugh.
“Secrets may not make friends but.” I looked at Aiden.
“Friends make secrets.” she looked back at me.
“Your both dirty pigs.” we said in unison.
I pulled out my phone and quickly wrote a text to Aiden.
Lexi=~ Aiden=*

~Thanks :) And you’re the first person to tell me happy birthday :(

*Not even Matty????

~Nope :(

*OMG. Wtf?! Do you think he has something planned?

~Even if he did he still would have told me this morning happy birthday :(

*I’m sorry.

~Why are you sorry? You actually told me happy birthday.

Aiden wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I tried as hard as I could not to cry. It worked.

Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I’ll get lost if you want me too
Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you

“Aww isn’t that cute? She has a love song by her boyfriend as her boyfriend’s ringtone.” Brian said in a voice that he attempted to make cute but failed horribly.

“Shut up Brian.” I shot back at him.

“Damn who pissed you off?” he sat back.

The limo pulled up in Zacky’s driveway. Matty call him and told him that we were outside. Zacky climbed in and took a seat next to Matty. He shot a flirty look to Aiden which she returned.

I read the text Adam sent me.

Adam=~ Lexi=*

~Happy Birthday babe!

*Thanks :)

~You okay?

*You and Lexi so far are the only ones who have told me happy birthday.

~Aw baby.

*Whatever I don’t care.

~Lexi I know you better than that. Are you sure you’re okay?

*Yeah. I promise. I’m fine babe.

~Alright. Well I’ll see you later tonight :D Love you!

*Love you :D

I put my phone back in my purse and looked out the window as we drove to Johnny’s house. I felt Aiden put her hand on my leg, I put min over hers. She flipped it over and laced our fingers together. I put my head on her shoulder.

“Aww.” Zacky cooed.

We flipped him off.

“Anytime babes.” he smiled,

The limo stopped in front of Johnny’s house. He ran out before Matty could pull his phone out.

“Eager much Christ?” I said as he sat next to Zacky.

“Just a little mini-Shadows.” he smiled and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah I made mini-Shadows smile! Woo! I’ve accomplished my goal for the day.” he laughed.

Silence filled the car as we rode to the venue. When we got there Aiden and I were the first ones to get out. The guys would have sound check for the first thirty minutes then they’d come to the green room while the opening act played then they would spend about twenty minutes after the opening act setting up then they played. I made my way to the green room with Aiden right next to me. I walked in the green room and threw myself on the couch. The guys told us they’d be back and we nodded. They had grins on their faces as the walked out.

“How can they be grinning when they forgot my birthday?!” I yelled when the door closed.

“Because they’re idiots.”

“Did you say that Aiden?” I looked at Aiden who just shook her head.

“No. That would be me.” the voice said again and out walked Andy from the closet.

We all screamed and hugged each other.

What are you doing here?” I said when we all calmed down.

“Obviously I’m here for your birthday.” she smiled.

“Great so everybody remembered except for my four best friends.” I could feel the tears burning.

She looked at Aiden who explained the whole thing.

“Aw Lexi.” she hugged me, “Want me to yell at them in Cuban? They won’t know what I’m saying which makes you laugh.” she smiled.

“No it’s okay but that is funny. Anyway enough about me. I love that outfit.” I smiled.

She had on a strapless dress that was black, purple, and zebra, a dream necklace, a black clutch which probably contained her ipod, phone, and whatever makeup she could fit, she finished the look with black bow peep toe heels.

“Thanks. And don’t change the subject.” she pointed her finger at me.

“I really don’t want to talk about it.”


“Andy.” I looked at her.

“Fine.” she sat on the couch and Aiden sat on the couch on the other side of me. They both grabbed my hands in theirs lacing our fingers. To anybody else that’s a totally lesbian move but it’s just how we are. When one of us is down and we know we can’t do anything that’s what we do.

“Hey Andy.” Johnny was the first to walk in. He always did like her.

“Hey Johnny.” she stood up and gave him a hug.

“Andy!” the rest of the guys yelled as they walked in.

“Shadows!” she yelled then hugged him.

“Vengeance!” she repeated the process.

“Gates!” she repeated once again.

“Group hug on Andy!” Johnny yelled. They all attacked her. We could hear a muffled ‘help’ from the middle.

“Alright let her go unless you wanna be responsible for the murder of a baby!” Aiden yelled.

“A baby?” Matty asked backing away, the guys following.

“Just kidding.” Andy smiled.

“Sneaky little bitch.” Johnny wrapped his arms around Andy’s waist.

“I wasn’t the one who said it so you can’t yell at me.” she smiled at hi, “But you better not yell at Aiden either.”

“Take away all my fun.” he whined.

“Hm not all of it.” she whispered in his ear.

“Really?” he whispered back kissing her neck.

“Whoa. Stop now before you can’t.” I giggled.

Johnny laughed pulling away from her neck.

“Now you’re taking my fun away.” Andy looked at me.

“You can have fun later.” I smiled.

“True.” she looked back at Johnny.

“Guys you’re on in five.” stage hand said form the door.

We followed the guys to the stage. They told the band that walked off good job then walked on the stage. Johnny kissed Andy’s cheek, and Zacky and Aiden shared a quick kiss. We took our seats in the background where we could see the whole stage. We could hear the crowd chanting in anticipation of the guys. The lights dimmed, the drums and guitar started playing then Matty started singing Welcome to the Family. We rocked out to all the songs they played having our own little concert. Then Brian stepped in front of the mic.

“As you all know we lost a very special person who was a bad-ass player on drums.” he smiled, “I dedicate this song to my friend The Rev. if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here today. Miss you man.”

So Far Away stated playing, we all sang along. All three of us had tears in our eyes as the song finished.

“The Rev is definitely missed around here. Okay so does anybody know what today is?” Matty held the mic toward the crowd.

He leaned down to a little girl who look about twelve or thirteen. Her face lit up as he asked her what her name was.

“Alexis.” she shyly replied.

Matty sat down on the edge of the stage.

“Really? Do you know who else is named Alexis?”

The girl shook her head.

“My little sister.” he pointed backstage.

She smiled.

“Lexi why don’t you, Aiden, and Andy come out here. Would you like to meet her?” he said to Alexis. She nodded her head. He asked the people behind her if it was okay if she went on stage. They nodded.

We walked out from behind the curtain. Alexis had a black shirt with a deathbat on it, black skinny jeans, and black converse. We all gave her hugs including the rest of the band.

“So what’s today’s date Alexis?” he held the mic to her.

“December fourth.” she replied.

“Do you know what’s special about today?” she shook her head. He leaned down and whispered something to her.

She smiled and gave me another hug. “Happy birthday.” she looked up at me.

“Thank you.” I had tears in my eyes.

“So you probably didn’t hear her but she said happy birthday. Hey can one of the stage hands bring a poster and a sharpie?”

A stagehand handed it to him. He waved his hand toward the guys. They all signed the poster then Matty handed it to Alexis.

“Here you go. Now all your friends will be jealous. Oh and non of you better try to take that from her or you’ll have us to deal with.” he smiled.

Alexis walked back to her seat.

“Now Lexi your favorite song is Danger Line right?” he turned to me.

I nodded.

“And you’re going on tour with us for the next three months?”

I nodded again.

“By the way non of us forgot your birthday. We have a surprise planned for you. Watch this.” he pointed to the screen.

A video of them playing started then it switched to Breaking Benjamin then to Three Days Grace. The words Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace flashed across the screen. Then 3 Month Tour featuring Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace. Then it switched to Matty saying happy birthday sis.

“They’re coming on tour with us?!” I screamed.

“Yep.” he popped the p.

I screamed and threw my arms around his neck. His went around my waist.

“You have no idea how hard it was not to tell you happy birthday today.” he said in my ear.

“It’s okay. This totally covers it.” I kissed his cheek.

“Oh and there’s one more thing.” he said in to the mic.

“What now?” I put my hands on my hips.

“Andy’s also coming.” he pointed to Andy.

“Are you kidding?” I asked.

“Nope. So not only are your two favorite bands coming but your two best friends are too.” he smiled.

“Thank you Matty.” we hugged.

“Alright go sing.” I said as he released me.

“I dedicate this song to my awesome 21 year old sister Lexi!” he yelled.

The drums started playing and we went backstage to watch the rest of the concert.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright it took me a week to write this chapter and three days to typr it all up. So I really hope you enjoy :)


Lexi and Aiden's Concert Outfits

Andy's Concery Outfit

Please give me feedback :)