Status: Hiatus

Jane Doe's Puzzle.

Chapter One.

Gerard walked slowly through the doors the receptionists had pointed at earlier. She had told him that he had come at the worst time, it was visiting time. He had offered to come back another day, but she said it wouldn't be necessarily, that there was a patient named Jane who never got any visitors, and that from now on he would be her visitor until he completed his community hours.

Gerard looked at the lonely girl as she scribbled on a white sheet of paper, she looked... normal to him, maybe it was the fact that she was wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt rather than the white uniform he had expected her to be wearing.

Gerard took deep breaths of air as he tried to calm himself down, he really didn't know why he was nervous.

"She doesn't bite," someone spoke from behind Gerard causing him to jump a bit.

He turned to look at the woman who appeared to be dressed in her Sunday's best.

"We call her Jane," the woman spoke with a small smile.

"I thought that was her name."

She shook hear head and sighed sadly, "We call her Jane Doe because we don't know who she is."

"Doesn't she know?" Gerard asked as if it were the most obvious thing.

"She was found at the edge of an old highway two years ago, she had been brutally beaten and had a bullet in her skull," she paused sighing once more as she stared at Jane.

"She ended up slipping into a coma, and just a month ago she woke up with nothing but emptiness, she won't speak to anyone, I don't know if it's because she's afraid or because she has forgotten how to."

Gerard stared at Jane as curiosity took over him, he wanted to know what had happened to her, and why.

"How do you know all of this?" Gerard asked as he turned to look at the women.

"I am the owner of this facility and it's my duty to know everything about my patients, and help them get better."

"You're doing a great thing."

She smiled and nodded and then walked away. Gerard stared at her and realized he hadn't asked for her name.

He took one last deep breath and made his way towards her - Jane Doe.

He pulled out the chair in front of her causing her to look up at him, Jane gave him a small smile, but her smile turned into a frown as Gerard sat on the chair. Jane had thought he needed an extra chair. She stared at him and wondered why he was sitting in front of her.

Her eyes soon wondered down to her piece of paper, and she continued to scribble nonsense on it.

"My name is Gerard," Gerard spoke, but like always Jane said nothing.

"I head you don't talk."

She dropped her pen and looked up at him, she was a hundred percent sure he was another therapist that was going to try and force her to talk.

"Why don't you talk?"

She glared at him as she crumbled her paper into a ball and stood up, but before she could walk away, Darlene, the women Gerard had been talking to earlier, took her hand and shook her head.

"Now Jane, is that the way we treat our visitors?" Darlene asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Jane shook her head as her features softened letting Darlene she was sorry for the way she had acted.

"Jane this is Gerard, he's an artist and he's volunteering here, why don't you say hello?"

Jane and Gerard looked at each other for a few seconds, for a moment Gerard thought she was actually going to speak, but instead she extended out her hand, Gerard shook it gently.

Jane turned around and walked away leaving Gerard and Darlene alone once again.

"She'll be back," Darlene said with a small smile.

Gerard nodded, he really didn't know what he could say.

"I'm Darlene Pixma, by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Gerard replied in a low voice.

"Don't worry she'll warm up to you."

Jane stared as Darlene and Gerard spoke to each other, she felt stupid for the way she had acted. She sighed as she grabbed some more paper, she decided to go back and sit with Gerard, she had a feeling she was going to be spending a lot of time with him.
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