
Chapter Eight

Zooming through the city, Charlie and Elliott had gotten back their youthful esteem. They had circled back around to home to retrieve the little 9mm that Elliott had always had, and were once again not only robbing for things, but also for money.

Pulling up in front of a high end jewelery store, Charlie slipped out of the car with Ell close on her heels, gun in hand. After taking their first few steps into the store, Elliott walked up to the case and smashed it, pulling out a nice necklace and matching earrings for his wife. Then, he pulled the gun on the lady standing behind the case. "Go to the register, and get me the cash." a malicious smile was across his face as he flicked the gun a little bit toward the register. "Come on, lady, we don't have all day."
"Please don't shoot me.." she pleaded, slowly walking toward the register as tears glistened on her cheeks.
"Oh, I have no plans to shoot, or kill you. Just as long as we get our money."

Moments later, Charlie had the money in hand and Elliott was asking her if there was anything else she wanted from the case. All customers that had been in the store were now either outside or crouching on the ground. "Elliott, what about that ring?" Char's eyes flashed greedily as she looked over the large sapphire sitting in the middle of a few small diamonds.
"Ah, it's beautiful, just like you.." he smile, grabbing it out of the case and slipping it onto his wife's finger. "Well, everyone. I'd like to thank you for your cooperation in this and wish you a lovely day." he turned his head to his wife "Go out and get in the car, honey."
Elliott turned to grab just a few more valuable items from the case before turning and running out of the store and back to the car.

"Baby, that was great!" Charlie cooed as her and her husband went zooming out of the parking lot. She was already thinking about where they should hit next. Her foot was pushing heavily on the gas and he eyes were darting back and forth. "Where should we go, Ell" her eyes were shining and her heart was pounding. This seemed to be just like the old days when they took whatever they wanted. She'd always imagined them as dry-land pirates, and that imagination was slowly coming back to her.
"I don't know, love. Where do you want to go." a youthful glow was back in Elliott's face and his demeanor had changed completely from how he had been just hours before. He seemed prouder, stronger, and of course manlier to Charlie.

They were still driving along the road, looking left and right for the next place that they planned to hit. "I think we've just gotten started.." Elliott said, mostly to himself as he listed off places in his brain where they might be able to score a ton of cash, and nice stuff. That's when he saw it. One of the greatest places on earth -in his opinion- to rob. They had tons of nice stuff, plus a safe that was just full of money. Cash America, the pawn shop.