Status: Yeaaah dropping this one too... I started writing it almost 2 years ago, and now it feels really juvenile to me.

How to Take Down the Queen Bee in 5 Easy Steps

As if life isn't hard enough already for the misfit Alissa, she's just been shipped off by her father to a new boarding school with her incredibly hot step-brother, Chad. There she meets his three best friends, Drake and Alex, the hot twins from Spain, and Nico, the albino who Alissa takes particular intrest in.

She's instantly shunned by the female population of the school, her new found friends Amanda and Jessica the only exceptions. Alissa struggles to fit in, and when she finally manages to make some ground the worst happens. She starts recieving texts from an unknown number, texts that leave her with no choice but to comply to the sender's demands.

She believes that the texts are from the notorious Patricia Sparks- Alissa's rival and queen of the school. Alissa and her friends hatch a plan to take down the queen bee in 5 easy steps.