‹ Prequel: Long Lost Love
Status: on hold

I'll Love You Forver


The past two months since Zach came back everything seemed to become normal. Within a month that Zach came back and proposed they had gotten married. Zach got a hold of his mom which didn't even know about Zach and was kind of pissed off but she agreed to watch Chloe and Misty while Zach and Maria went on their honeymoon. Misty and Chloe loved Zach to death like Maria did and he loved them as his own daughters. Maria even told him about Xander and Blake but only because he noticed the tattoos on her wrist, one of his name and one of Blake's. Maria also wore both lockets which Zach didn't mind. He told Maria that he was happy for her that she had found someone while he was gone but was sorry that he died. Especially since Blake died because of physco Xander.

Today Maria and Zach were home with Misty while Chloe was at school. Misty was asleep and Zach and Maria were on the couch watching a movie. Maria had her head on Zach's shoulder and was starting to fall asleep. She hadn't got much sleep lately and hadn't felt good but she didn't tell Zach. Not yet anyway since she knew what was wrong. The reason she was tired was because Misty had been sick and she had been taking care of her. No the reason why Maria felt sick wasn't because she got what Misty had it was something else. Something she had before. Something she knew Zach would be happy about. She was going to tell him this weekend and then her daughters.
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