
Chapter Seven

The minute the door opened, Chazzen could tell there was someone in their. A sharp intake of breath could be heard in the corner, and even though the world was shrouded in darkness he could sense a presence. "Who's here!" he called out into the darkness.

That's when all hell broke loose.

"We'll have you!" a gruff and deep voice rang out across the room and he heard the shuffle of feet. The creature that disappeared in front of him was not human, and his eyes bugled almost right out of his head. He heard Alia's squeal of fear from behind him and knew that she'd seen it too.

"What the hell..?" was all he managed to get out before the creature was upon him. It's slimy skin met his arm and he pulled back, throwing the axe out into the world, trying to hit anything that he could and just hoping that it would give him the leverage that he needed to escape. "Run! RUN!" he screamed at his friends, seeing a spurt of blue gushing out of the creatures leg. He had no clue how many of them there were, all that was in his head was to get as far away as he could, and so he went. Running like a bat out of hell, he was down the hallway in almost no time at all, but he wasn't planning on leading them back to Leccare and their hide out. He ran in the opposite direction, turning a doorknob and throwing himself into the room. Jenesis was right on his heels and was in the room along with him in a matter of seconds. "Where's everyone else" Chazzen inquired, looking fearfully around the room and listening for someone to start pounding on the door.

"I don't know, Chazz.." Jenny panted, shaking her head and making her now bright green hair fly around her head. "It all happened so fast... again.." she felt like this was all she'd said all day and was getting angry at herself. Why didn't she pay attention just a little bit more?!
"It's alright, Jen" Chazz said softly. "I don't know where anyone else is either, so it's not like you're the only one.." his breath was still a little bit labored and shallow. "I think that they all just scattered though.." his mind was flashing with all kinda of terrible scenarios where the creatures had gotten a hold of his friends and were now devouring them. The last thing he remembered seeing -other than the blue blood- was the gnashing teeth inside the creatures mouths. "They have some serious natural weapons.." he said softly, biting his lip and seriously worrying about the rest of the group. "If something happens to them, it's all my fault.." he could feel a part of himself breaking. These were the only people in the world that Chazzen had ever loved, and he couldn't even contain his fear for a moment to make sure that they were safe.
"Chazzen, it's alright.." Jenesis took his hand in hers and nodded at him. "I mean it."

- - - -

"Shiair!" Krgali growled lightly. "Why did you have to go and give away our position like that! You could have gotten us both killed. Then what would we have done." he looked down as Shiair's leg and shook his bald head, gnashing his teeth in frustration and anger. "They may not be as equipped as us, they may not be as fast or as agile, but obviously they can hurt us!"

"Krgali, it was a lucky shot.." Shiair defended, but Krgali wasn't going to hear it. "We can't be letting out guard down. Can't be letting them get to us like this." the blood was starting to make the room glow a dim blue. "Look at this!" ripping a piece of cloth from his human shirt, he made a make-shift splint, glaring at his partner. "If we were back at the main base.." he said softly, referring to the room they holed up in most often "then we could take care of this properly. I have all the needed medical supplies."

"I'm sure those children are far enough away for you to go and do that, Krgali" Shiair hissed at him. "I doubt they even know where our main base is. You saw how they all ran away like frightened animals. I don't think we're going to have much trouble from them anymore.." he chuckled lightly, but then his lids fluttered and he could feel himself slipping from consciousness. "Krgl.." he slurred, "I need th' me'd'cin.." his slurring was getting worse by the moment, and the pool of glowing blue blood was growing with every second that he lied there.

"I'm going, Shiair. I'm going!" Krgali stood up and took off towards their base on his quick feet.

- - - -

"Alia!" Brian called softly, looking around the room he'd shut himself in "Alia, are you alright, honey?" he had been holding her hand and then somewhere in all the running, he'd let go. He'd lost her. Walking slowly around the room he looked for her, for anyone. The whole scene had happened too fast for him to know what was going on and then he'd ended up here. Alone in this room. "Alia!" he cried out again, softly. How could he have gotten himself separated from her.

Domi was sitting all by himself in a dark corner of the hallway. "Vinny, oh, Vinny I wish you were here.." he cooed to the darkness, looking around him to see what he could see. After a moment, he realized it wasn't just a dark corner of a hallway, but a room adjacent to the hallway. He was leaning up against the wall of this small room, seemingly alone. When he heard a rustle from not too far off, he drew in a sharp breath, hoping against hope that it was o "ne of his friends. Then he saw a glint of metal and heard a sad sniffle. Alia was sitting in the dark just feet from him. "Alia?" he said in a calm, yet shocked voice. He was confused as to why she was here with him and not in some other room wherever Brian had ended up. As if reading his mind, she replied.

"He's gone.." she whimpered, hugging the teapot closer to her chest. "I was holding his hand and then one of those things tried to grab at me.." he sniffled again, holding out her leg and showing it to Domi. There was a trail of blood gushing out of a deep cut. "I lost him. His hand slipped out of mine and now I'm here and not there.." She turned her big, wet, blue eyes on Domi. "We have to go find him.." she started pulling herself to her feet and trying to walk out. But, soon after pulling herself to her feet she slipped back down to the ground.

"Alia..." Domi said softly, sliding across the floor toward her. "You can't go.. You're hurt." he was scared now, what were they going to do? What was he going to do. His face was flushed as he thought of all the possibilities. If they stayed here for too long, they were almost certain to die somehow. Seeing as those creatures were almost definitely on their tail, trying to find and kill them just like they'd done those poor bunny rabbits. "We'll figure out something, Alia, I promise. I'm sure someone will come for us, and if not... I can help you back upstairs.." the last statement he felt was full of empty promises and false hope. He was about sure that, just as they had no idea where anyone else was, no one else had any idea where they were. Domi bit his lip lightly and pushed himself up to his feet. "We have to get out of here." he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet. "We have to go back upstairs. We have to check of Leccare" as soon as she had come into his head, he'd become frantic. She'd been left up there, all alone without a clue of what had been going on down there, and she was still alone. Vulnerable. Slinging Alia's arm over his shoulder, Domi and her started the treck towards the attic.

Chazzen was still sitting in the room with Jenesis. It had felt like time had stopped and they were on a stand still in a limbo that they couldn't escape. They'd both been mulling over what had happened in their heads, and were wondering desperately what had happened to their friends. "I'm sure Domi went straight to the attic, worried about Carie.." he said softly. "And, Brian is almost definitely with Alia, so, I'm sure even if he's not safe she will be." He thoughts were racing as she moved slowly around the room. "Chazzen, we need to get going. We need to go somewhere. I can't sit in this room and let whatever is going to happen, happen." her eyes were wide and her mind was racing. Bursting out of the room, she started running and made it to the attic in mere moments. Leccare was standing next to the wall with her ear pressed against it, as if she was trying to listen to what was happening out there. "Carie.." Jene said softly. "Where is Domi?" Leccare turned to her sister and shrugged.

"I don't know where anyone but you is. No one has come back.." her eyes got wide after a moment and she noticed the wild look across her sisters face. "Jen! Do you mean, you don't know where anyone else is?" her heart started pounding, looking for something to say but only have worries in her mind. "Oh, no, they can't be gone. I love them all. I don't even hate Alia it's just that damn teapot, and I love Domi. Oh, where's my Domi, and Chazzen. I can't lose him. If someone's dead I'm just going to lose my-" she was interrupted by Jenesis yelling.

"Damn it, Leccare, pull yourself together! We have to do something. We've got to go and save them, somehow.." her voice was taught, and he face was annoyed. "Show some initiative!"
Leccare's face went from a worried expression to a drawn down pout. She walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom of them. "I'LL SAVE YOU!" she screamed into the darkness as she started running as fast as she could.