Status: Just a random story idea. Hope you enjoy :)


The spark that lit the candle that set us all on fire

I couldn't believe this was happening. Out of all things she could've have made me done, she chose this? Why me? I remember like it was yesterday. Oh wait, it was yesterday.

I walked through the front door and hung up my jacket on the coat hangers. I slipped off my shoes and walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water. I lent against the counter as I sipped on it. I heard voices coming from the dining room. Mom was surely one of them but I couldn't recognize the other. It was definitely a woman, or a very soft voiced, feminine man.

I walked into the dining room to see my mom and another woman talking sipping tea. My mother turned her attention to me.

"Evangelina, darling, glad you're home. Do you remember Isobel? Her husband was friends with your father. They were at the funeral with their son." my mother spoke to me in a voice that made her seem like she was royalty. I nodded my head in agreement. I kind of remembered her.

"Look at you! All grown up and so beautiful." Isobel said with a faint british accent.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled.

"Sit down, Sweetheart. Mommy has news." my mom gestured to the seat across from her. I took the seat and payed attention. "Well you see, Isobel is very worried about her son and his health, in a way. See her son is always on the road and switching through girls. She doesn't want to see him mess up his life by getting some girl impregnated or ending up dead from a disease. So I said that you would go to watch him and also just assist their manager in taking care of them. You'll be like assistant manager." I stiffened by tried to cover it up and still tried to keep the happy smile on my face. I just nodded in fear that if I opened my mouth a swarm of horrible words will be shouted. I needed to keep up my reputation with adults.

"Will you really?" Isobel asked excitedly. I bit my tongue and nodded my head with a fake smile. She must've bought it cause she hugged me in a bone crushing way.

"Thank you so much, sweetie! We will give you cards you can use and everything will be taken care of." Isobel said.

"Go up and pack, You leave tomorrow morning to go to where they are tomorrow. Luckily Madeline has agreed to pick you up and drop you off since they are in New York right now." mother said and I just nodded and walked away. Once in my room I had to quickly grab a pillow to smother my scream. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed the number to the one person I can freak out on.

"Why hello, buddy." Heather's voice came from the phone.

"You won't believe what is happening!"

So here I am sitting waiting for my older sister at the Airport. My flight was a little earlier than expected. I sat, slouched in the uncomfortable chair with my ear buds in, playing music. I opened my phone as it vibrated. I had a text from my mom.

'You better behave yourself, Evangelina Rainbow Dupree.'

I rolled my eyes at the message. I hated when she said my middle name or typed it or whatever. I hated my middle name altogether. Mom was high as fuck back in those days and was tripping and gave my name. I don't like my first name so much either.

My sisters was a bit better than mine, Madeline Sunrise Dupree. Mom wasn't as high I guess.

I typed a quick reply saying I would and then closed my phone. It vibrated again not a minute later.

'Can't make it. Get a cab and meet me at the venue I had told you about last night. The Cab driver should know where it is.'

It was from Sunny, well that's what I call Madi. Only I can call her it. And she can only call me Rainy. I gathered my things and went outside. I kept trying to hail a cab but it being busy New York I couldn't really get one. I heard this loud whistle right next to me and a cab pulled up. I turned to the source of the whistle and was amazed.

There stood a tall, skinny guy with light brown hair that fell a bit into his face. A small smile played on his lips. He opened the cab door and gestured me to get it.

"Oh I couldn't. You can have it. Who knows when another will stop." I said. He let out a laugh.

"How about we share then?" he said. I looked at him for a moment and then got into the cab and he followed in after me as the cab driver put our stuff in the trunk. "Where are you going?" he asked me.

"Uhm, Damien Lake Performing Center ." I said, unsure if it was right.

"You mean Darien Lake Performing Arts Center?" he asked and I nodded, hoping he was right. A smile came across his face and he told the driver the destination. He sat back in his seat with that smile still plastered on his face.

"You going to Warped Tour, I suppose?" he asked. I cocked an eyebrow. Warped Tour? I've heard of it before a couple of times, I know what it was. But why would he think that?

"No?" I asked more than stated. He laughed.

"I've never met a girl so confused about what she is doing." he smiled. That smile and laugh made my heart flutter.

"it's a long story but all I know is that I'm going to that place for something. My sister knows what it is." I said. He just nodded. We held small talk until we were there. I saw kids lined up against a gate and stages being set up. We went around to where the buses were parked and the guy paid the cabbie and got our stuff.

I then heard a shrill voice yelled.

"Finally! What took you so long, Rainy!?" Sunny's voice came. I turned to her. She hugged me for a moment and then grabbed one of my bags. "Come on." she instructed. I turned to the guy. He smiled at me.

"Sister, I suppose?" he guessed. I laughed and nodded. "Well I will see you around. But I don't think I ever caught your name."

"Evan." I said simply. He smiled down at me.

"John." he said.

"RAINY! COME ON!" Sunny yelled. I rolled my eyes and cause John to laugh.

"You better skedaddle." he said. I nodded and waved bye and followed behind my sister. I turned back around to see if John was still there, and he was, staring at me smiling sweetly. I blushed and continued on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like it so far. Things are not what they seem just yet. :)

Oh and not all of the characters are posted yet. I will probably have them done by tomorrow. :)

Feedback would mean a lot.

Thanks for reading!
