‹ Prequel: Long Lost Love
Status: on hold

I'll Love You Forver

Good News

Maria had went to the doctor today. She was so happy about the news. She was going to tell everyone that night when they were all there.

Maria sat impatiently with Misty on the couch. Misty was watching a cartoon and Maria was watching the clock as the minutes passed slowly. She was waiting for Chloe and Zach to get home. Zach was now working and he wouldn't be home until five which meant when Chloe got home Maria would have to wait two more hours.

It was now three thirty and Chloe would be home any minute, The door opened and Chloe walked in. Maria smiled at her.

"Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" Maria asked her oldest daughter.

Chloe smiled. "My day was good mom." She said before walking into the kitchen to get something to eat. She walked back out and sat down beside Misty and watched t.v. and ate.

Maria smiled at her daughters. They were growing up fast. Chloe didn't even act her age. She seemed older. Chloe was now six and Misty was turning four within a month.

Maria watched the clock again as time slowly went by. Soon it was four. Maria sighed. The day seemed to go by so slow. Misty and Chloe were now watching some other cartoon. They seemed to be so interested in it so Maria watched it some. Maria got bored of it quick and stared at the clock. Finally it was five. Zach would be home now at any time. Maria smiled at the thought of Zach being back. Chloe had went to her room now and Misty was on the floor playing dolls so Maria turned the channel on the t.v. to something she liked while she waited for Zach. Soon enough and he was home.

"Hey babe." Zach walked over to Maria and kissed her.

"I've got something to tell you." Maria told him.

Zach smiled. "And what would that be." He asked.
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cliffhanger xD