Status: Active ( :

The Girl's a Straight up Hustler

You Left Us In Pieces

Yep. That's me, landing on the floor.
'Jack, move over...' My girlfriend, Jasmyne, mumbled.
'I'm on the fucking floor. I can't move any further away.' I replied, pretty pissed. This happened every night.
'Hmmm...' I heard her roll over in the bed, so I sat up and stared at the clock on the wall. It wasn't even three am... I sighed, standing up and grabbing some jeans and pulling them on. I opened the bedroom door and stared out into the cold, dark corridoor. I could just about see Alex's door, but Rian's and Zack's were both too far up the other direction. I stumbled forwards, not able to see very far in front of me, and eventually found my way to the stairs. I slowly climbed down them, one by one, making sure I didn't fall. I reached the bottem and opened the door straight to my left, and entered the kitchen. I quietly closed the door and flicked on some lights, blinking at the sudden brightness. I opened one of the cupboards at random, and rumaged through for something worth eating alone at not-even-three in the morning. I found some microwave popcorn, read the flavour, and shrugged. Not the best, but there's worse. I placed the salted popcorn in the microwave, set the timer for two minutes, and pushed go.
'Dude-' Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, and I turned and punched them in the face.
'Crap! Alex! Sorry!' I yelled, as I realised it was Alex. He was holding his nose, but laughing.
'Seriously, Jack. Just me!'
'Yeah, I know that - now.' I smiled, and so did he.
'Maybe I should have warned you. Anyway, why're you down here?' He asked, staring at the microwave. 'Is that for you and Jasmyne?'
'No. I just got voted off - again.' I rolled my eyes, as the timer on the microwave went off. I pulled out the bag and opened it, moving away from the steam which poured out. Alex grabbed a giant bowl and I tipped the contents of the hot bag in, and disgregarded it to the side. I went to grab a handful, and automatically dropped them all back in. They were fucking hot.
'Voted off?' He asked, eating some to try and prove he was more manly than me, and failing by fanning his mouth.
'Yeah. Kicked out of bed. For the fourteenth time in two weeks.'
'Ooh, that's every night. Everything alright between you guys? You can always come and bunk in my room if you like,' He offered, and I smiled, but shook my head.
'It's cool. She just... likes her space.' I said, and we left the kitchen and walked into the living room. I turned on the TV and sat on a couch beside Alex, who was eating the popcorn one little bit at a time. I grabbed some and popped it in my mouth, glad it was cooler than before. I flicked through the movie channels until I found a scary movie, and relaxed back. We sat there, laughing at the failed attempts of making us jump, and enjoyed eachothers company.

'Jack, come back up.' Jasmyne's soft voice ran through my ears. My eyes flashed open, and I looked around. First, at the TV, that was now playing some adverts. Second, at the clock, which said six thirty, thid, as Jasmyne, and her pleading eyes, and fourth, at Alex, who's should I was leaning on. I sat up straight and looked at the clock again. We'd fallen asleep before the movie had finished, I remembered that much.
Everything else?
'Um, okay.' I said, standing up. Jasmyne took my hand and led me away from the living room, up the stairs, and into our room. She closed the door and pressed her lips to mine, soft at first, getting rougher with each second. She pulled away and pushed me down onto the bed, and climbed on top of me. She undid my belt and pulled off my jeans, running her hands along my bare chest. I took off her top and pulled her down on me, and she moaned in pleasure.
'Jack - I want to.' She said. Crap. Maybe six thirty was not a good time for this.
'Jas, tonight, not-'
'Jack, please. Please?' She pleaded, pushing her lips on mine.
'Jasmyne, come on, what if-'
'Jack...' She whispered, not pulling away. I sighed, giving in, and letting her finish what she had started. She stayed on top, just so she could be in control, when I heard the door open and Alex appeared, and dissapeared almost instantly, while I heard him whisper 'shit' and close the door.
'What was that?' Jasmyne breathed, looking over her shoulder.
'Alex.' I said, gently pushing her off me. I changed and and walked out into the corridoor, much to Jasmynes dissaproval. I knocked on Alex's door and got no reply, and walked in.
I looked around and saw no signs of him wanting to tell anyone he'd left, so I closed the door and went downstairs.
Again, nothing.
I sighed, giving up, and trecked back upstairs. I could here talking coming from Zack's room; Jasmyne was in there. I walked past and up to Rian's door, and knocked. Rian opened it, only in jeans, and smiled.
'Hey.' I said. 'Seen Alex?'
'Nope. Is he in his room?'
'No. I checked downstairs, and he's not there, either.'
'Oh. I'm sure he wont be too far. Want to come in?' He moved out of the way of the door, and I entered, feeling more than a little responsable.
I knew it wasn't a good idea.
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