
Chapter Six

The darkness of the warehouse seemed to be pressing in on them as the little group stood in the shadows. "What the hell were you thinking" one of them hissed, spinning the small body of the black bunny in his thin fingers. "Now they're trying to find us!" his hiss raised an octave at the last word and he spun around plunging himself even further in darkness and leaning against the wall.
"They're just children!" the other snarled back, blood trickling down his mouth from where he had just taken a large bite out of his rabbit's flank.
"Children or not. They know we're here." he seemed to bare his long white fangs at his friend before taking another bite from his rabbit as well.

They ate like this, in silence, for a long while. Neither seemed to want to speak to the other and each seemed to be boiling with anger and rage. Their skin was a pasty white color and their mouths were like garbage disposals. Round, and filled with sharp jagged teeth. They wiped some of the blood off their mouths with thing pasty hands that ended in long white fingers and sharp nails. After that, they shook their heads and let the lost flesh of blood drip off their faces. The skin appeared to be shiny, as if wet or slimy.

One of them appeared to be growling quietly to himself before opening up to his partner. "They're just waiting there. Waiting, vulnerable a weak. It's been so long since I've tasted human flesh..." he trailed off, as if hoping for approval from the other.
"Shiair," the other spoke softly "you must have patience, make sure no one is coming for them." his dark cold eyes seemed to be swimming with what could have been tears. "You, of all creatures, should remember the last time we were careless. You must remember what happened to Nanti? When she got a little too desperate for that human flesh?" his face twitched a little as he glared at his partner.
"We're not like her, Krgali." Shiair growled in a low tone. "Anyways, if they just disappear, what can whoever is coming after them do to us."
"They could find us!" Krgali shot back. "If whomever comes for these children are not satisfied in finding them then I'm sure, just like our race, they will tear this place apart looking for their offspring. Where shall we go while they are ripping through this place. You also must remember the luxury of them. It makes us weak, vulnerable, sluggish."

Krgali's head shot up quickly and he looked over at Shiair. "They're right out there.." he pressed the side of his slimy head to the door and gnashed his teeth. Shiair was racing toward the door, his small nd agile frame making almost no noise, but still Krgali hushed him. "We can't let them hear us.." his hiss echoed lightly around the room as he moved himself back into the shadows of the room. "Shiar, over here.." he hissed again, quieter this time.

- - - -

Chazzen was walking down the hallway a little bit ahead of the rest of the group. He was carrying the axe that he'd collected from when Alia had had it thrown at her and was now wielding it as a weapon of his own. "It doesn't look like we're going to find anything.." Brian said in a tone that made it obvious he was getting impatient. Chazzen was about to make a smart alec retort, but before he could get the words out of his mouth Domi had chimed in.
"Brian, just because we haven't found anything yet doesn't mean we should give up. Vinny wouldn't give up, and neither are we!"
With a roll of his eyes, Brian continued to trudge on, walking a little behind the rest of the group, holding Alia's hand.
"Thanks for that, Domi" Chazzen said, for once actually appreciating Domi's sick obsession with Vin Diesel.

Domi nodded in reply and they all continued walking. Silence fell once again so they could all listen better, and see if they could hear so much as a stray or extra footstep. But, once again, the only sounds that could be heard was that of their own footsteps and breathing.
"Where the hell could they be!" Brian burst angrily, his eyes glazing over with anger.
"We're not going to hear then with you yelling, Bri. It's just going to give away our position" Chazzen snapped, taking another step and putting his hand on the handle of the door. They hadn't checked most of the rooms they'd passed. That was the plan for the trip back. But, suddenly it seemed like a really bad plan."Hey, guys.." he whispered, his fingers wrapping around the door handle a little tighter. "Just, think about this.. We're not the quietest group of people, and not opening any of these doors could be a bad thing. What if they hear us, and sneak out behind us. We're no closer to finding them now anyways.." his heart was pounding, as he was sure they were somewhere close. He could see the fear on his friends faces, but he knew what needed to be done. "I know you're all scared, but fear isn't going to get us anywhere. Who's with me?"

Everyone looked around at each other, then over to Chazzen's hand resting purposefully on the doorknob and then, finally, up to his face. One by one, they nodded slowly, all except for Alia. She was standing there, staring fearfully into Chazzen's eyes and hugging her teapot tight to her chest. Brian wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her close. "Lia, it's alright."
She took a deep breath and then her eyes fell on the axe. "Chazz, do you promise to protect me?" she whispered, tears still threatening to assault her face.
"I swear."
"Okay.." she barely breathed, nodding her head.

And, with that, Chazzen turned the knob and yanked the door open.
♠ ♠ ♠
With the completion of this chapter I, reached my 9k mark! So effing excited!
Only 41k more to go [;