Status: Drabble; comment? :)

Alone Again


Six o’clock. Glance. Glance. Glance. Don’t look. Look at phone. Nice phone; phone keeps you busy, keeps you from thinking about rapists and murderers and other terrible things in the city. You’re alone, alone, all alone. Makes you want to purge, makes you want to starve, makes you want to cry, makes you want to scream, makes you want to die. Pathetic. Sitting on stairs. Don’t look desperate. Don’t look scared. Fear will bring wolves. Wolves will tear you apart fast. Plus one minute. Being alone scares you.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Don’t look; don’t cry; don’t listen. Alone again.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's her thoughts, then someone comes up to her and asks her what's wrong and she ignores them. Sorry if it's sorta confusing because it's written like that.
Comments = love. :)