Status: Updates Every Wednesday

Vampire's Pet

Chapter Thirteen

Ariana sighed for the umpteenth time and I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I looked down at her. She had stuck to my like glue the second they left, and hadn't strayed far since. Her brows were furrowed, and she held a childish pout. It was plainly obvious that she had wanted to go with them.

"Squirt, you know the rules," I said simply in a gentle voice, not wanting to make her cry, but it was already too late. She peered up at me with those baby blues that sparkled with unshed tears.

"I know, Leon, but why? Why won't Daddy let me?" she asked, her voice high and angelic. It matched her tiny features, the perfect little girl. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, wondering how to put this without her bursting into tears.

"Ariana, it's because your not old enough to go out without an escort like me or Dad."

"Well, why didn't you go with them and take me too?"

"Li wanted to go."

"So? You should have went anyway then I'd be able to go!"


She glowered at me for a second and crossed her arms sternly and looked away, still pouting. Sometimes, I wondered how we let her get so spoiled. Other than that, she was always a good kid. She cared a lot about our family and her new pets, especially River.


She was mysterious, to put it mildly. She confused me with her strange ways, and yet her company was welcomed, though not said. I could tell she knew I didn't hate animals especially when she brought Alex home. Cute little bugger...couldn't hate him even if I wanted to.

Outside, I heard a car pull up in the driveway and I rose to my feet, figuring it was them. Ariana gasped and soared from the couch to the window, and I brushed the curtain aside and saw Li parking the car. When he jumped out, River appeared with Alex in her mouth. It was the next two that had me sighing. She brought home more strays.

A small brown fluffy Siamese looking cat followed behind River and Alex, carrying a small white kitten in its mouth. I scratched the back of my head, wondering what my Dad was going to say this time. Surely Alex was an exception, but definitely not two more. Ariana on the other hand, squealed with excitement and rushed from the room in a blur of color.

Shaking my head, I walked over to join them in the foyer. Li stood there with a look of embarrassment, Alex trying to keep his balance on his shoulders until he saw me and meowed pitifully. I couldn't help but smile and reach out to pick up the soft, fluffy black kitten and let him curl around my neck and lick my earlobe. I chuckled affectionately.

River sat there in silence, completely ignoring Ariana for a change. Instead, her eyes bore into my own, unmoving. She was still as a statue. Behind her sat the brown cat, eyeing me cautiously while keeping her white kitten between her legs and behind the safety of River. I looked down at her, unblinking and saw that she was silently trying to communicate with me, and I rubbed a hand over my face with a sigh. Dad was going to kill me.

"Alright, they can stay but only until we can find something to do with them," I said with a warning glare and watched as she rose to her feet, her tail swaying from side to side as she began to purr. I rolled my eyes and walked away, wagging a finger at Alex as he chomped away on it playfully until he got occupied with my hair.

I flopped down on the couch and resumed watching TV while Alex eventually began to doze off on my shoulder, his head lolling to the side. Ariana had disappeared to make a new bed for the two strays I had allowed to be taken in. Dad was for sure going to kill me.

I gave a startled jump when I felt a paw touch the side of my face. River sat there, just staring at me with those piercing eyes and I felt creepy, almost as if she was peering into my soul. Cats have strange ways of being able to see right through you, I've learned.

She pawed the side of my face again, tilting her head playfully. She wanted someone to play with her, seeing as Ariana was too busy with the others. I sighed heavily and sat back, folding my arms as she crawled down and sat on my lap, just peering up at me curiously.

"I don't want to play with you," I said honestly, sending her a glare and she simply flicked her tail, her ears twitching back and forth with irritation. She really wanted someone to spend time with.

"Why don't you go find Devin? I'm sure he'd actually enjoy your company," I said, becoming annoyed and watched as she just sat there and glared at me as if saying I only want to play with you.

I growled with frustration and pushed her off my lap onto the floor, and she hissed dangerously, her ears back. Her tail twitched side to side, sending red shimmer all over the place. Just as quickly, the red disappeared and turned to a calming blue as she plopped her butt there on the floor, and just stared back determinedly.

I dug my hands into my hear with a heavy sigh of annoyance, and accidentally woke Alex who made a pitiful sound as he stretched, his claws digging into my flesh. Ignoring River, I turned to regard him and saw him peering at me, his head tilted. I smiled and reached up to stroke his fur as he began to purr loudly, and licked the side of my face. Cute little bugger.

River meowed once again, capturing my attention and I glared down at her warningly. "You know, for an animal, your getting on my nerves."

She didn't take the threat seriously and meowed again, pawing the side of my leg. Instantly, those piercing blue eyes grew big and round as she peered up at me, trying her best to look cute. Damn, it was actually working!

I tried to look away, but I always ended up looking back. She just looked too damn cute for her own good. I sighed and picked up Alex before flopping over to lie on my back. I set him down on my chest and just watched him as River sauntered over and nuzzled my nose with her own, a sign of affection and curiosity. I wanted to swat her away, but she was too darn innocent and cute.

Finding that trying to figure her out was a waste of time, my thoughts traveled to the upcoming ball. I really didn't want to go because I knew that every single girl I had ever fooled around with or dated was going to be there. I made a face and continued to stare out the window, unaware that I had started stroking River's head and she was purring like a motorboat into my ear while Alex had curled up in a ball and just watched serenely.

Damn cats...just have to be too cute.