Status: Updates Every Wednesday

Vampire's Pet

Chapter Eleven

As I tossed out the garbage, I heard this ear piercing scream and saw River bolt towards the play area. I rushed after them to see Ariana staring down at Alex, whose ear was bleeding and he looked stunned.

"What happened?" I asked as I knelt down and moved his hand to check it out and he winced.

"We were playing in the balls here, when something hit the side of my head really hard. My ears are still ringing," he said with a frown as River examined him carefully from head to toe to make sure that nothing else was wrong.

"Who hurt you?" she asked than and Ariana, sniffed and pointed to a boy who looked ashamed and was hiding in the corner.

"I'm was an accident! I didn't mean to, I-I didn't see him underneath!" the boy began as large tear drops spilt down his cheeks, and a kind looking woman rushed over with worry.

"What's the matter Jack?" she asked as I glanced up at her and realized that it was the woman from behind the till. I turned back to the boy and narrowed my eyes, and that's when I saw his small black and white polka dotted ears from under his mass of black hair.

"I accidentally hurt him Momma, I didn't mean to...I-I never saw him him under all the balls!" he said followed by a sniff and I sighed as the woman sighed.

"Well you should have made sure that no one was there before you went in," she said softly as I moved out of the way so she could grab her boy in her arms, and River looked down at Alex.

"You shouldn't have been hiding either. You know that no one can see you," she said softly as she over looked his ear once it finally stopped bleeding and he nodded with his head down.

"Jack, I think you owe this young boy an apology don't you?" the woman asked kindly as she looked to her son, who looked back and nodded.

"Yeah..." he said softly as he squirmed out of her arms and stood before Alex with his head down.

"I'm sorry, I should have been watching what I was doing..." he said softly with his hands behind his back shyly, and Alex swallowed.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been hiding under all the balls," he said quietly as he played with his hands nervously. I smiled as River stood and smiled at the woman.

"We're sorry for causing problems," she said and the woman stared, and laughed with the wave of her hand.

"Oh don't worry about it, it was both their own doings. Things like this usually happen around here anyways," she said with a shrug, and smiled. "By the way, my name is May and this is my son Jack," she said with a gesture to her son who looked up sheepishly and grinned, showing off his baby fangs.

"My name is Li, and this is River. The other two are Ariana and Alex," I said with a gestured to the two and both of them smiled, and that's when May gasped.

"That little girl is a vampire!" she exclaimed in hushed tones so no one else would hear, and I laughed.

"Oh she's not ours. You see, River and Alex belong to the Dragons Family. I took them out to get them some clothing..they haven't been in human form for many, many years," I said with a raised eyebrow and River turned to me with narrowed eyes, and I laughed sheepishly.

"Oh I understand! You must get along well with your family for them to let you out," she said softly, with a hint of sadness and River frowned.

"Do you have owners?" she asked softly as the three kids went back in to play together. She sighed and glanced out the window to where the group was standing, and the man who had whistled to me gestured for her.

"That's my owner...I'm a slave in his home," she said softly as she leaned forwards and both River and I leaned in. "Jack is his son...I'm that kind of slave," she whispered softly and I pulled back with wide eyes and River looked sad.

"You should run away. Alex ran away from his family and came to find me," she said softly with a glance over at Alex, who was laughing and having fun with the others. May smiled.

"All demons would turn to you for help. Your one of the last Faywings. Your the only one who can help us gain our freedom back..." she said softly with pleading eyes and she reached out and took River's hands in her own as they began to glow.

"Your very special River," she said with a warm smile, when suddenly the door opened and the man appeared not looking very happy.

"May, move it. I'm tired of waiting for you and that brat," he said darkly with a glare, and my ears went back out of anger. River didn't look very happy either as she turned to May with a softer expression.

"I think you should come with us. You don't need that, and neither does Jack," she said seriously as May stared at her with wide eyes, knowing that she was right.

"You guys better hurry up and decide because that guy doesn't look too happy," I said with a glance back out the window towards the man, whose face had darkened.
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That's as far as I made it!

If you like, please comment and I'll start updating it for you!

<33 lAuRa