
Chapter Three

Gathered upstairs, the whole group was sitting around silently looking at the floor. They had just had another discussion about how they were going to get out without breaking anything.
"Air ducts!" Domi said with a big grin. "I know that Mr. Vinny Diesels would definitely think that's a great plan." he smiled around and pulled the picture out of his pocket, running his finger down the edge and stuffing it back into it's home in his jeans.
"Domi. If we could reach the air ducts that would be brilliant" Chazzen started, before pausing and shaking his head, "and who the hell is Mr. Vinny Diesels?!" he asked, air quoting the nickname that Domi had so lovingly picked out for his idol.
Rolling his eyes Domi didn't even answer. That's all he needed when he was just trying to help, Chazzen mocking and thwarting him.
"At least he's giving ideas..." Leccare said with a smirk, "I mean, come on, the rest of us have just been sitting here and pretty much doing nothing. I thought you wanted people helping plan, I thought you wanted some action. Or, does it just have to be your way.." her eyes were focused on the Coleman that was still burning and the piles of things that were dispersed around the room. No one had brought much, from what she could tell, and all she was two sets of clothes, pajamas, and a bag of marshmallows. Which, were hers. Even in a life or death situation, she refused to share her fluffiness with anyone except maybe Domi. But, that was still a maybe.

Focusing back to the scowl that was now spread across Chazzen's face and the darkened tone in her voice, Leccare rolled her eyes again and stood up. "Well, if you all don't mind.. I'm calling this meeting to an end. I have to piss" she mumbled, to no one in general making her way down the stairs. She turned to the left and started on a journey around the store to first, find a restroom and them some form of entertainment. She needed to do something other than sit upstairs and argue with everyone or else she was going to lose her mind; and, that wouldn't be very pretty.

Walking into the bathroom, she was slightly glad that she couldn't get out to the real world. "Wouldn't want everyone seeing me like this.." she scowled at herself in the mirror and then started fighting with her wispy light blond hair to do something other than look tangled and messy. After a short period of time fighting with it, and a feeling of slight satisfaction when parts of her hair behaved, she gave up and moved on to the actual reason that she was in the bathroom. "Ah.. Quiet.." she breathed, seating herself and leaning her head forward into her hands. She hated being in a crowded place, hated being surrounded by people and especially hated fighting. Fighting was just a ridiculous way for people to vent their frustrations while making someone else feel like crap just to boost their esteem. Pretty much pointless in her eyes.
The seconds seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye, and soon she was back out into the main warehouse room, wandering around. It had a creepy feel when it was all boarded up and mostly dark. She started pondering all the worst possibilities and her mind froze on one that seemed to ice over her mind and freeze her in the spot. 'What if someone was in here with us and we didn't know'.

At that moment, whether it was her imagination running wild or something more sinister, she saw a shadow move past a darkened row. Letting out a small yelp, Leccare turned tail and ran in the opposite direction, back to all her friends.

"There's someone out there and he was big and scary and I saw a shadow. You guys we're going to die and there's not a thing you can do about it." she had started into one of her rants again, and the whole group was just staring at her, seeing as she had run into the room already rambling to herself. "He's out there. Someone. We're not alone. Maybe they know we're here. Maybe it's a secret operation and we've infiltrated it. Maybe it was a ghost. A demon." her eyes got wide on the last word and she stared fearfully over at Domi, continuing to ramble but now being mostly incoherent.

Jenesis was standing next to her sister and glancing around the room. Chazzen was staring at Leccare like she had just gone insane, while Domi was standing next to her shaking. "Lecca..." he pouted quietly. "Lecca, did you really see someone. Is there really someone out there..?"
Leccare paused for a moment and nodded, biting her lip softly and lowering herself to the floor.
"Well, I guess it's time to go and find out who's there, huh?" Jenesis' s soft voice rung out around the room. "I mean, they can't be too bad, Carie. Probably just people who got trapped in here that were hiding from something or another. Maybe it's a homeless guy." At that, Alia bit her lip hard and grinned sheepishly.
"I love homeless people. They're so... Sweet" she giggled softly and cuddled her teapot close to her chest. Chazzen broke his eyes away from Leccare for a moment and paused on Alia.
"Well, if you think they're so sweet.... How about you go and find him. Maybe bring him back. That sounds like a good job for you.." he said softly, trying to be sweet, but also just wishing that she would leave. It wasn't that he didn't like her, but she annoyed the living daylights out of him almost every few seconds; so it was better to keep her at a distance.
"Alright, Chazzy!" Alia cooed back, obviously delighted. She glanced down at her teapot and whispered "We're going on a little adventure..." before grabbing Brian's hand and running down the stairs and across the warehouse to where Leccare had seen the shadow.
"Well, that gets rid of her.." Chazzen said softly, looking around the room at the rest of the people surrounding him. Leccare was now sitting on the floor with a stricken look on her face while Domi leaned his head against her shoulder and stroked her hair. Jenesis was standing next to them with an airy expression on her face. Something looked different about her, Chazzen just couldn't seem to place it until she reached up and ran her fingers through her hair that was now falling down around her shoulders. The mousy brown hue was gone only to be replaced with a dark blue. He was amazed, and confused at the transformation but shook his head and just looked at her quizzically.

"Jenny.." he called across the room to her in a soft voice. "Maybe, we should go with Lia and Bri? They might find something. If that little nutcase" he paused for a moment, looking fondly at Leccare, but then rolling his eyes "is right, there might really be someone or something dangerous over there.." pausing again, he shifted his eyes back to the floor where Domi and Carie were sitting. "And.... It sure looks like these two could use a little time alone" he smiled softly at her, hoping she'd take him up on his offer. It had been so long since they had spent any real time together it almost sickened him.

"Sure, Chazz" she cooed back, walking towards him and hopping down they stairs two at a time. "Although, I highly doubt there's anything to worry about over there, but a walk sounds nice right now." she stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking back up them at him "are you coming?"
"Yea" he said, moving quickly down the stairs and turning to the left. "Pretty shitty that we're all stuck in here, huh?" his voice was low and his eyes were on the floor. He still felt like the insanity was going to suffocate him, but, he didn't want to let her know that.
"Actually, I kind of like it.." Jenesis giggled softly and looked around. "It's kinda like being in a movie, or, a book. You know, what an adventure, right?"
"Yeah, I suppose so. It started out as an adventure for most of us, but now it's just kinda turned into a nightmare. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like all of these people. I wouldn't have wasted years of my life on them if anything else was true, but seriously, they're all insane. Alia and her damn teapot? Domi, and 'Mr. Vinny Diesels'" he once again air quoted the nickname, before rolling his eyes. "It's like I've been thrown into some TV show that never makes any sense.." biting his lip a little, he raised his eyes to hers and could see that she was at least somewhat offended by what he had just said.

"If you think we're all so crazy..." she purred "Then why did you come in the first place. From what I remember it was your idea..." her head was cocked slightly to one side, waiting for an answer when a piercing scream rang out. "Alia.." and then she was off like a shot with Chazzen close on her heels.
"What happened here?!" Chazzen yelled as he stopped on the scene. Brian was running off in the opposite direction, Alia was yelling for him to come back, and there was an axe jabbed into the wall right behind Alia's head.
"He... threw it at me..." Alia was crying slightly as she stopped calling for Brian and turned her attention over to Chazzen and Jenesis. "Chazz.." she pouted "He.. He's gonna be killed" and that was when a waterfall of tears burst from her.
"Take her back to the attic. Looks like Carie had a point after all.." he bit his lip, after watching Jenesis and Alia get far enough away, Chazzen struck out to get his best friend back from whatever terrors might be awaiting.
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Mmm. Chapter three is done. <3