Status: Active :)

Lost In You

The Good Life

*Lexi’s POV*

“Did either of you know about this?” I asked Andy and Aiden.

They shook their heads.

“Alright because if you did I was seriously going to injure you.” I smiled.

“Do you really think we’d be able to keep something this big from you?” Andy asked.

“When Brian’s involved hell yeah.” I giggled.

Something flickered in Andy’s eyes.

“Andy.” I crossed my arms.

“Lexi.” she had a hint of fear in her eyes.

“You knew!” I yelled.

“Yes! Alright I knew that they didn’t forget your birthday and who was going on tour. Please don’t hurt me.” her voice got small.

“Wow you’re never scared of me.” I laughed.

“That’s because she’s never taken your threats seriously.” Zacky said in my ear.

“Zachary!” I said through gritted teeth.

“Yes?” he smiled.

“Get away from me.” I tried to walk away but Johnny stepped in front of me.

“Uh do you mind moving?” I asked Johnny.

“Yeah.” he smiled.

“Fine.” I moved to the left but bumped into Brian.

“Really guys?” I tried to move to the right but bumped against Matty.

“What is this? Let’s torture Lexi day?” I looked around at the four guys surrounding me.

“Get her!” they all screamed at once. They all closed in on me, I bought my arms up to my chest preparing myself for what was coming. I let them squeeze me until I was sure I was seeing stars. So I punched Matty’s chest causing him to step back. I took that chance and ran behind Andy. I knew she would protect me.

They stepped toward us.

“Touch her and you won’t be able to walk.” she smiled as the guys covered their crotches.

“You’re cold.” Johnny walked up to her placing his hands on her hips.

“No actually last time I checked I’m hot.” she giggled. He leaned down capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She fisted his shirt in her hands.

“Alright enough. We do not want to see you guys fuck.” Zacky said moving to Aiden’s side putting his arm around her shoulders.

“Ok now to the next surprise.” Matty had a grin on his lips. “But first you girls have to change.” he added.

“Why?” Aiden asked.

“Because you look sexier in dresses.” Zacky said.

“But I’m in a dress.” Andy said.

“Oh I know you have a tighter and shorter dress.” Johnny said from behind Andy.

“True.” she shrugged her shoulders.

“Alright so Andy where is your stuff?” Matty asked.

“Aiden’s.” she said.

“Okay, Lexi you need to get dressed at the house then we’ll all go to Aiden’s so Aiden and Andy can get ready.” Matty looked at Lexi.

“Okay.” Lexi nodded.

“Alright to the limo!” Zacky yelled.

We all headed down the hall to the backdoor entrance. Once outside all the girls ducked their heads and hid in one of the guy’s chest. We walked to the limo ignoring all the paparazzi yelling questions. We made it in the limo and Matty told the driver where to go.

“So how long are you in town before the tour starts in two weeks?” I asked Andy breaking the silence.

“I’m not leaving, I just graduated college with my engineering degree.” she smiled.

“That’s awesome!” I said.

“Yeah I’m excited. I’ve actually gotten a couple job offers.” if possible she smiled wider.

“Andy that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.” I smiled back at her.

We pulled up to my house. Matty told the driver we might be a while. He laughed and nodded.

I went to say something but he cut me off. “Don’t even get offended because you know it’s true. Now get out and ready.” he pointed toward the house.

“Yes sir.” I laughed.

I got out and they all followed. Matty pulled his keys out of his pocket to unlock the door. He pushed the door open letting us girls go first.

“Damn look at that ass.” Johnny said as we swayed our hips knowing it would get to the guys.

Aiden looked over her shoulder and tried to stifle a laugh at the sight of Zacky leaning over the counter trying to control his breathing.

We walked up the stairs to my room. I pushed the door open, unzipped my heels, and put my hair in a messy bun as I walked into the bathroom. I slid a headband on so it would be easier to clean my face.

What do you want to wear?” Aiden asked turning the light in my closet on. I walked out of the bathroom brushing my teeth. I raised my eyebrows at her.

“Got it.” she turned to face a rack of clothes.

“How did you know what she was talking about?” I heard Andy ask Aiden.

‘You’ve lost your touch Andy. You used to be able to know what she wanted when she did that too.” Aiden laughed.

I spit in the sink and washed my mouth out. I grabbed a little circular pad to wash the make-up off my face then dried off and waked in my room to see if Aiden had understood.

I smiled at the dress sitting on my bed.

“Good job.” I smiled.

I pulled my shirt over my head, slid the skirt off my hips, and pulled the dress over my head.

It was a simple black bubble dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. I walked in my closet to pick my shoes. Andy walked to my jewelry box to pick something. I chose my cheetah pumps tossing them on my bed before walking to my dresser to apply make-up. I applied foundation, light bronzer, black eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. I took the head band off and let my hair down. I slip the band on my wrist knowing I would need it later. I flipped my head over, shook my hair, then flipped back to where I was standing straight. I shook my hair a little more then smiled.

I turned toward my bed. Andy held up my classic Tiffany bracelet and my Tiffany ‘kiss’ necklace.

“Good choice.” I smiled.

I put the jewelry on, slid my heels on and sprayed Victoria’s Secret Love Spell on my body.

“Alright let’s go.” I said as I walked out of my room.

Zacky whistled when I came into view.

“Damn Lexi.” he said as his eyes ran up and down my body then back up to where my dress stopped.

“Easy there Vengeance. I’d hate if you developed a problem.”

He smiled but I could tell he was trying to control his breathing.

“Alright let’s get out of here before anything happens.” Matty said getting off the couch.

“Good idea.” Zacky said moving to Aiden’s side.

“To my house we go!” Brian yelled.

We piled into the limo and talked as we rode to Aiden’s house. When we pulled in the drive Matty told the driver he might as well turn the car off and come inside because two girls had to get ready. He laughed and said it didn’t matter because he wasn’t paying for the gas. Matty laughed and we all got out again.

*Aiden’s POV*

We walked up to the house following Brian since was the one with the keys. He opened the door and like Matty he let the girls go first. We swayed our hips just like we had done before getting the same reaction. We walked up the stairs to my room.

I opened the door plugged my straightener in and kicked my heels off.

“Alright I’m going to wash my face. I’m leaving my outfit up to you two. Please make me look good for Zacky.” a smile pulled at my lips when I said his name.

Stupid butterflies.

“When have we ever let you down?” Andy asked.

“True.” I walked into my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth then grabbed a washcloth to wash my face with. After I was done I dried my face off and walked in my room.

“Alright what did you pick?” I sat on my bed.

Andy pulled out a black dress with a bow and sliver heels. I nodded my head. Lexi held up a silver necklace and sliver bangles.

“Amazing as always.” I smiled.

I pulled my shirt over my head, my skirt down my hips and stepped into the black dress. I went back to my bathroom to do my make-up. I put foundation, bronzer, black eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara on.

“Lex come here.” I said as I looked at my reflection. “I’m missing something.” I said as she walked in the bathroom.

Lexi titled her head then snapped her fingers.

“I know. Close your eyes.” she said.

I did as I was told. I heard her fumbling with something then I felt a brush lightly go over my eyelid. Then she did it to my other eyelid.

“Alright you’re good.” she put whatever she had back in my make-up bag.

I looked at my reflection to see she added glitter.

“Perfect.” I smiled.

I walked to my straightener. I ran it through my hair enough times to make it lay flat. I sprayed Victoria’s Secret Vanilla Vixen, slid into my heels and put my jewelry on.

“Ready.” I looked at Lexi.

“Your turn.” we said together.

“Oh shit.” Andy rolled her eyes.

*Andy’s POV*

“Alright Ms. Christ. What other dresses did you bring?” Aiden asked.

I walked to my suitcase and laid out the dresses I brought. They assessed them and chose my strapless blue cheetah dress.

“Go wash your face while we pick out the rest of your outfit. What are you doing with your hair?” Lexi asked.

“I don’t know. Leave it like this?” I gestured to my naturally curly hair.

“Well with the dress it will probably work.” Aiden looked at Lexi.

“Yeah. Alright go was your face.” she pointed to the bathroom.

I quickly washed all the make-up off returning to Aiden’s room to find my outfit lying on the bed.

They picked my blue cheetah dress, blue pumps, a silver Tiffany ‘peace’ necklace and a silver bracelet.

“Why couldn’t I have you two when I was in college?” I giggled.

“Because you went to a different college.” Lexi said.

“True. What am I doing for make-up?” I asked knowing they would have that picked out too.

“Same as me.” Lexi replied.

I nodded and started my make-up. I applied foundation, bronzer, black eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Aiden handed me my dress which I slipped over my head careful not to mess up my make-up. I stepped in my heels and put my jewelry on.
Lexi walked behind me shaking my hair until she was satisfied.

“Damn we’re good.” Aiden said looking at me.

“As always.” I smiled.

“One more thing. Johnny loves this smell.” Aiden said as she sprayed Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance on me.

“Alright let’s go.” I said and we walked out of the room to the stairs. We heard yelling as we walked down and found it to be Matty yelling at Adam.

“Shit.” Lexi ducked her head.

*Matty’s POV*

“You what?!” I roared at Adam.

“I love your little sister.” Adam repeated.

“Adam how long has this been going on?” I said trying to control my anger.

“A year and a half.” he took a step back.

“I can’t even deal with this right now! Today is Lexi’s birthday. Today is supposed to be all about her! Why are you telling me this now?!” my blood boiled at the thought of his hands on Lexi’s body.

“I figured you wanted to know.” he shrugged his shoulders.

Zacky cleared his throat. I looked at him, he pointed to the stairs the girls were currently walking down.

I thought I saw fear then hurt cross Lexi’s face.

“I’ll talk to you later. Right now tonight is about her.” I pointed to Lexi.

He nodded and smiled at her.

*Lexi’s POV*

Johnny whistled when his eyes met Andy’s body. She blushed.

“What are you doing here?” I said as I walked up to Adam.

“What? I can’t surprise you?” his hands found my hips.

I smiled. “Of course you can.” I leaned up and pecked his lips.

“Whoa. What?” Aiden said from her place in Zacky’s arms.

“Wow you didn’t tell your best friends?” he asked.

“No!” Aiden and Andy yelled.

“Okay so everybody this is my boyfriend of a year and a half.” I pointed to Adam.

“Everybody got that?” I looked at Matty.

They all nodded.

“Alright. Now what else are you doing to me tonight?” I asked.

The guys chuckled.

“You’ll see mini-Shadows.” Johnny smiled.

We all got back into the limo. We rode for five minutes then Matty turned to Zacky.

“Blindfold her. We’re almost there.” he said. Zacky proceeded to put a piece of fabric over my eyes.

“Ugh. I’m not even going to argue.” I rested my head on my hand.

We rode for a few more minutes then stopped. Aiden helped me get out then Matty took the blindfold off to reveal we were standing outside my favorite night club Fusion.

“We’re gonna party.” Johnny started dancing which made me laugh.

I loved the feeling I got when I walked into a club. The energy was insane. The lights were going. The music pumped up the energy more. It was amazing.

We found a table in the back corner where it was dark. Just as I went to sit down Bottoms Up came on. Aiden, Andy and I looked at each other and pulled they guys up dragging them to the dance floor.

I was dancing with Andy and Aiden as the guys circled us.

“You gonna stand there all night?” Aiden asked Zacky. His eyes hadn’t left her body since she started dancing.

“No I was just enjoying the view.” he smiled stepping behind her.

I smiled as I felt arms coil around my waist. I turned to face Adam. He smiled pressing my lips to his. I pulled away. We Are Who We Are started plating. Aiden and I squealed.

“It’s our club song!” I said to Aiden.

We pulled away from our guys and started dancing with each other. Aiden pulled Andy away from Johnny to dance with us. We formed a circle getting lost in the music.
Johnny walked up behind Andy wrapping his arms around her waist. Adam and Zacky soon followed Johnny’s actions.

Adam’s hands found my hips as I ground my hips against his. He put his head on my shoulder. I held his head there as we danced.

Bad Romance came on and I groaned.

“I hate this song.” I said.

“Then let’s go grab a drink and chill.” he proposed.

I nodded.

“Go to the table. I’ll bring your drink to you.”

I walked to the table to find Matty sitting there.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Adam?” he kept his eyes on the table.

“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it.” I replied honestly.

“So keeping it a secret was better?” there was anger in his voice.

“At the time I thought it was. I didn’t think you would ever have to find out.” I looked at him. “Matty please look at me.”

He lifted his head with tears in his eyes.

“Why are you crying?” I wiped the tear that slid down away.

“Because you’re not supposed to be scared to tell me things because I won’t like them.” he held my hand to his cheek.

“Okay. No more secrets.” I rubbed my thumb over his cheek.

“You promise?” he asked.

“Yes.” I smiled.

He pulled me into a hug.

“Okay. So Strawberry Daiquiri for the lovely Lexi. And beer for Matt and me.” Adam put the drinks on the table.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“So what are we talking about?” Adam asked sliding into the booth next to me.

“Nothing.” Matty said.

“Are you done torturing me tonight?” I asked Matty.

“Maybe. It depends on what time we get out of here if you get your presents tonight.” he replied taking a drink from his beer.

“How can you drink that? It’s so gross.” I gagged remembering the first time I drank beer.

“Because it’s good stuff” he took another drink.

“Ahh.” Matty smiled.

“Ew.” I smiled.

“So you saw ew but you’ll kiss all over your boyfriend after he drinks it?” Matty questioned.

“he brushes his teeth before his lips touch mine with that nasty beer.” I smiled at Adam.

“It used to.” Adam replied.

“Once. And it never happened again did it?” I shot back.

“True.” he tipped his bottle up.

“Way to just leave me.” Andy said as she slid in the booth.

“You know I hate that song. You should have known I wasn’t gonna stay out there.” I chuckled.

“You don’t like Lady Gaga?” she put her elbow on the table and put her head in her hand.

“No I like Lady Gaga I just hate Bad Romance.” I replied leaning on Adam’s shoulder.

“Alright everybody grab that special someone and make your way to the floor. We’re gonna slow it down just for Ms. Lexi Sanders’s birthday. Happy birthday Lexi.” the DJ said.

“Really?” I looked at Adam.

He held up his hands in defense. “Don’t look at me.” he shook his head.

“Matty.” I whined.

“Oh stop whining and go dance with you boyfriend. And I didn’t do this.” he smiled.

Adam got up and held out his hand. I sighed taking his hand and followed him to the middle of the floor. I put my arms around his neck while his went around my waist.

The longer we danced the closer we got. By the end of the song my face was buried in his neck. DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again started playing and Adam started laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” I smiled.

“Because you love this song and I can’t stand it.” he smiled.

“You don’t like Usher?” I questioned.

“Not really.” he chuckled.

“Well what else are we gonna dance to? The Good Life?” I smiled.

“That’s a good idea. I’ll be right back. Actually can you go sit at the table please?” he had a puppy dog face.

“Sure.” I smiled walking away to the table.

“What are you doing?” Andy asked when I sat down.

“Adam’s trying to get the DJ to play The Good Life.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Ah.” Andy said.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“12:30.” Zacky answered.

“Ugh why am I so tired? I normally stay up till four and I don’t get tired.” I put my head down.

“You okay babe?” Adam whispered in my ear.

“Yeah. I don’t know why I’m so tired.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Well dance to one more song and I’ll take you home.” he smiled.

“Okay.” I smiled back.

We made our way back to the middle of the floor. I started dancing to Baby I Like It then the song switched. I recognized the song in the first notes.

“Really?” I looked at Adam.

“He said it was okay.” he smiled pulling my body against his. He leaned down and sang the song in my ear as I ground my hips into his.

The good life is what I need
Too many people stepping over me
The only thing that’s been on my mind
Is the one thing I need before I die

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life

I don’t really know who I am
It’s time for me to take a stand
I need a change
And I need it fast
I know that any day
Could be the last

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time

The good life

Hold on
Hold on
I always wanted it this way
I never wanted it this way
Hold on
Hold on
I always wanted it this way
We didn’t ask for it this way
I always wanted it this way

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life

All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life

The good life

“You are too sweet.” I said look at Adam as the song ended.

“You’re sweeter.” he smiled.

He leaned down capturing my lips in a searing kiss that left me breathless.

“Let’s go home. Your house or mine?” he asked.

“Yours.” I replied.

“Okay.” he nodded.

We walked back to the table to tell everybody where we were going. Matty pulled me in the booth next to him.

“If he hurts you. Call me. If you want to come home. Call me.” he whispered in my ear.

I nodded. He kissed my cheek, “Love you.” he smiled.

“Love you too.” I kissed his cheek.

We said our goodbyes and walked out of the club.

“How late will they stay?” Adam asked as we waited for his driver.

“I don’t know. How ever late Aiden and Andy want to stay.” I shrugged me shoulders.

The car pulled up and Adam opened the door for me.

“What a gentlemen.” I smiled getting in the car.

We rode to Adam’s house in a comfortable silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update. Things got crazy. Anyway thanks to those who read and to subscribers :) Pleaseeee comment and subscribe :) It makes me happy :D

Andy's Outfit

Lexi's Outfit

Aiden's Outfit