Status: Chapter two just fell down from the sky tonight :)

Is Famous the Best Way to Go?

I do not own the boys of Big Time Rush even though I wish I did, or at least I wish to own James Maslow!

The four boys of Big Time Rush

Kendall Knight

Logan Mitchell

James Diamond

Carlos Garcia

Their girlfriends

Heather Pulliam


JC Weber

This is a sequel to my first Big Time Rush story called Just A Little Taste of Fame.If you haven't read my first one, i advise you to do so, because it explains everything.

Being famous has its advantages, but advantages come with disadvantages. Hard times are ahead for the boys and girls. What will happen? Any break ups? Or will their be engagements in the future??
  1. Chapter 1: Prologue
    Just before the boys leave to go on their three month long world tour!
  2. Chapter 2: The Feeling of Being Away
    Thanksgiving is rolling around and everyone is wanting to go home and see each other. The boys are still out on the road and the girls get to have a week of realization to start. The only think the girls want with their week off is their boys! Will t
  3. Chapter 3: Welcome Back To Minnesota
    The girls arrive back home for the Thanksgiving Holiday without Big Time Rush. James, Kendall, Logan and Carlos have a secret but the girls can't know just yet.